
Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Karen Stole My Rental Car

'Karen was still joyriding in our rental car': Valet gave rental car to wrong guest, she drives it around for 2 hours before the police get involved

Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

karens facebook-drama entitled parents drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild story entitled Bad Neighbor karen Valentines day - 19119621

Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

reviews karens business roasted karen - 16209669

Karen Leaves 1-Star Review For Tattoo and Piercing Studio, Owner Claps Back

Karen wants a better seat? Let's see what we can do!

'I ALWAYS get the front row': Entitled Karen complains to theater usher about having to bend her neck in her front row seat

customer service karens retail customers service workplace karen service industry - 19059717

Insane Karen demands refund when she orders the wrong size, ends up embarrassed and $0.07 richer

Hit me with your cart I’m hitting you back.

'EXCUSE YOU': Karen 1 hits Karen 2 with her shopping cart, Karen 2 hits her right back

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

‘I Am the Main Character’ : Best of Cringey Entitled People Who Think the World Revolves Around Them

‘I Am the Main Character’ : Best of Cringey Entitled People Who Think the World Revolves Around Them

Karen hurls abuse at 13 old before her husband tries to grab him across the counter

Enraged Karen and Kevin curse out a 13-year-old at a restaurant

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

'Give me a pizza!': Karen demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

'Give me a pizza!': Karen rudely demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

For American Servers - what bulls would stop today if you didn't work for tips? As in, you're paid a competitive living wage by your employer. What are you no longer putting up with from diners/customers?

'I'd probably start refusing service to all the morons that come out to eat and act all entitled': Waiters dish on what would change drastically if restaurant tipping suddenly ended

Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls

Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls