
'I... start calling in absent "just in case"': Bosses tell employee they're 22 seconds late, employee calls in absent for work every single day for 11 years

'I... start calling in absent "just in case"': Employee calls in absent for work every single day for 11 years after bosses scold them for being 22 seconds late

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left leaves on their neighbor's curb

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left their leaves on their neighbor's curb

'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'[The] customer thought we were moving her stuff too slow': Movers refund customer to avoid her reviews

'[The] customer thought we were moving her stuff too slow': Movers refund entitled customer to avoid her negative reviews

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

class donuts spanish snack classmates donut Afternoon Snack snacks mondays snack of the day malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit - 22345733

'You were supposed to bring a snack today': Classmate stops donut shop worker from bringing treats to school, worker brings barely edible snack instead

'We took our sweet [...] time': Hospital manager cracks down on OT, overworked nurses find loophole

'We took our sweet [...] time': Hospital manager refuses to allow OT, overworked nurses find loophole

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage