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Freight driver follows management's misguided orders resulting in excess overtime for everyone when they arrive to the depot late: 'The next day no one said a word'

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Job candidate leverages trumped-up title to land executive role at a start-up, begins to panic when the realize they're in over their head: 'If I don't get fired by Friday, I'll be absolutely shocked'

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Worker resigns from their role, writing comprehensive tell-all resignation email: 'A complete disregard for safety'

Employee faces unfair treatment when he is being singled out by his shift scheduler, leading him to find work elsewhere

Employee faces unfair reprimands made by disrespectful schedule manager, is informed that scheduler has ‘been trying since day one’ to get him fired

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'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

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Employee waiting for over 2 months to have new tasks assigned to them by new boss as they maliciously comply to their boss's directive: 'I have nothing to do...'

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HR Manager demands IT employee automate system to approve all requests, accidentally exposing sensitive data: 'That decision was automated away by your request'

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Lead programmer insists there's something wrong with their computer to system admin, ends up being their own code: 'I tried not to laugh, but I just couldn't hold it in'

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'The company lost out on a $500K deal': New CFO gets fired after forcing layoffs of essential employees, employee gets a "six-figure" consultancy payout

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'I decided to write him an email and CC his boss': Medical worker stands up for employee break times, commenters urge them to involve HR

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External audit reveals accountant who was blamed for huge mistake was actually the one preventing it, CFO forced to apologize: 'I want to apologize'

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'Pay for 20 hours of work, get 20 hours of work': Client insists that software contractor cut their hours, refuses to listen when told that the project will be delayed

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'In the first week alone, the local facility lost 3 jobs': Longtime electrical engineer loses vacation privileges, HR absentmindedly agrees to his drastic new schedule changes

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18-year-old employee tells boss to approve their leave or accept their resignation: 'How do I tell my boss that she either has to approve my 4 months' notice or accept my 2 weeks' resignation?'

'He kept sending bills for it': Boss refuses to let bridge keeper take his coffee breaks

'He kept sending bills for it': Boss refuses to let bridge keeper take his coffee breaks

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Boss refuses to let employee do their job while she's on leave, company hires someone externally who has no idea what to do and boss ends up with a mountain of unfinished work: 'You are not capable of doing my job'