
'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

'My boss was let go': Boss gets fired, now the company wants this employee to take their job without a raise

'My boss was let go': Boss gets fired, now the company wants this employee to take their job without a raise

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'I was fired after this': Worker fired for missing work due to injury sustained from shoplifter

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'I was flabbergasted': Interviewer calls candidates current employer without asking

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'This will cost you big time': Employer tells worker they can't leave until relief arrives, they comply and rake in the overtime

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'I'm watching my future former director going nuts': Boss has dawning realization at employee's imminent departure

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'We knew he was full of it': Lying one-upping coworker gets caught out in a lie that they can't live down

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'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation

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'Where are you?': Worker quits, boss schedules them anyways and accuses them of 'no showing'

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'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

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'My manager collected donations for me but kept it all': Boss collects donations from coworkers under the guise of helping with a personal tragedy, dips with all the money

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'You all agreed to and signed off on [it]': Project Manager fends off moving goalpost trap with superior paper trail and process

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'They tried to write me up': Boss reprimands worker for being twenty-two seconds late, worker phones boss every time they leave home

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'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work

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'We were now operating on a shoe-string budget so the manager got as much money as they could': Extreme cost saving measure causes costly pricing error

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'She got fed up': Manager regrets demanding that retail cashier ask for their transaction approval