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'Today at the airport a Karen tried to recruit me into being a Karen with her and I was not having it' : Airline passenger delivers epic one-liner that shuts down Karen trying to throw a tantrum

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'You lied to me and you should deal with the consequences': Nightmare Male Karen thinks he got petty revenge by making enemies with a restaurant

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'You idiots always never listen to me': Fast food Karen insists on three separate bags for her order, malicious compliance ensues!

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'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

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'He refused [to move]': Entitled couple steals Large Gal's second seat on flight that she paid for

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

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Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

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'Security was called': Nepo baby gets fired from resort where her parents are members, parents go full-Karen and entire family gets banned for life

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'I would like to get my refund': Absolute Karen gets roasted by business owner after leaving 1-star review for SNORKELING tour because they couldn't swim

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Karen Stole My Rental Car

'Karen was still joyriding in our rental car': Valet gave rental car to wrong guest, she drives it around for 2 hours before the police get involved

Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

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Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

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Karen Leaves 1-Star Review For Tattoo and Piercing Studio, Owner Claps Back