
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Elves are Great a Calculus

Lord of the Rings calculus math g rated School of FAIL - 7122063360
Via Whimsies and Musings

Out of Order WIN

Lord of the Rings puns out of order nerdgasm - 7102301952
Via Reddit

One Tag to Rule Them All

twitter Lord of the Rings hashtags gandalf failbook g rated - 7103919872

Total Eclipse of the Shart

poop Lord of the Rings farts - 7111223552
Created by AKHayleyO

Sauron's Laundromat of Choice

sauron Lord of the Rings laundromat - 7077113088

I Hear in Your Room the Same Bangs That Would Break the Walls of Me!

Lord of the Rings - 7081685248
Lord of the Rings gollum nerdgasm Video win - 47858177

You Might Get Emotional When Gollum Dreams a Dream

View Video

Gandalf REALLY Likes His Longbottom Leaf

drugs marijuana Lord of the Rings gandalf - 7085664512
Via LOTR Project

One Laundromat to Rule Them All

laundry Lord of the Rings laundromat nerdgasm sign - 7078381568

You're the Only Ring For Me

Lord of the Rings - 7064201984

Gandalf: The Bearer of Failed Classes

Lord of the Rings gandalf college - 7064214528

Costume Party WIN

costume Lord of the Rings cute nerdgasm - 7056645632
Via Reddit

Lord of the Dominoes WIN

Dominoes Lord of the Rings nerdgasm - 7056644096

Road Block WIN

Lord of the Rings gandalf nerdgasm you shall not pass - 7056127744
Via Obvious Winner

Join the Army, See Middle Earth

mordor Lord of the Rings The Hobbit army joke monday thru friday g rated - 7036046336

Here Come the Orc Armies...

tower sauron Lord of the Rings - 7035006976

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