
karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 18082821

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

Lady with coupons in self checkout

'No, I'm stupid': Entitled Karen causes problems scanning coupons at self-checkout

Encounter with a wild Karen

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

Karen reviewing a skatepark in London | housing and residential area. Enjoy the park. Pick up that board. Yes children playing here, less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts.

'Less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts': Karen bizarrely reviews a skatepark in London

Lady says I look like a sl*t and my supervisor said... | "She just stops and gives me this once-over look and stares at me very intently. She stares at my face and says to me "Seriously? You work in a museum and you come here looking like a sl*t?" |

'Her face went completely white': Supervisor intervenes when Karen uses slur on employee, has her removed

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Karen Can't Spell, Writes Wild 1-Star Amazon Review For Birthday Balloons

this karen got owned by my boss | Pleasant environment, terrible staff.

'Please don't come back': Karen destroyed by business owner after leaving 1-star review

ProRevenge story | "We would get a letter every now and then about how the bushes had to be torn out and replaced with [an] 'approved' shrubbery. After the second letter, they sent us a notice that we were being fined." | "We are the Karens who say... Ni"

HOA (and Knight of 'Ni') Karen Demands Exasperated Homeowner Fetch a Different Shrubbery, Costs HOA 'Potentially Millions'

top 10 entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar karens - 17922821

10 Entitled People Who Left Their Stupid Mark Upon This World (September 14, 2022)

Karen opts for Spanish, is shocked -shocked, I tell you!- when someone speaks Spanish

'This is 'merica': Karen chooses Spanish on customer service line, then demands to speak in English

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Insane Karen Engages in 'Parking War' With Disabled Veteran, He Gets Revenge

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Entitled Neighbor Karen Calls Tow Truck When Dude Parks in Front of His Own House

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Frustrated Karen Gets Customer Fired From a Store Where He Didn't Even Work

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Karen Roasted By Business Owner After She Brings Disruptive Newborn to Nail Salon and Leaves Bad Review

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The Choosing-est Beggars of the Week and Their Stupid Demands (Aug 11, 2022)

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Entitled Marketplace Karen Loses It