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'My boss wanted me to train my replacement, but I didn't work there anymore': 16-year-old employee gets back at retail boss who unfairly suspended them

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'Guy told me he couldn't really move fast because his motorcycle boots were too heavy': 20+ Employees who got fired for surprisingly funny reasons

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Restaurant forces staff to compete for a chance to keep their jobs, letting customer reviews decide who keeps their job: 'Slacking off is not an option'

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Manager's obsessive cost-cutting initiatives cost the company more money when double-sided printing policy causes problems with important client: 'All printing must be double-sided—no exceptions'

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Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

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Machine operator forced to adhere to strict new schedule by new management stalling line and costing plant millions in production: 'I got the new boss off my back and he got reamed'

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'Malicious compliance... was easy for me. I just stopped talking': Team of scientists falls into disaray after one scientist refuses to speak following feedback from their boss

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Manager tells employee to "get a better offer" after denying them a raise, they do and quit instead: 'Get a better job offer and we'll talk'

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'No calls and I can't leave the floor? Okay': Video store employee abandons boss in broken elevator after she insists they follow rules without exception

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Boss gives manager more work after they complain about their workload which includes covering vacant positions: 'Those employees quit 8 months ago'

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Employee doing the jobs of 4 people gets fired leaving company stranded without any equipment: 'I'll take it all down with me'

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Employees expose their "deadweight" coworker making it impossible for their boss not to fire him: 'It is impressive how much it takes to get fired for some people'

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Update: 'I used up every sheet of paper in our 14-story building': Writer agrees to "print out the internet" at entitled boss's request

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Law firm hires outside applicant after promising paralegal position to legal assistant for 4 years: 'Calling out tomorrow and have 2 interviews lined up'

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'The guy who pushed past me... just arrived for an interview with me': 20+ Memes for job candidates who can't figure out why they keep getting rejected

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'Give me a solid contract with triple the pay and I'll come back': Boss bluffs about firing employee, employee accepts and leaves workplace in a panic