
funny stories

air travel petty-revenge-reddit funny stories revenge revenge-stories airlines petty revenge airline Travel entitled traveling united airlines entitled people - 22799365

'This just became a very cramped situation': Airline passenger steals guy's plane seat, guy sits on top of him

Simple problems require simple solutions, and sometimes, that solution need not be any more complex than sitting on top of (or just beside) the problem. Some background knowledge for those unacquainted: the airline mentioned in the story does not have predetermined seats, and seats are determined like a massive game of musical chairs and are based on who can get to the seats first. Honestly, we have no idea who thought these free-for-alls were a good idea. It's crazy to think that something as…
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customer service karens entitled parents funny stories funny story karen-customer customers grocery stores karens in the wild entitled grocery shopping karen entitled people grocery store - 22663429

'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

Express checkouts exist purely to improve the flow of checkout by allowing a greater number of persons with a minimal amount of items to move quickly through the checkout process, freeing them from having to wait behind those with full carts… It's a pretty simple concept, really.
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opinion ask reddit neighbors funny stories neighborhood askreddit bad neighbors noise Bad Neighbor loud funny neighbor opinions - 22604293

'[They] rev their sports car engine at 2AM': 20+ Loud and messy neighbors who are hard to live around

It's totally fine when you blast loud music to rock out, but the moment your neighbor does it, they're the worst neighbor ever. Crazy how that works. These people were asked to share the behaviors that their neighbors do that they dislike, and people had a wide variety of answers! There were a few common answers that came up over and over, however. One was the dog people. Dog people, we know you love your pampered pups, but some of them bark all day long . Nonstop. They really miss you when you…
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'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

‘Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men’ me and a… clown on a unicycle crashed right into each other.
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'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

Rules are in place for a reason. That's what administrators will tell you. But sometimes rules are created that end up antagonizing everybody. When I was in high school, there was an inordinate amount of fighting. It was commonplace to witness at least one or two student fights per day. Not a lunch period went by without a scuffle. The school responded to this by implementing two rules. One was a zero tolerance policy, so if your bully hit you, the two of you would both get suspended, even if y…
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'Mum wanted me to clean my room, I played a vacuum noise from YouTube': 35 Anonymous confessions that were revealed to the entire internet

'Mum wanted me to clean my room, I played a vacuum noise from YouTube': 35 Anonymous confessions that were revealed to the entire internet

Don't hide your secrets ---confess them anonymously instead! That's exactly what the famous Twitter account @fesshole is known for. Randos from the internet can submit their funniest, most surprising, and most scandalous secrets. Then the account will publish your secrets, and no one will be the wiser. Sometimes people will post really divisive secrets . For example, one person wrote that whenever they see someone filming in public, they go out of their way to walk in front of the camera and me…
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'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom':  30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job after answering questions wrong

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom': 30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job thanks to their hilariously wrong answers

Okay, be honest: what's the worst way you've ever answered an interview question ? This topic could unite us all. No matter how long you've worked, no matter how qualified and prepared you are, every person gets nervous going to job interviews. It's a universal fear, and for many people, it's just one of those things you have to do every few years in order to advance your career. For every five or ten interviews you do, you might get offered the job one time---or not at all. It's brutal out her…
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'"Do you have a large pizza, but in smaller sizes?': 35+ Things people overheard that left them laughing out loud

'Do you have a large pizza, but in smaller sizes?': 35+ Ridiculous things people overheard that left them laughing out loud

Not everyone is an A+ student. And even some A+ students have moments of profound stupidity! These people overheard some ridiculous statements, and roughly 18,600 people weighed in with their own stories . It seems like a lot of people don't know basic animal facts . That's wild to me, because children's books are obsessed with making kids learn letters, numbers, and animals! How do you grow up to be an adult and not realize that pigs have teeth? I know some parents don't read to their kids, bu…
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'Ahh canoeing, the true test of love': 20+ People who overheard conversations in public

'Ahh canoeing, the true test of love': 20+ People who overheard hilarious snippets of conversations in public

There's nothing like listening in to a good conversation you're not supposed to hear. It's fun to be a little bit of an eavesdropper ! How else will you ever find out everyone's secrets? Overhearing conversations is like having a little treat. You get a taste of what's going on in someone else's life, if only for a second. “Carla's coming to dinner and bringing her new BF"---tell me everything, girl. Oh, or “She ghosted me after our date, I think I'm going to delete her number"---I want to know…
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'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

These are the moments that retail workers hold near and dear. No, we aren't just talking about fond memories with coworkers. These workers got to witness as their worst customers got instant karma for their terrible behavior. Meltdowns aren't just for babies and toddlers. Retail workers have to deal with grown adults having tantrums every day. There are lots of folks who are led to believe that the only way they'll get what they want is to be aggressive and demanding about it. Technically, this…
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'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

What would you do if your boss asked you to print the whole internet page by page? Or what if they asked you to water the plants while it was literally raining outside? These people shared stories of the absolute dumbest things their bosses have ever done---including those two examples above! Some bosses rely heavily on their employees to keep things running. For example, in some offices, the assistants will be the first ones in and the last ones out, tasked with answering phones, working with…
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'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night

'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night

We all have at least one moment in our lives that makes us shrivel up with embarrassment (and if we're being honest with ourselves, there's definitely more than one cringey mistake we look back on). I used to be way more embarrassed when I made mistakes, but the older I get, the more mistakes I make. I'm getting used to it, I suppose. If you let you of your need to be perfect and impress all your friends, you have a little less cringe to look back on at night wondering, “Why did I ever say that…
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'[He] starts pulling chicken wings and chinese donuts out of his pockets': 30+ Guacamole goofs and fishy faux pas that happened at all-you-can-eat buffets

'[He] starts pulling chicken wings and chinese donuts out of his pockets': 30+ Chocolatey catastrophes and fishy faux pas that happened at all-you-can-eat buffets

When you want to get the most amount of food for your money, it's time to head to your local all-you-can-eat buffet . Going to buffets was always a treat when I was a child. When you walk into a buffet, you're overwhelmed with the delicious smells and dozens of food choices. Whether you want roast turkey or green beans or cheesecake, an all-you-can-eat spot is bound to have a massive selection. I always loved getting both mashed potatoes and fries, and dipping the fries in the mashed potatoes.…
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'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

The pettiest thing this person ever admitted to was the time they "put a slice of bologna in [a] walkman CD player."
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'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught know it all students

'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught pretentious know-it-all students

As if teachers don't have enough on their plates, they sometimes get students who think they don't need to learn anymore , because they already know all there is to know. When you're a teenager, you think you know everything there is to know. You want to be treated like an adult already! You've been in school for over a decade, and you think that now that you've passed a calc class or two, you may as well take a break from learning. When I was a senior in high school, a teacher told me that by…
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funny stories malicious compliance funny story military military-stories soldiers army gym gyms - 22212869

'Her jaw actually dropped': Serviceman gets one over on gym that was refusing to cancel his membership

Gyms aggressively seek to enlist as many members as possible, seemingly with the hope that none of them will actually use the facilities provided. Instead, keeping members paying monthly to keep the gym's barcoded tag on their key ring like some expensive subscription-based accessory. They just as aggressively prevent you from ever canceling your membership, ensuring that the entire engagement unravels with the same clarity and certainty as riddling with a sphinx. It's not unheard of for gyms t…
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