funny stories

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?':15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?': 15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

opinion waiters funny stories server waiter customers restaurant server life chef food service chefs kitchen food eating dining funny opinions - 36156933

'I freeze. I realize instantly what I said': 20+ Waiters who accidentally said what popped into their heads

'I can’t hear out of my right eye': 30+ Odd moments people overheard and couldn't help but laugh at

'I can’t hear out of my right eye': 30+ Odd moments people overheard and couldn't help but laugh at

'Dracula voices at [the] drive thru': 20+ People who got fired from their jobs

'Dracula voices at [the] drive thru': 20+ People who got fired from their jobs

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had weird days at work

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had memorably weird days at work

opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers askreddit workplace funny opinions - 36082693

'My boss... asked me if he could borrow $1000': 25+ Bosses who had ridiculous requests for their employees

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 20+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 15+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

'[Ex-husband] dug up all the plants in her garden and took them with him': 20+ Moments of extreme pettiness that people were very proud of

'[Ex-husband] dug up all the plants in her garden and took them with him': 25+ Moments of extreme pettiness that people were very proud of

'What, you don't like the competition?': 30+ Smarty pants who had the most clever comebacks

'I've heard all but good things about you': 30+ Smarty pants who had the most clever comebacks

'[She] thought it said "Strength." What it said was, "Simplified Chinese"': 25+ Regrettable tattoo choices

'[She] thought it said "Strength." What it said was, "Simplified Chinese"': 25+ Regrettable tattoo choices

'[She] asked why we can't drive to Hawaii': 35 People who are totally misinformed

'[She] asked why we can't drive to Hawaii': 35 People who are totally misinformed

'[She] showed up in pajamas and... though she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

'[She] showed up in pajamas and... thought she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed

'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed