

incompetent manager cancels closer job, store gets robbed and there's proof it was the manager's fault

Incompetent Manager Gets Rid of Closer, Store Gets Robbed

Gotta lock the place up somehow.
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funny facepalm moments of people being stupid

Facepalm Moments Made Possible By The Brutally Stupid

Someone fire up the brain-o-meter.
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nephew steals from uncle, uncle refuses to pay 40K of college money

Thief Nephew Steals His Way Out of College Money

Not so well-played, bruh.
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story of man who doesn't want emergency night repairs, he antagonizes the repairman and gets arrested

Entitled Goofball Calls Cops On Emergency Pipe Repairman, Gets Arrested

The tables, how they turn.
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people who didn't get jokes

Tragically Oblivious Simpletons Who Didn't The Joke

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funny times people were dumb

Dumb Facepalm Moments Of Sweet, Spicy Stupid

Think, like for a second.
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dumb advice people got

The Stupidest Advice People Received

Absolutely amazing.
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guy at company wants computer that doesn't exist

Coworker Demands Mathematically Impossible Computer, Gets Proven Incompetent

Don't want to listen to the expert? Alright.
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funny moments of kids being stupid

Signs Kids Are Dumber Than Bushels of Hammers

They're pretty dumb for people who spend so much time in school.
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dumb times people didn't get jokes

Frustrating Morons Who Didn't Get Obvious Jokes

Very poignant observation.
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dumb advice

The Worst Advice People Ever Received

"Computers are a fad honey, the real money is in typewriters."
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funny stupid scammer fails

Incompetent Scammers Who Were Their Own Worst Enemies

Maybe consider another career.
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dumb stupid facepalm moments

Goofs, Blunders, Mishaps and Facepalm Moments

Such fascinating lives we lead.
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times oblivious people didn't get jokes

Oblivious People Who Completely Missed The Joke

Thanks for the clarification, guys.
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really stupid things people said

The Dumbest Utterances People Have Heard

We can't all be geniuses.
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facepalm moments of people being stupid

Stupid Facepalm Moments Of Human Moronitude

Good work everyone.
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