
'Only go out and plow if I tell you to': County road supervisor makes a snowy mistake during morning rush hour

'Only go out and plow if I tell you to': County road supervisor makes a snowy mistake during morning rush hour

'Entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am': Library assistant loudly eats nachos during meeting with trustees because 'it's policy'

'Entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am': Library assistant loudly eats nachos during meeting with trustees because 'it's policy'

Update: 'Everyone burst out with laughter, she looked defeated': Truck driver barrages boss with delivery photos

Update: 'Everyone burst out with laughter, she looked defeated': Truck driver barrages supervisor with delivery photos

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors'

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors,' employee maliciously complies

‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'

CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'

'I had to keep reminding my boss our agreement': Employee plans brilliant exit strategy after boss won't promote them

'I had to keep reminding my boss of our agreement': Employee plans brilliant exit strategy after boss refuses to promote them

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘I love it when karma kicks in’: Server denied scheduled raise, starts acting her wage, boss forced to reconsider

‘I love it when karma kicks in’: Server denied scheduled raise, starts acting her wage, boss forced to reconsider

Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

'When our boss arrived, he straight panicked': Employees play dress-up while head bosses visit their workplace

'When our boss arrived, he straight panicked': Employees play dress-up while head bosses visit their workplace

'She never figured out it was me': Coworker gets revenge on supervisor who never plans her own trips

'She never figured out it was me': Coworker gets revenge on supervisor who refuses to plan her own trips