

People describe their most brutal breakup lines in an AskReddit thread | _iPood_ 4h Hey baby, are tunnel? Because breaking up.

People's Most Brutal Breakup Lines

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Funny brutal insulting things kids said to adults | amalgamas 4.2k points 23 hours ago Little girl dressed as fast food worker Halloween being given shit by her aunt her "low choice" and she needed aim higher if she wanted succeed, whole thing really demeaning and weird. Girl fired back with only 12 s excuse being poor then?

Brutal Junk Kids Said to Adults

How do you come back from being burned by a child.
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A collection of insults that sound like compliments | CaptainShitHead1 4h 6 Awards on top bell curve Reply 9.3k

Deceptive Insults That Sound Like Compliments

Don't fall for these.
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People describe the best comebacks to insults that they've ever heard | Back2Bach 2d 3 3 Awards "Easy, now don't let brains go head Reply 12.6k

Best Comebacks To Insults People Have Heard

These deserve some gold medals.
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A collection of times that people got ruined by words | My daughter scored 93 10th very disappointed, should Punish her 1 Answer Last followed July 2 Answer Follow 1 X Pass 000 Having parent like is already Punishment her | Nickolas Boylan @Boyl 17 Jul v Replying FlatPlana and @FlatEarthOrg Did know flatearther" is actually latin need feel special so bad ill literally just deny obvious shit so people know much free thinker am" 13 Flat Earth Expedition 18 Jul Ancient Romans are criying un their g

Clueless Humans That Got Scolded By Cold Logic

Can't argue with the facts.
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A collection of the world's funniest g-rated insults | n00rmal 4h 1 Award look easy draw Reply 5.0k

The World's Best G-Rated Insults

Just clean enough to get away with it.
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Funny haircuts getting roasted with "say no more fam" meme | Barber want? Him need defeat Frieza Barber: Say no more STARECAT.COM man with bleached hair spiked up like a Dragon Ball character Super Saiyan | Barber want bro? Guy ever eat panini? Barber: Say no more fam

Questionable Hair Decisions Getting Roasted

"Say no more"
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A collection of clever comebacks that just nailed it | Calla Wahlquist O @callapilla My parents are replacing their coffee machine, which is 7 years old s not old have sheets older than Mother: well perhaps sheets aren't getting as much action as our coffee machine going need an ambulance | quixoticrealism TOLD MY DAD CHILL AND HE SAID AM CHILL" AND SAID THOUGHT U WERE DAD DAD JOKED MY DAD TAM REVOLUTION aryastakres hello revolution im dad foxylester bitter defeat

Clever Comebacks That Deserve Medals

Sometimes folks just nail it.
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A collection of clever insults that held nothing back | School Rock N Scott U see flatness too 's fake U can see animation Scott are horse 1600s with dementia who just decided get into body child, but with no more education than he had as horse | 90 DAY FIANC BEFORE 90 DAYS BREAKOUT STAR Jael Martinez•3 weeks ago MS He looks like germ Mucinex commercial 16K 287 VIEW 287 REPLIES

Rare Insults That Held Nothing Back

Bonus points for creativity.
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A collection of times that people got destroyed by the power of words. | grumpythebarbarian Tyron @TyronWilson are not slytherin are 32 2019-06-12, 7:06 AM E ms-demeanor character Harry potter is 36. People who are 32 were exact age range match Harry as books were being published, they probably grew up with and probably important them if they're still talking about their Hogwarts house. Being an adult doesn't have be joyless slog work and taxes allowed continue enjoying childhood interests, and

Wordsmiths That Lit People Up Online

Words can be effective.
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People's favorite insults that don't have swear words. | Froglottery 2h "Even Bob Ross would call mistake" Brutal and wrong

AskReddit Thread: People's Favorite Clean Insults

Clever insults without the swear words.
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A collection of insults that sound exactly like compliments. | RetainedByLucifer 22h 1 Award classic hope day is as pleasant as are This is coming retail worker FullI Karen.

Insults That Sound Like Compliments

They're not fooling us.
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People imagine Gordon Ramsay roasting their kitchens | literally_tho_tbh 16h He opens cabinet door and 6,000 mismatched tupperware containers and lids fall out all over floor.

People Imagine Gordon Ramsay Roasting Their Kitchens

Literally everything must go.
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A collection of creative insults that caught people off guard | KANYE WESTO @kanyewest Tweet Ed. Yeezy slides @Cripple_God Wouldn't wear these shits if they could make walk KANYE WEST o @kanyewest Yeezy slides |  much is $2 chips? probably takes an hour and half watch 60 minutes

Creative Insults Deserving Of Trophies For Their Savagery

The comments section always delivers.
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Grandma with Alzheimers insults rude Karen | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by byebyebrain1 7 days ago Don't mess with my Grandma, Karen. XL denotations people involved are pretty obvious so am not going list them Summary: Grandma with Alzhiemers puts Karen her place.

Grandma with Alzheimers Defeats Rude Karen

Well done.
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Wendy's starts a roast battle on Twitter about their breakfast competition | tweet by Jeremy Schmidt @jeremytschmidt Replying Wendys Wendy's is making breakfast now, meanwhile Burger King is still trying figure out this whole "lunch" thing everyone's talking about | Mark Holley @WeatherHolley Replying Wendys McDonald's puts milk bowl before cereal.

Wendy's Gets People To Roast Their Competitors

No one is safe in the Wendy's Breakfast Battle.
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