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Prank Artist of the Day: Convince Repeat DUI Offender He's Been Unconscious for 10 Years

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Her Cooking Can't Be THAT Bad...

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He's Such a Butthead

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Oh, Is That Why You Just Talked About It on Here?

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A Bright Idea

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Then You Get 'Medical A-Fixin'

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This Children's Hospital Went the Extra Mile to Make an MRI Less Scary

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Just Another Day at the Orifice

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The Mom of This Cancer Patient Asks for a Pizza, the Internet Delivers an Entire Party

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This Hospital Turns Its Child Cancer Patients into Superheroes!

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On the Way to the Hospital. Text It!

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Priorities, People!

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But You Didn't Have to Stoop So Low

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Wars Usually Bring People to the ER...

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