
in the workplace

workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit quitting employment in the workplace - 35384837

Boss cuts productive employee's hours, they quit, boss gets fired due to drop in performance: 'So, I quit'

Being charged with the responsibility of a section of a business usually means that it's implied that you'll hold that section's interests at a level of most importance and not jeopardize them over petty slights and egotistical battles with your subordinates and external parties. Yet, some people can't help themselves and let their ego get involved in every possible decision, finding themselves battling for superiority at every step of the way rather than managing the task they've been employed…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35385349

Boss lies on incident report after workplace incident, blaming employee: 'Should I confront my boss about this?'

Health and Safety is no joke—though often made into one by one of those weird things in workplace culture that is handled with complete polarity depending on the organization you work for. If you work for a “cowboy” small business owner whose organization's growth has far outpaced the professionalism of its structure, one where the owner is used to taking risks that place themselves in danger, relishing these moments with machismo and bravado, bragging about them for years afterward. They now f…
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customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

We have this tendancy as a society to assume that just because someone is notably successful in one area that they must be a paragon of humanity in all other ways when—well, this often couldn't be farther from the actual truth. See, there's this thing that happens to those who have early success—or have success thrust upon them thanks to nepotistic opportunity—where they also think they're better than everyone else. If they found their success through a singular focus on their chosen path, it's…
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35335941

Boss fires video editor after setting impossible targets, video editor ensures their boss gets fired: 'my manager presented my KPI of 85 3-10 minute videos in 52 weeks which was impossible'

KPIs are an important part of business operations, ensuring that workers are on track. Still, you've probably heard about “SMART” goals before, and while the acronym itself might be a little bit dumb, it still stands to reason that the “A” in “SMART” stands for “Attainable”—and for good reason. There's nothing more demoralizing than when managers set staff an intentionally unattainable goal— The managers who set these types of goals usually take their methods to memoirs from 1980s business magn…
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boss antiwork employee work stories manager job work coworkers petty revenge Horrible Bosses entitled union reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35363333

'I see you're not a team player': Boss limits breaks to two 15-minute sessions due to being understaffed, employee consults union and faces backlash for reporting

Let's face it: we all need a break from work. There's no way our brains can stay totally engrossed for 8+ hours while still producing our best quality work all day long. Whether it's stepping outside for a quick breath of fresh air or eating a snack, sometimes that mental break is really what an employee needs to power through the rest of the day's tasks. Well, this boss is trying to mandate a new break policy. He's only allowing his employees two 15-minute breaks a day due to the company being…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment got fired in the workplace - 35368197

Boss wants employee to train their outsourced replacement who will be earning 75% less: '[He] expects me to train her...'

There's this weird thing that happens in employment, you're there to get a paycheck—no question about that. And while your employer will want to pay you (close) to market rate if they want to keep you they're always going to want to pay you as little as they possibly can get away with. You want more, they want to pay less, probably figuring that they'll get the same amount of work out of you regardless. This dynamic will hang over any employment agreement you enter into. There becomes a point t…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35357189

Manager demands employee share their calendar, employee deletes it: 'She's either trying to justify firing me, or assigning me other people's work'

Time management is an important skill when it comes to your working life. It's a huge determining factor in ensuring that you get enough done and get it done on time. Prioritization and organization are key components here, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed even in the face of a long to-do list. Meanwhile, organization ensures that you can maintain efficiency without getting in the way of yourself, keeping stress at a minimum. Of course, it's only natural for your manager to share an inte…
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industry boss jobs employee job bosses work coworkers 70s 80s gen x career career change 1970s Reddit company 1980s in the workplace - 35350021

Gen X workers who changed careers after 50 explain why and offer advice for other employees looking to do the same: 'It's only too late to change lanes when you decide it's too late'

Who says it's ever too late for a career change? In reality, we go through so much change in our lives. How can we expect to pick a career in our early 20s and be expected to love it until we retire? Sometimes, that is the case. But most times, you learn a lot of things in life that you couldn't have possibly known about yourself at a young age, and you shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of your younger self when you are, in fact, much wiser and more mature. The truth is, you can change path…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job fired story consultant work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35356677

