

funny moments of kids being weird and dumb

Proof Kids Are Weird As Heck

Nice one.
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stupid funny facepalm moments

Facepalm Moments Of Profound Dumbitude

Here we go.
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mistaken funny stories morons lol dumb idiots stories funny stupid - 14212101

People Who Proved They Weren't The Dumb One

Sometimes there's justice.
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images of people online who didn't understand memes and jokes

Mistaken Bozos Who Didn't Get The Joke

Think about it for like, a second.
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strange and stupid things kids did

Inarguable Signs that Kids are Stupid and Weird

Only some of us grow out of it.
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video of guy who hangs from bridge while on moving boat, knocks over people

Dude Hangs On Bridge, Forgets He's On Moving Boat

Woops to you and everyone behind you.
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strange and dumb things kids did

Signs That Kids Are Dumb and Weird

Their brains aren't done cooking.
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people who stupidly didn't understand jokes and got wooshed

People Who Missed The Joke By Light-years

It's a frustrating byproduct of human interaction.
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funny facepalm moments of people being dumb | Natalie @jbfan911 large boulder size San Miguel Sheriff @SheriffAlert Large boulder size small boulder is completely blocking east-bound lane Highway 145 mm78 at Silverpick Rd. Please use caution and watch emergency vehicles area. | Tim Hogan O @timjhogan 3h Sometimes think about guy at my poker table Vegas who kicked out after pit boss said he too drunk high bar Security came over, asked him say alphabet starting with "M" and he replied Malphabet"

Dumb Moments from The World's Precious Dullards

Where would our self-esteem be without a nice low bar?
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Mistaken people who took satirical joke news seriously | tweet by TheOnion Biologists Still No Closer Discovering Birds Have Sex If thats true just shows even though folks think are real advanced and good with computers nature still will always be more complicated and not then our technolgy

Sadly Mistaken People Who Didn't Understand Satire

It's funny, but also kinda really sad.
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Stupid funny things said by people confidently | psychiatricpenguin 25.0k points 19 hours ago 32 8 3 should try incorporate cinnamon and apple cider vinegar into diet, then can get off insulin and use more natural products control blood sugar type 1 diabetic

Mindlessly Stupid Things People Said In Full Confidence

Get some of that Dunning-Kruger over here.
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Dumb and funny questions people were asked | posted by moe_skweeto trying move one those big, multi purpose weight machines, and they noticed it's set its heaviest setting Why don't set its lightest setting so it'll be lighter

Dumb Questions People Were Asked

They say there are no stupid questions but these are pushing it.
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Times people realized their boss was stupid | Peregrine2976 Dropped ton cash renting art museum's art bank our (decrepit Chinatown) office. Then didn't have money pay salaries

When People Realized Their Boss Was Dumb

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funny pictures and stories of kids being stupid and strange | Brian Wecht @bwecht Audrey 6yo Daddy! Did know after Michael left my school, he came back and now people call him David Does he look and sound totally different too? Audrey: Yes s not same kid, honey. Audrey long pause Maybe | pineapplefiendwillriseagain: This is my little baby cousin and he is dressed as smoke detector Halloween None us know why but he is really obsessed with smoke detectors 's all he's asked way presents these past

Moments that Confirm That Kids Are Weird and Dumb

They're not very savvy people.
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funny stupid moments of failure | If ever feel sad just remember my friend and his girlfriend peeled 102 garlic gloves recipe and then realized said 1 2 garlic cloves | Why is there car inside bank car reflecting in window

Dumb Moments of Failure and Stupidity

It's a steady stream of dumbness.
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funny moments of kids being weird and dumb | DROPPED TOILET PAPER TOILET BUT THEN WASHED soggy roll of toilet paper | Name each following shapes. 1) 2) Lulu Maxwell 3) 4) Olivia Quinton geometry

Signs that Kids are Not Smart People

They're not.
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