
workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250949

'We're going to be pursuing other candidates': Candidate loses job offer after "failing" salary guessing game interview tactic

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students share the dramas people can't stop talking about at their workplaces and schools

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students spill the juicy dramas people can't stop talking about

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250181

'A great deal of free labor': Candidate withdraws their application after being asked to prepare entire presentation using real company data

'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive

'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive

'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge workplace employment in the workplace client contract contractor - 23232773

'You should fire us!.. Ok': Freight company calls client's bluff and fires them as a client

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace askreddit - 23232517

'They lied about which shifts I'd have': 30+ People share why they quit a job on the first day

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 23205125

'I got blamed': Boss accuses worker of sabotaging the company, worker quits

'He tells us we are trying to nickel and dime him': Autobody workers add oil to customer's car for a small fee, internet divided over the customers' reaction

'He tells us we are trying to nickel and dime him': Auto body workers add oil to customer's car for a small fee, internet divided over the customers' reaction

'Not one of the complaints was suitable to be filed': Law firm partners insist lawyer rush through cases in 20 minutes, frustrated lawyer sends out 75 complaint cases 'with no edits whatsoever'

'Not one of the complaints was suitable to be filed': Law firm partners insist lawyer rush through cases in 20 minutes, frustrated lawyer sends out 75 complaint cases 'with no edits whatsoever'

workplace discussion getting fired workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work i quit quit workplace quitting employment in the workplace - 23206405

'They fired me, I got back at them': Worker fired for giving their notice, gets paid double instead

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'You can answer my calls for a while': Coworker turns the tables when Karen nominates her to be her unwitting assistant

terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers workplace coworker employment in the workplace - 23204613

'You do what I say!': Obstructive coworker demands overtime for her mismanaged project, everyone abandons her

'The Engineering VP saw the price tag, and told us to just rent it': Engineers ask management to buy a crucial piece of equipment, management balks at high cost

'The Engineering VP saw the price tag, and told us to just rent it': Engineers ask management to buy a crucial piece of equipment, management balks at high cost

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work quit veterinarian workplace Horrible Bosses vet quitting employment in the workplace - 23183877

'The price is about $2000': Employer tells Vet they can't claim their employee discount right after expensive pet surgery