
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Lord of the Shoes

shoes Lord of the Rings - 6894005504

They Didn't Even Think to Change Gandalf's Name!

Lord of the Rings plagiarism gandalf The Hobbit failbook g rated - 6874731008

Here I Go!

Lord of the Rings titan The Hobbit - 6864552704

Hobbit LEGOs WIN

lego Lord of the Rings gollum nerdgasm The Hobbit - 6878675456
Via Ochre Jelly

You Shall Not Pass!

finals Lord of the Rings inspirational you shall not pass - 6870597376
Created by DancesWithWolves

What About Elevensys?

Lord of the Rings dennys The Hobbit - 6841801984

My Precious Dress

fashion Lord of the Rings nerdgasm dress poorly dressed - 6842875136
Via Flavorwire
Lord of the Rings gandalf The Hobbit - 45441793

Fighting Trees is All Gandalf Does Anyway, Right?

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Book Display WIN

reading is sexy Lord of the Rings nerdgasm The Hobbit books g rated win Hall of Fame best of week - 6837743616
Via Obvious Winner
Lord of the Rings new zealand The Hobbit - 45232385

New Zealand Weatherman Does His Broadcast in Elvish

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Warning WIN

warning sign school Harry Potter Lord of the Rings nerdgasm - 6789578752
Via Reddit

Nazgul Costume WIN

costume Lord of the Rings nerdgasm - 6809648128

Donation WIN

busking Lord of the Rings homeless nerdgasm classic - 6790393088
Created by Meqad

How Do You Say "Mordor" in Mandarin?

mordor Lord of the Rings China gandalf chinese - 6748228864

Skrillex in Mordor

skrillex Lord of the Rings - 6748342784
Lord of the Rings flight nerdgasm safety airplane Hall of Fame best of week - 44006145

Aircraft Safety Briefing WIN

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