funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Funniest Tweets About Your Therapist This Week (October 19, 2022)

Funniest Tweets About Your Therapy Fails This Week (October 19, 2022)

Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

Funniest Jokes for Those of You Stuck in a Career Crisis

New, fresh and funny tweets, twitter, fails

An Epic Hodge-Podge of Fresh Tweets Calling Out Everyday Fails (October 18, 2022)

twitter tweets funny tweets tweet funny twitter random tweets - 18131461

20+ Fresh Tweet Treats For Your Eyes to Consume

funniest tweets from this week

The Funniest Tweets That Didn't Fail to Give Us a Literal LOL

Fresh Job Jokes For Your Beginning of the Work Week Woes

Fresh Job Jokes For Your Beginning of the Work Week Woes

funny tweets and fails or twitter

Top 25 Funniest Tweets of the Week That Had Us Fail at Getting Any Work Done

Fresh Work Memes for This Fall's Overworked Employees

Fresh Work Memes for This Fall's Overworked Employees

It's the First Week of October and the Halloween Memes and Tweets Have Arrived

It's the First Week of October and the Halloween Memes and Tweets Have Arrived

These memes and tweets are both nostalgic and triggering.

Memes and Tweets To Make You Feel Nostalgic and Old

Memes for People Who Have Some Serious Beef With Henry Ford for Inventing the 5 Day Work Week

Memes for People Who Have Some Serious Beef With Henry Ford for Inventing the 5 Day Work Week

The Best Memes and Tweets for Your Corporate America Woes

The Best Memes and Tweets for Your Corporate America Woes

Here are some random and relatable Tweets for your middle of the week breakdown

Random and Relatable Tweets For Your Middle of the Week Breakdown

Top Trending Memes and Tweets That Are So Dark And So Real

Top Trending Memes and Tweets That Are So Dark And So Real

Some things should not have a pumpkin spice flavor, people!

Funniest Autumn Fails for the First Week of Fall

Funniest Work Memes And Tweets to Celebrate That It's Finally Friday

Funniest Work Memes and Tweets to Celebrate That It's Finally Friday