
Update: 'It'll cost you $1.8 million': Business owner asks financial advisor to invest money for him, then will not pay his advisor's share

Update: 'It'll cost you $1.8 million': Business owner asks financial advisor to invest money for him, then refuses to pay advisor's share

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss asks employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss insists employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Micromanager boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

boss workplace-stories jobs tractor job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit driving workplace - 22263045

'Quit arguing, if you say another word you’re fired': Boss instructs employee to drive 8 ton backhoe down the highway at 15 miles per hour

landlord housing road parking space car legal landlords yard cars driving driver no parking parking apartment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit grass - 22261509

'Landlord tries to keep [my] security deposit... um, no': Landlord tells tenants to 'park anywhere you want,' then fines them $1500

'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows customer to pump his own gas

'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows insistent customer to pump his own gas, customer ruins his boss's tractor

'Ten thousand pennies... And she'd just committed to carrying them': Client asks repair shop workers "Do you know who I am?" and wants to pay large bill with change

'Ten thousand pennies... And she'd just committed to carrying them': Client asks repair shop workers "Do you know who I am?" and insists on paying large bill with change

flight attendant malicious compliance Movie malicious-compliance-reddit flight movies plane films flights airplane flying - 22235653

'Once on board, she keeps it secret': Flight attendant shows entitled passengers a movie of her choosing to halt their requests

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she won't let him leave the floor "under any circumstances"

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she forbids him from leaving the floor "under any circumstances"

'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' made to issue themself a $70 fine

'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' forced to issue themself a $70 fine, gets expensive pay back on colleague

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

'You need to leave. This is private property.': Demanding new manager kicks worker off grounds despite long drive, worker takes whole day off

'You need to leave. This is private property.': Demanding new manager kicks worker off grounds despite long drive, worker takes whole day off

'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company

'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company