
'Thanks for the attitude': Maintenance worker pens resignation letter

'Thanks for the attitude': Maintenance worker pens resignation letter after boss criticises their time off

r-hotels, reddit-hotels, mom-drama, family-drama, adult-son, millennial-son

'My mom has sticky fingers': Mother steals $1,200 vase from hotel, gets caught and makes it her son's responsibility to get her out of the charges

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

'Don't talk to him like that': Entitled guest gets kicked out by hotel manager after she barks at another guest to 'wait his turn'

'Don't talk to him like that': Entitled guest gets kicked out by hotel manager after she barks at another guest to 'wait his turn'

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

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'Sold out means sold out': Entitled hotel guests refuse to check out of their room, staff forcibly remove them

‘I’m sorry, there has been an issue with your room payment': Hotel guest gets even with youngsters who throw Christmas parties in the middle of the night

‘I’m sorry, there has been an issue with your room payment': Hotel guest gets even with youngsters who throw Christmas parties in the middle of the night

'This lady filmed me': Karen accuses hotel housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'This lady filmed me': Hotel guest falsely accuses housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

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'My employers are stealing from me': Penny-pinching managers try to skim hours off of a receptionist's paycheck, they get caught red handed, facing labor board lawsuits

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

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'It was like a clown car': Bullheaded Karen expects a free upgrade after booking a tiny hotel room for her whole family, finds out the hotel is completely booked

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed

'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed

'Oh, that was nine months ago…': Karen demands for hotel front desk agent to find her lost charger from nine months ago, writes scathing online review

'Oh, that was nine months ago…': Karen demands for hotel to find her lost phone charger, writes scathing online review