

What Do You Expect?

Picture of flatlining heartbeat with sassy comment saying, obviously the person is dead.
Via elephantwithanass
Nurses reveal the craziest answers they've gotten after asking people the "sexual history" question.

33 Nurses Anonymously Reveal the Most Insane Answers They've Gotten When Asking the "Sexual History" Question

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Girl Tells Hilarious Story About Crazy Injury She Suffered Through Sex, Using Snapchat and Memes to Sweet Perfection

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guy ends up at the er with a dildo stuck in his ass

Legendary Idiot Live-Tweets His Trip to the ER After Getting a Dildo Stuck in His Ass

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ouch FAIL hospital cars stunt Video - 82296321

Steve-O's Latest Stunt Attempt Lands Him in the Hospital with a Sick Broken Ankle

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Anesthesia Might Be the Best Vacation You'll Never Take

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The Secret to a Good Lemonade is Something You Learn With Age

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Watching These Premature Twins Holding Hands Will Make You Want to Text Your Sibling

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Bradenton Police Hunting for Man Who Delivered Heroin Wrapped in a Burrito to Hospital

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He Definitely Beat Something Up

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1 Degree Away From Death

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Dark Hospital Comic

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This Kid Has a Priceless Reaction to Waking Up With a Cast on His Arm

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After Being Paralyzed for 11 Days, a Girl Surprises Her Favorite Nurse With Some Good News

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Presenting the World's Stealthiest Deuce at a Turkish Hospital

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Meet "Flamy"... A Mascot Created to Help Children Who Are Burn Victims

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