
funny stories

'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were baffled by their customers' requests

'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were utterly baffled by their customers' requests

While working retail, these people have seen it all. Cashiers get to see people from all walks of life, of all ages, and of all levels of sanity. These retail workers shared some stories of the wildest interactions they've had with customers. That's one of the strange things about working retail---you always have to take the customer seriously, even if you're pretty sure they're messing with you. Some customers love to mess with retail staff , even though no one seems to find it funny except th…
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'[He] would gather admin staff... and show them funny YouTube clips': 30+ People whose silly bosses have the whole office facepalming

'[He] would gather admin staff... and show them funny YouTube clips': 30+ People whose silly bosses have the whole office facepalming

Not every boss is serious and hard-working—some are so goofy, they barely get any work done at all. Much like the lovably cringe Michael Scott, the boss from “The Office,” these people had bosses who seemed to want to do anything other than work.
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'He screamed "freedom" at the top of his lungs, while walking out the door during the busiest part of the day': 20+ Quitters who left their jobs in the funniest ways possible

'He screamed "FREEDOM" at the top of his lungs, while walking out the door during the busiest part of the day': 20+ Proud quitters who left their jobs in the funniest ways possible

Quitting a job can feel like freedom, especially if you get to stick it to your boss on your way out the door. No one is irreplaceable at their job, but it's nice when your workplace makes you feel appreciated. Employees can be motivated with positivity, like raises, bonuses, or even pizza parties. But some bosses choose a cheaper and meaner route: they simply remind their employees constantly that they should be grateful for the work, because the company could get rid of them at any time. Plac…
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'I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are': 25+ Smart alecks who had the perfect comebacks

'I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are': 25+ Smart alecks who had the perfect comebacks

Don't mess with these people: they've got some quick and witty comebacks. When your friends are messing with you or a stranger is shouting at you, that's the time to come up with a witty reply . That's a lot easier said than done. It must be a universal experience to have nothing to say in that moment, then six hours later while you're in the shower, you suddenly think of the perfect comeback. But then it's too late! That's why it's extra satisfying when you do come up with a hilarious response…
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'Yes, I am 32 and egg a 16 year old kid's car': 25+ People who got satisfying pay back

'Yes, I am 32 and egg a 16 year old kid's car': 25+ Petty people who got satisfying payback

Being petty pays off. We all act a little bit petty from time to time, but some people really shine when it comes to thinking of the pettiest revenge possible. No one knows pettiness better than retail and food service workers of the world. When you have to grin and bear whatever your customers say to you, you quickly realize there are other ways you can get back at them. If you work at a coffee shop, you can give a cranky customer a coffee with way too much “room” for creamer, or you can wait…
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'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Quirky customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

When you go out to eat at the same place over and over again, it's often because you love everything about the restaurant. Maybe it's a pizza parlor with red booths and perfectly crispy pizza. Or perhaps you enjoy a quiet fancy restaurant where the appetizers are delectable and the conversations last for hours. However, some people enjoy going to the same restaurant on repeat for another reason—they've “taught” the staff members exactly how they like their food to be prepared . Whether these cu…
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'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

What's the opposite of a work wife or work husband? It's a work nemesis, as these poor professionals can attest to. If you have friends you're starting to not get along with, you can stop texting them or inviting them over. But with your colleagues , even if they're really annoying or irresponsible, there's not a whole lot you can do to avoid them. Maybe you and Dave from finance don't see eye to eye on politics, but you'll still find yourself working on a spreadsheet with him while rolling you…
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'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

They say that you're most likely the only person who will remember your most embarrassing moments . But you won't feel that way after reading this treasure trove of embarrassing memories that people recalled with crystal clear memory! Have you ever accidentally walked through a screen door at someone else's birthday party, slamming face-first into the ground? This happened to me when I was about eight years old at an acquaintance's party, and the memory has stuck with me for decades. I wasn't p…
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'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

Your boss might be more internet-savvy than you know. While going through the hiring process, it's crucial to ensure your social media presence is squeaky clean. Maybe you remember a few tasteless tweets from ages ago, or you have a few hot takes that shouldn't have been shared to Facebook. Even if those posts are old, they aren't harmless. Anyone who knows how to do control+F, allowing you to search a webpage by phrases, can find any salacious information on your profile. Even a quick Google s…
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air travel petty-revenge-reddit funny stories revenge revenge-stories airlines petty revenge airline Travel entitled traveling united airlines entitled people - 22799365

'This just became a very cramped situation': Airline passenger steals guy's plane seat, guy sits on top of him

Simple problems require simple solutions, and sometimes, that solution need not be any more complex than sitting on top of (or just beside) the problem. Some background knowledge for those unacquainted: the airline mentioned in the story does not have predetermined seats, and seats are determined like a massive game of musical chairs and are based on who can get to the seats first. Honestly, we have no idea who thought these free-for-alls were a good idea. It's crazy to think that something as…
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customer service karens entitled parents funny stories funny story karen-customer customers grocery stores karens in the wild entitled grocery shopping karen entitled people grocery store - 22663429

'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

Express checkouts exist purely to improve the flow of checkout by allowing a greater number of persons with a minimal amount of items to move quickly through the checkout process, freeing them from having to wait behind those with full carts… It's a pretty simple concept, really.
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opinion ask reddit neighbors funny stories neighborhood askreddit bad neighbors noise Bad Neighbor loud funny neighbor opinions - 22604293

'[They] rev their sports car engine at 2AM': 20+ Loud and messy neighbors who are hard to live around

It's totally fine when you blast loud music to rock out, but the moment your neighbor does it, they're the worst neighbor ever. Crazy how that works. These people were asked to share the behaviors that their neighbors do that they dislike, and people had a wide variety of answers! There were a few common answers that came up over and over, however. One was the dog people. Dog people, we know you love your pampered pups, but some of them bark all day long . Nonstop. They really miss you when you…
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'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

‘Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men’ me and a… clown on a unicycle crashed right into each other.
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'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

Rules are in place for a reason. That's what administrators will tell you. But sometimes rules are created that end up antagonizing everybody. When I was in high school, there was an inordinate amount of fighting. It was commonplace to witness at least one or two student fights per day. Not a lunch period went by without a scuffle. The school responded to this by implementing two rules. One was a zero tolerance policy, so if your bully hit you, the two of you would both get suspended, even if y…
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'Mum wanted me to clean my room, I played a vacuum noise from YouTube': 35 Anonymous confessions that were revealed to the entire internet

'Mum wanted me to clean my room, I played a vacuum noise from YouTube': 35 Anonymous confessions that were revealed to the entire internet

Don't hide your secrets ---confess them anonymously instead! That's exactly what the famous Twitter account @fesshole is known for. Randos from the internet can submit their funniest, most surprising, and most scandalous secrets. Then the account will publish your secrets, and no one will be the wiser. Sometimes people will post really divisive secrets . For example, one person wrote that whenever they see someone filming in public, they go out of their way to walk in front of the camera and me…
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'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom':  30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job after answering questions wrong

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom': 30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job thanks to their hilariously wrong answers

Okay, be honest: what's the worst way you've ever answered an interview question ? This topic could unite us all. No matter how long you've worked, no matter how qualified and prepared you are, every person gets nervous going to job interviews. It's a universal fear, and for many people, it's just one of those things you have to do every few years in order to advance your career. For every five or ten interviews you do, you might get offered the job one time---or not at all. It's brutal out her…
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