

'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

Keeping a cordial relationship with your neighbors is vital. It's the kind of connection where I scratch your back and you scratch mine. You don't have to be best buddies who hang out 24/7, but at the very least, you should be considerate of them. The story below is an account of a frustrated and petty neighbor. This man is one of the nicest people I've ever heard of, so don't let his current status fool you. I would stop at nothing to have him as a neighbor. It was a wintry, stormy night when…
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'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

Sometimes, we say things we absolutely shouldn't but we are human, and we just can't help ourselves. In a few of these instances, you may be able to argue your way out of trouble, but if you've hurt someone's feelings (especially those of a close family member), good luck trying to talk yourself out of it. In this story , we have a teenager whose older sister has six children. Now, six is a lot, especially if you have to frequently rely on the help of your mother and sister because of all that…
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'Aunt unknowingly ended her own financial support': Aunt pushes niece too far without knowing she's paying her expenses

'Entitled aunt... ended her own financial support': Aunt insults niece without knowing she's paying her expenses

A family dinner accidentally set off a major disagreement between an aunt and her niece. Families: can't live with ‘em, can’t live without 'em. No one knows how to push your buttons more than the people you grew up with. Sister is Ria, aunt is Jana
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‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

Dealing with a roommate can sometimes be the most difficult part of navigating college life. On top of that, you're constantly battling internal struggles like taking the right classes for your major, eating enough dinner before hitting the bars, and the tried and true favorite– grappling with the daily pressures of putting a stripper pole in your living room.
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toyota toyotathon public-freakout public freakout fight fighting street-fight fight-footage sales salesman salesmen sales-floor cars car car-dealership dealership msrp commission fist-fight new-car

'The war on Toyotathon starts earlier every year': Car salesman and his manager get in a fist fight at the dealership, hilarity ensues in the comment section

Let's go places
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Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'They have zero etiquette': Guy serves ice cold revenge to neighbor who steals his freshly shoveled parking space

Snow shoveling is a grueling task, and one that basically no one wants to do. On r/pettyrevenge , this OP shared their own tale of revenge, served cold, to an annoying neighbor . However, the commenters are completely split on who is wrong in this situation. Disputes with neighbors can be messy, especially when it comes to shared spaces like a parking lot or street parking. Plus, as some commenters pointed out, there are different sorts of rules depending on where you're from, and the severity…
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'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

If you are one of the unlucky folks who accidentally married a slob, you're probably aware of the daily struggle of trying to keep your house in order. It's a full time job to simply keep up after yourself, let alone another person. So when dirty dishes, stinky laundry, and insurmountable mess starts to grow, it can be tough to dig yourself out of it. When you've reached that point of home mayhem, the last thing you need is your mother-in-law coming over and criticizing the house
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Upper class Karen disrespected my family, then tried to attack me when I retaliated

Entitled Karen Goes Into Full Rage Mode at Movie Theater, Guy Dumps His Water Bottle on Her

This Karen had the audacity to harass this guy's Mom and then try to start a fight with him.
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'You're out of your mind, Susan': Dramatic bride goes nuclear when friends won't pay thousands for her wedding, deletes entire Facebook page

'You're out of your mind, Susan': Dramatic bride goes nuclear when friends won't pay thousands for her wedding, deletes entire Facebook page

“I mean SPECIFICALLY asked for cash gifts," wrote this bridezilla who was steaming mad at her wedding guests.
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'I refuse to lift a finger': Dude resists cleaning for his daughter's party after wife rejects his ideas

'I refuse to lift a finger': Dad resists cleaning for his daughter's party after wife rejects his ideas

Cleaning for a 5 year old's birthday party is pushing this couple into a huge fight. This couple has a 5 year old daughter, and they each work between 60-80 hours per week in legal careers. If that already sounds exhausting, they're also adding on the stress of organizing a party for their kiddo. The OP writes that his wife really wants this party held at their home, but she isn't satisfied with the cleanliness of their home. U/Silas_Of_The_Lambs, the OP, added that his wife needs the place to…
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AITA for buying my girlfriends sister a car?

'Afterwards I told my girlfriend about it and she got furious at me': BF contacts GF's estranged sister to buy her an extremely expensive present

After one guy went behind his GF's back, and his big purchase began tearing this couple apart. When it comes to pushing boundaries in a relationship, this dude majorly messed up. In a post to r/AmItheA*****, u/throwaway84200t wrote that his GF doesn't speak to her sister . She hasn't told him exactly why, but they had not talked in four years. Then the OP began talking to her sister — apparently under the guise of trying to get the two sisters back in touch. But then this post goes off the rail…
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AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?

'You and your family sound massively entitled': Guy tells BIL to 'get over' his 10-year grudge so their families can vacation together

This guy asked if he's in the wrong for a decade-old family mistake that his BIL just can't put behind him. He's crazy for even asking that! As the OP shared to r/AmItheA******, there was an incident that took place about a decade prior, but which has rippled out into the current day, since his brother in law will not forgive and forget the situation. The OP wrote that the BIL is a construction worker, and while he was away, the OP and his father borrowed some pricey equipment . Like, thousands…
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'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karen's Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karens Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

Woe to those who encounter a Wild Karen in their lifetime. If you've ever entered a Wallmart or a fast food restaurant such as Mcdonald's, you'll find that it's basically unavoidable. We often find ourselves wondering… what goes on in a Karen's mind when things don't go their way? How does their brain scan look? And where the heck did they get the courage (or rather, audacity) to approach others in such an entitled fashion? We may never have the answers to all these important questions, but we…
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AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

We're inclined to say that everyone was awful here.
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AITA for peeing in my BF car ?

'I held it for 40 minutes and it got really bad': Couple fights after girlfriend goes to the bathroom in his car

Desperate times call for desperate measures!
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Man Filled with Road Rage Pulls Over to Try and Fight Other Driver, Immediately Stops Himself Saying "Actually, I'd Probably Get My A** Kicked"

Man Filled with Road Rage Pulls Over to Try and Fight Other Driver, Immediately Stops Himself Saying "Actually, I'd Probably Get My A** Kicked"

Not sure what kind of lesson was learned here today, but something went down…
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