
funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

Funny Tumblr Thread on the Spice that Han Solo was smuggling | vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow prokopetz Follow know Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like 's this big scary drug, but kind like imagine s basically just space weed, and only reason Han got trouble with Imperials over Jabba's cargo is he evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If just looking at mentions original trilogy, is there evidence 's even drug and not something put on bland food make taste like something

Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

Spice. Not even once.
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Tumblr goes all the way in on why dragons have their eyes where they do. | galahadwilder sudden, terrifying thought see an animal with its eyes set front, like wolves, or humans s usually predator animal.

Tumblr Goes Mythological Scientist Mode On Dragons

Dragons are awesome.
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funny tumblr gems, moments and memes

Sparkling Tumblr Gems Uncovered From the Deep

Commence the tumbling!
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Funny tumblr thread about operating a clown meat deli

Tumblr Thread: Being a Purveyor of Fine Clown Meats

It's uh... it's a lot.
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A quick Tumblr thread addresses the world's greatest tropes. | inspectorwired Follow movie tropes will never get old thing happens two people exchanging money back fourth wall breaking give up all weapons" and one guy spends entire evening taking his weights worth out his pockets terribly loud crash* meowing/ car sirens heard offscreen alternatively terribly loud crash and one characters going "oops most casual voice "fuck well if insist" nerdgasrnz Follow #alternatively alternatively terribly

Tumblr Thread: The World's Greatest Tropes

Love us some tropes.
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A quick Tumblr post about how our brains trip out in complete darkness. | georgeyofthetrumpets blackbearmagic no but seriously still get chills thinking about turning off my headlamp cave and Hand Did Not Actually See, and 's been twelve years since happened 's such an unreal experience like turn off light cave and wave hand front face and

Tumblr Thread: Sensory Deprived Brains Turn Into Hallucination Factories

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An epic wholesome Tumblr story about a mom who tried to purchase a woman with goats. | probably-voldemort My family is not very religious most time pray at Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving dinners, and my mom's entire side family excluding her parents and siblings is hardcore religious so whenever do anything with them 's kind religious. But point is, most time aren't, but every year at Christmas time church next town over puts on Bethlehem and 's kind tradition go. They go all out building

Tumblr Story: The Epic Saga Of Goat Guy

Goat guy is the real MVP.
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An informative Tumblr thread breaks down the proper care for monsters in the world. | headspace-hotel Follow Common misconceptions surrounding care monsters Contrary popular belief is NOT normal Cerberus's heads fight with one another; this indicates anxiety or lack proper enrichment.

Educational Tumblr Post On Proper Monster Care

It's as if Hagrid himself wrote this.
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funny tumblr memes | languagebender why divide people by unrational things COULD divide them by whether their word cotton candy is valid or not languagebender examples: american english: cotton candy good british english: fairy floss X not valid spanish, german: sugar cotton good french: daddy's beard X NOT VALID berenswick sorry French call | popokko best way draw frog. is give as few frog qualities as possible. just enough barely registers as frog popokko like this

Funny and Sweet Random Tumblr Gems

Avast ye mateys, here be the bounty o' the internet!
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An entertaining Tumblr thread about how tough Linguini's life was in "Ratatouille." | sunshine-zenith Follow Okay but like. Ratatouille Linguini's perspective tho some broke, awkward guy his twenties who can't keep job down point Know letter recently dead mom wrote her also dead famous friend's coworker contains Something about giving employment. So march yourself down this fancy restaurant, submit yourself verbal whiplash, fork over might've been last thing mother ever wrote, and become lowly

Tumblr Thread: Linguini Was The Unbreakable Champion Of "Ratatouille"

Such a great movie.
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Funny moments and memes from tumblr | BAD JOKES badjokesbyjeff BY JEFF TIL Albert Einstein real person had always thought he only theoretical physicist. buttergin Follow Jeff please begging change url

Ridiculous, Random and Stupendous Tumblr Gems

Internet weirdness, comin' in hot.
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A funny Tumblr post about the impact of living with the Addams Family as a college student.

Humorous Tumblr Post Imagines College Students Living With Addams Family

Would make for quite the rollercoaster.
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A Tumblr post about Boromir from Lord of the Rings. | extasiswings asked #if ask will write whole essay on Boromir #and why his death means more us as get older *whispers* babe want essay letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Follow Why must always enable Heve never stop. So. Wow. Where even start rant through my tears about much love Boromir every time watch Lord Rings, which do about once year with @captainofthefallen. Every time watch his death means more hits harder, and think 's because older get more

Tumblr Thread Goes Deep On Boromir's Death In LotR

Tumblr just gets it.
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Funny Tumblr post about how people in historical clothing get mistaken for ghosts.

Tumblr Thread: People In Historical Clothing Get Mistaken For Ghosts

A solid prank idea.
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A humorous Tumblr post about the different kinds of language prevalent throughout Lord of the Rings. | Legolas pretty quickly gets habit venting about his travelling companions Elvish, so long as Gandalf Aragorn aren't earshot they'll never know right? Then about week into their journey like Legolas Elvish approximately 20th time* ugh hobbits, so annoying Frodo also Elvish, deadpan* yeah worst Legolas:

Tumblr Users Overanalyze Elvish Dialects In Lord Of The Rings

What a beautiful post.
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A funny Tumblr post about guy being able to see superheroes' threat level | writing-prompt-s regular office worker born with ability see dangerous person is with number scale 1-10 above their heads toddler would be 1, while skilled soldier with firearm may score 7. Today notice reserved new guy at office measures 10. wakeupontheprongssideofthebed decide 's best find out can about this person. Cautiously approach his desk. He's handsome man, tall, but with disarming smile could such friendly guy

Tumblr Thread: Mystified Man's Able To Identify Superheroes

Clark Kent has some explaining to do.
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