
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

How Dad Got into LOTR

dads Lord of the Rings The Hobbit funny - 7562329600

The Beaches of Somerset Come Alive With Sculpture

Lord of the Rings gollum sand sculpture nerdgasm funny - 7545381888
Via Indulgd

To Be Fair, He Sounds Like He's From Gondor With That Name

benedict cumberbatch Lord of the Rings funny failbook - 7481014272
Created by Unknown

This LEGO Helm's Deep Model Will Make Your Nerdy Parts All Bothered

lego Lord of the Rings nerdgasm funny g rated win - 7435848704
Via Geekologie

Play a Tolkien Ballad on This LOTR-Inspired Guitar

guitar Music Lord of the Rings design nerdgasm - 7412613632
Via Geekologie


Lord of the Rings - 7391593472

A Playhouse Worthy of the Shire

hobbits Lord of the Rings nerdgasm - 7370259712
Created by comicgeek12 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

This Nerdtastic Tattoo Crosses Many Streams

Lord of the Rings doctor who - 7377284864
Via Reddit

You Don't Want to Cross These Two

sign Lord of the Rings nerdgasm - 7355784704
Via Reddit

"You Were My Brother, Anakin!" -- Captain Picard

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Created by fullmetalitachi
Lord of the Rings list nerdgasm swords g rated win - 52485

Things to Do With Your "Lord of the Rings" Uruk-Hai Scimitar

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You Shall Not Rock!

Lord of the Rings gandalf failbook g rated - 7307555840
Created by tylerss20

I Think You Have the Wrong Wizard

Harry Potter Lord of the Rings gandalf wizards failbook g rated - 7095105024
Created by bhavani

Hooray for the One Ring!

nasa Lord of the Rings phone hooray - 7151580928
Created by Lucky810
Lord of the Rings somebody that i used to know gotye music videos Music FAILS - 48555521

A Precious That We Used To Know

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Sand Castle WIN

sand castle Lord of the Rings nerdgasm g rated win - 7122283520
Via Buckaroojoe

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