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Top Tales From the Front Desk This Week (March 22, 2023)

Does anyone have it harder than the front desk agent in this age of horrific Karens, annoying teenagers, and entitled folks?
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tales-from-the-front-desk guests hotel customers karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit karen - 19752709

'I don't tolerate liars': Local Karen and Kevin denied a room at hotel, front desk worker stands ground

There are some people you just don't want to mess with, and front desk workers at hotels are definitely among those people.
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Charged for dinner at a friend's house?

'That’s so gauche': Woman demands payment from dinner guests after they've already eaten

While hosting a dinner for friends, this woman accidentally confused everyone in attendance with her strange payment policy . The OP of this story, r/Pinkishrabbit, was so befuddled that they wrote to r/etiquette to figure out what was actually going on. As the OP tells it, they went for a dinner at a pal's house along with two other mutual friends. They had a nice time, until the next day, when the two friends began texting the OP that the host had asked them for money . Sure enough, the host…
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Update on host that requested I separate the whites and colors and do a laundry load before checking out

'Don't ask me to do work for you': Airbnb customer asked to do laundry for host three times despite steep cleaning fee

These Airbnb hosts are in desperate need of a reality check.
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That's a hard no. And again, still no. Yeah, no. Not giving you this one, either. I'll let you leave, though.

'I want something classy that isn't embarrassing to be seen at': Cranky hotel guest throws a fit over a campfire, swiftly regrets it

Hotel clerks have to deal with so many stupid questions. This front desk manager wrote about how they work in a national park at a hotel, and as with most customer service roles, they have some guests that can never be satisfied with their surroundings. One guest approached the OP to ask this gem of a question: "I know the county has a burn ban going on right now, but since the lodge is on federal land, it doesn't apply. So I can start a fire on the grass just outside my cabin , right?" The poo…
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'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

Would you stay at this Airbnb that has the most micromanage-y rules possible? One person vented their frustration about this very problem to r/mildlyinfuriating. It is just mildly infuriating, after all, these rules aren't the end of the world. But these rules are weirdly specific, and they would definitely be annoying to someone who's just trying to relax on their vacation! Check out this rules list that is giving “graphic design is my passion." Read about
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‘I Am Not a Little Girl’ : Concierge Determined to Exact Revenge on Entitled Hotel Guest, He Gets What He Deserves

‘I Am Not a Little Girl’ : Concierge Determined to Exact Revenge on Entitled Hotel Guest, He Gets What He Deserves

Doomed from the start, dude. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
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Airbnb host leaves us a sh**** review for not cleaning before we left. We paid $3600 to stay for a week.

'I really just want to see the entire concept of AirBnbs in flames': Shady Airbnb host overcharges and leaves nasty review of guests

On the latest episode of Airbnb Horror Story...
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You are not a Jedi Master you are a messy traveler

Guy Tries to Talk His Way Into Unavailable Hotel Room, Won't Take No For an Answer

In contrast to the other interactions we see posted online by customer service persons, this one is pretty innocuous. It does a great job of providing insight into the sheer number of bizarre interactions you have — week in and week out — when you work in a public-facing role. Not all of them are Karens losing their marbles over the slightest inconvenience — but they will still leave you scratching your head and wondering what in gods name you have just witnessed. I used to sell bikes, and some…
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Make my coworkers cry I will help karma turn your life upside down.

'I am not quite finished with him yet': Hotel employee gets massive revenge on entitled guest

This hotel employee concocted the most elaborate revenge plot on an awful, entitled guest!
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large sister in law destroys chair, won't pay for it after she destroys it

Large Sister-In-Law Knowingly Destroys Expensive Chair, Refuses To Pay For It

The internet presides.
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entitled parent brings baby to wedding, doesn't see why they're in the wrong

Parent Brings Disruptive Baby To Child-Free Wedding, Doesn't Understand Why They're In The Wrong

That's some straight up cognitive dissonance right there.
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Twitter discussed Swedish people not feeding guests

The Internet Found Out Some Swedish People Don't Feed Guests and Twitter Had A Day About It

Really puts the Swedish Chef into perspective.
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weird things people did visiting someone's house

Wild Junk People Had To Do When Visiting Someone Else's House

Uh, cool.
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bad houseguests

The Worst and Weirdest Houseguests People Have Witnessed

Okay, cool.
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plant mom's family steals and sell plants

Plant Mom's Sister-In-Law and Niece Say They'll Watch Plants, Cut Up And Sell The Pieces

That's a bundle.
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