Efficiency consultant "experts" advise firing the wrong employee cost the company their biggest account: 'Business went from $200k to zero'

A surprising amount of experts and analysts get hired to improve the efficiency of businesses that they know nothing about, putting more effort into marketing themselves and trying to ensure corporate clients than into ensuring their analysis offers any actual value—or that their statistics hold any actual significance. At the end of the day, all they care about is that they're able to give the client some result, a result that the manager who hired them is going to take at face value since the…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35311365

Employee told to stand by for reassignment, does for 19 months until they run into their boss who asks them where they're working now: 'You should have seen her face'

People think that their managers don't do any work, merely attending an ever-increasing number of meetings every day, ad infinitum, pretending that they have enough on their plate that they couldn't possibly help you with anything else. But, one of the most challenging parts of a manager's job is ensuring that their team members have enough work to do themselves and not—you know—faffing around all day and enjoying a peaceable existence… All the while not doing a whole lot of actual work themsel…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

It's often said that HR is never on your side, but is merely there to maintain an equilibrium that will prevent the organization from opening itself to vulnerability or liability. They are there to manage the “human” resources of the company, and—well, that's you . Still, in instances where you're dealing with someone in the organization—be it a boss, coworker, or other party—who is so incredibly off base with their actions or reasoning, then it just makes sense to go to HR and help them see yo…
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management weekend memes employment issues boss hilarious worker employee manager job relatable memes work memes workweek bosses coworkers funny memes employees funny employment in the workplace - 35254789

28 Hilarious Work Memes for Employees Counting Down Until the Weekend

We're almost there; the weekend is just around the corner! It's so much harder to enjoy work in the summer. Unlike winter, when everyone stays indoors due to the cold, in summer, we just want to be outside soaking up the sun. It's hard to be cooped up in the office all day, especially when the best weather has passed by the time we leave work at 5 p.m. We usually find ourselves staring out of the window, daydreaming about being outside, wishing we could spend the whole day in the sun instead...
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ask reddit boss jobs employee employment-discussion job best jobs bosses work coworkers employees reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35233541

25 Employees share the best jobs they've ever had: 'I do about 10-15 hours of actual work a week'

Have you ever had a job you loved so much you wished you could go back? Maybe it was a summer job you had as a kid or a random contract that ended up being better than you expected. There are so many jobs out there that it's impossible to know about all of them. Well, these employees share the random odd jobs they had that ended up being the best jobs they ever had. Whether it was great because they had the best coworkers, the benefits were amazing, or they barely had to put in any time for wha…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25869829

Worker told they can't take their leave the day before they're set to leave, they take it anyway: 'I'm ignoring the fact that the leave isn't sanctioned now'

We work to earn money to support ourselves and our families and to give ourselves a chance at a life of better comfort and the space to pursue our individual interests. Sure, some of us might be lucky enough to reasonably enjoy our work and even find fulfillment in it, but it still serves as the means to an end. In short, you work so that you can better enjoy the time spent not working. And in some sort of weirdly depressing poetic sort of sense, the two are permanently at odds with each other.…
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employment job jobs work workplace malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance ceo open plan office Office Horrible Bosses hot desking - 35219717

CEO pushes junior staff member for more productivity, they start working their scheduled hours: 'I worked exactly the hours I was paid to, instead of coming in 30 minutes early and staying 30 minutes longer as well'

It's ironic how the cubicle was the symbol of working-class oppression in the 80s, 90s, and 00s, with countless references in popular culture using it to establish the character's insignificant overlooked place in society. The cheap grey carpet and the temporariness of the fabrication reflected how the organizations viewed their lowest productive workers—too expendable to bother placing in an ordinary office.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 28037381

Overworked truck depot worker calls boss's bluff after being reprimanded for working their scheduled hours like they were told: 'Clearly, you're not going to fire me. You have no one who can do my job'

Being overworked and understaffed, working long hours at odd hours, is no way to live your life. Still, many of us are doing so in order to eke out a living in this wild world. It can even seem manageable while you're in it, grinding out the hours to keep up with an ever-increasing workload to keep the bossman happy while seasonal demand runs its course or to cover for that vacant role that they've yet to see fit to fill. The reality is, by trying to do the right thing and keep everyone happy,…
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