

aita reddit story etiquette vegan reddit thread family drama vegans siblings family - 36033285

Guy refuses to renovate sister's house after she serves him vegan meals: ' I need her to make meals with meat in them or I will not be remodeling things anymore'

People tend to get a little bit nutty over their dietary preferences. Still, there's a difference between a preference and a requirement… “I don't eat legumes because they make me a little gassy” is an entirely different ballpark than “Even a speck of gluten will cause my immune system to attack my organs or ”All the liquid in my blood will leave my blood vessels if this prawn touches me." Still some dietary preferences are deeply rooted in staunch and steadfast ethical quandry, so there's argu…
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story aita drama family bridal weddings wedding marriage bride groom photography photographer family-story grandma boomer dramas aita

‘Grow up': 15-year-old professional photographer gets pressured by her grandma to shoot her uncle's wedding for free, she refuses then gets slandered in front of the whole family

Okay then, Grandma, why don't you give it a whirl and see how the photos turn out?
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Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Living with your best friends can go one of two ways – Either extremely great or terribly wrong, and you can assume that most people will tell you that it usually goes the latter way. There is something about sharing a space that is just so specific for everyone involved, that even if you love each other and enjoy each other's company, it does not mean that you will enjoy living together. The main problem is that you will not know until you try, and that is why most people would recommend simpl…
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family drama entitlement drama kids reddit story family feud parenting debt dad arrested entitled family reddit thread daughter Reddit mom karma children entitled people - 35917317

'I am about $60,000 in debt because of them': Daughter has parents arrested after discovering they took loans out in her name to pay off their debt

Having debt is a major burden. Whether you took out student loans for college , bought a car, or bought a house, you name it, no one likes having debt over their heads. But how would you feel if one day you found out you were $60,000 in debt and had absolutely no clue? And it's not due to negligence on your part, but rather, someone was taking advantage of you? That's exactly what happened to the woman in this story. She was doing just fine on her own, about to graduate college and enter the 'r…
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family drama sister sisters brother brothers sibling siblings drive ride work funny malicious compliance reddit thread mc lol story lesson

‘You want a ride? This is the one you’re getting': Sister takes a scenic route to teach her entitled little brother a lesson after he repeatedly demands a ride home from work

Sibling relationships can be a little complicated sometimes. There's a moment in every sibling relationship where sisterly obligation overlaps with the 'oh-heck-no' clause–and for some siblings who like to push the limits of their family's patience, this delicate dynamic can quickly descend into a hard-earned life lesson at the hands of malicious compliance.
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family drama neighbors crazy people entitlement drama kids neighborhood Female Empowerment driveway neighborhood-drama parenting prank entitled family reddit thread Reddit mom children entitled people - 35772421

'Finally, justice getting served!': Homeowner spends hundreds of dollars to find source of banging noise, catches entitled neighbor kid kicking house and running away

As kids, many of us indulged in harmless pranks around the neighborhood—ding-dong-ditching, TP-ing, you name it. It was just part of growing up. Now as adults with our own homes, we've come to realize just how irritating these 'innocent' pranks can be. It's like karma has come full circle. However, one recent incident takes the cake in terms of annoyance factor. A particularly entitled kid has been repeatedly kicking his neighbor's house. Yes, kicking it.
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Man's father and step mom refuse to watch their grandkids during an urgent family emergency

‘He made his bed’: Man cuts off father and stepmother after they refuse to watch their grandchildren during serious family health emergency

If you're having a family emergency, wouldn't you expect your family to be there?
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Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

Even when you try to do right by your chosen family, they might drop you when things get complicated.
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Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. You ought to go above and beyond to ensure the happiness of your loved ones. But what would you do if your family openly disregarded your field of employment and treated you like an unnecessary burden? Would you still treat them with the highest regard? The story below is an account of a frustrated cousin. The original poster (OP) volunteered to be the photographer for his cousin's wedding. He felt obligated to help the couple in any…
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opinion ask reddit karens funny stories finance friends askreddit wealthy entitled family out of touch funny money karen opinions - 35704837

'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

Some people are blissfully unaware of the world they live in. If they've lived a sheltered life, they may not know about the ordinary things that lots of people deal with on a daily basis. If you've ever had a friend who makes more money than you, maybe you already know this feeling. Naturally, no friend group is all going to be making the same exact salary. Some people in the friend group are probably just paying rent and living paycheck to paycheck in a lifestyle with no frills. Meanwhile, th…
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family drama aita wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings reddit story family feud etiquette family reddit thread weddings engagement ring - 35667461

Nephews flush woman's $30,000 engagement ring and their father refuses to pay or offer any replacement: 'He has refused to pay'

If you break something, you're responsible for its repair or replacement; that's really just common sense. Hopefully, you have insurance for such things that would cover you if someone needed you to repair or replace it. This responsibility understandably extends to your dependents, pets, and anything else you should have a responsibility and control over—whether or not you take that responsibility seriously. Still, there are situations where the claimant might end up dealing with a claimant wh…
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ask reddit family drama marriage wedding party wedding drama wedding fail family feud wedding family weddings - 35689221

30+ Stunned wedding guests share the worst weddings they've ever attended: 'What's the worse wedding you’ve been to and what happened?'

Weddings are an interesting social phenomenon. For starters, the bride and groom's first task is to literally rank their family and closest friends by order of importance to them in order to form their bridal parties, almost like we're back on MySpace with our Top Friends ranked and audaciously on display… From there, everyone else gets a rank, too, with what table they're seated at the reception, letting everyone know loud and clear “where they sit" on your social ladder. If you're seated at a…
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'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

While planning your potluck dinner , be sure to invite the right friend group! Maybe invite the friends whose homes you've eaten in before, or those who claim to be great cooks already. If you invite the wrong people—the kind who ignore safety protocols or just have zero idea what they're doing in the kitchen—you may wind up giving your whole party food poisoning. You should still invite your friends who can't cook , but just tell them to bring a dessert. That's pretty hard to mess up! Unless y…
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Man is asked by overseas family members to donate money to his recently unemployed step-cousin because of a failed $2.8 million mortgage: ‘I warned them’

‘I warned them’: Man's step-family begs him to loan distant cousin money despite man's big spending warnings years earlier

Distant family members might not reach out to you for birthdays, but they will reach out when they need a big favor.
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neighbors entitlement drama neighborhood-drama couples landscape scam entitled family property reddit thread Reddit - 35655173

'She paid insurance and taxes for years': Couple discovers after 40 years they were scammed, realizing they only own half their land and have been paying to maintain neighbor's property

At this point, the couple should legally be entitled to the land they've paid to maintain. When you purchase a large sum of property, you assume the legal documents are correct. Forty years ago, a husband and wife purchased five acres of farmland from the previous owners. They've lived on the land for the past four decades, paying insurance and taxes on the land, even paying thousands of dollars to repair old buildings that were part of the property, only to find out it didn't belong to them. 
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family drama aita baby names reddit story family feud married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married Parenting Fail parents - 35646725

Mother mad at scientist husband for secretly naming their daughter after an insect: 'She said I had taken advantage of her trust'

Something is really bugging this couple, and it's the name of their daughter. Specifically, the fact that she was named after a genus of cicada without the wife's knowledge. See, the husband is an entomologist (insect scientist) and made a suggestion for their daughter's name when the pair had run into complications with the previous name they were interested in. The problem is that when the husband made the name suggestion, he did so while withholding the fact that the name was actually a genu…
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