funny stories

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'I don't work here, lady': Delivery guy agrees to scan woman's groceries at her insistence

'I don't work here, lady': Delivery guy agrees to scan woman's groceries at her insistence

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'She invited all of her previous husbands because she enjoys drama': 15+ Wedding guests tell the funniest and most awkward wedding-day dramas they've ever witnessed

'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended

'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended

'No one stayed longer than a year': 25+ Jobs that were the worst according to employees

'No one stayed longer than a year': 25+ Jobs that were the worst of the worst according to employees

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'I love how you just wear anything': 30+ Perfectly passive-aggressive compliments

'A guy wrote "Superman" as his answer on all 10 questions': 30 School assignments students turned in that surprised their teachers

'A guy wrote "Superman" as his answer on all 10 questions': 30 Ridiculous school assignments that students actually turned in

'My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare': 40+ Creative pet names

'My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare': 40+ Hilarious pet names

'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

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'Wait, cheese doesn’t come from trees?': 20+ Unintentionally hilarious moments

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'I'm always right': 20+ People who are loudly and proudly incorrect

'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Job interviews that candidates walked out on

'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Disastrous job interviews that candidates walked out on

'One dude once photocopied a slice of pizza': 20+ Cases of workplace foolishness

'One dude once photocopied a slice of pizza': 20+ Cases of workplace foolishness