

Tech Service failblog funny tech stories tech questions tech employee Tech Savvy it sysadmin working in tech not tech savvy internet questions Reddit IT Desk - 22914309

‘Computer’s broke!'… ‘Tell it to get a job then’: 25+ Questions people have actually asked IT and IT's hilariously snarky responses

"Can I have read/write access to the internet?"... "Gonna have to clear this request with the Elders of the Internet first."
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getting fired failblog firing story I got fired firing employee fired employed fired hr manager job fired story how I got fired I fired them fired on spot workplace I got fired today Reddit got fired - 22903045

'I became unemployed in 30 seconds': Customer service rep gets fired on the spot for unclear reasons, HR professionals confess 90% of firings are personality related

Have you ever been fired ? Usually, you get a little work review, whether you want it or not, and all of your failures are listed out and you're let go. If you're lucky, you'll get a severance package and can get on unemployment. But, honestly, who knows these days?! Companies just do whatever they want with zero empathy. For example, a recently fired customer service rep came to Reddit to vent about how he was fired on the spot with no obvious cause. He had been working there for a month and g…
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failblog working restaurants restaurants Reddit restaurant red flags restaurant fails - 22858757

'More than 2 of the wait staff are crying': 30+ Red flags at a restaurant that should have you immediately turning around and leaving

Look, everyone has their own standards for everything, and that especially includes the establishment you choose to eat in. Some people don't mind a restaurant with loud music, while others will walk right back out the door if they have to yell at their date across the table. It's just a different level of comfort. That being said, there are some “levels of comfort” I think we can all agree on. For instance, the smell of rotting food or seeing a rat run by your feet. Those are just some guess,…
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Texas mobile home failblog tenant revenge trailer park life mobile home stories revenge stories mobile home rental company Texas trailer park Reddit mobile home renter renting Renters - 22852869

'It was such sweet revenge': Scorned renter costs 'corporate monster' that bought their mobile home lot thousands of dollars required in 30 days

Renting is always some sort of chaotic show when the owner changes from private to large corporation. Providing a basic need to humanity should not be left in the hand of faceless corporations with zero empathy. Unfortunately, that is what happened to the mobile park lot that this Redditor had been living in. They had only been there about a year before the independent owner sold it to a huge money-hungry corporation. Because of this, nothing got fixed, so their driveway was deteriorating. OP's…
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karens failblog satisfying reddit karen I dont work here lad karens in the wild karen karma Reddit karen story karen - 22806533

‘I turned to the young guy, winked and mouthed, "play along"’: 2 innocent customers getting yelled at for being ‘incompetent employees’ decide to have a little fun with this Karen

It's one thing if you're wearing a red collared shirt to Target and you have to keep telling people you don't work there. That one is on you. It's a completely other thing if you're dressed like you're on your way to Margaritaville in some grocery store and a Karen literally starts slapping you around for being an “incompetent employee.” Like, lady… I don't even work here! Speaking of, in the subreddit r/IDontWorkHereLady, one man shared his story of his own similar encounter. He was in his san…
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karens failblog fast food employee fast food karen reddit karen working fast food I dont work here lady wendys karens in the wild karen karma fast food manager Reddit karen story fast food karen - 22821637

‘That was the best Baconator that I ever ate’: Classic Karen tantrum backfires and ends up getting herself kicked out and customers 60% off their meal

"Welcome to Wendy's, can I take your order?" Imagine taking a breath, and you're about to give your order, your mouth is salivating and your belly grumbling, but then a monstrous Karen comes barreling in and pushes you aside so she can order first. Then when you try to call her out for it, she starts calling you a bad employee because apparently you work there now… Well, that is exactly what happened to these poor souls. They just wanted a Baconator and what not, but instead they were met face…
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pro revenge good mom failblog mama bear close family family stories mother adult kids cheating good kids family Reddit mom mother children bonding - 22821381

‘Sis, bro, and I had other ideas’: Adult children show up for their mom by getting pro revenge on her cheating boyfriend

Everyone knows not to mess with a mom in fear of the mama bear coming out. But what about the kids who were raised by a mama bear? Those kids grow up feeling secure by their mom, so now they will do anything to return the favor. That's the example these kids show for their mom. The two brothers and sister in this family are all grown up now, in their late 20s-early 30s. One of the brothers shared a story about how they showed up for their mom and got the revenge she deserved . Their mom was dat…
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FAILS trick or treating halloween stories failblog halloween fail stories halloween halloween fails nostalgic halloween halloween throwback Reddit trick or treating fail - 22812677

‘And that, kids, is how you know you’re not the favorite child’: 20 People share their biggest Halloween fails

Halloween is a holiday where you dress up in a costume and have some fun . That's really it. You can go into the history of it and the different types of cultures it was influenced by, but currently, it really isn't that complicated. You put on a costume, and do something fun with your friends. Or if you're a kid, you put on a costume and go trick-or-treating and then try not to OD on candy. And there you have it—Halloween. Unfortunately, some people can make this holiday a little messy. Teenag…
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failblog hoa hoa stories hoa fees how to handle your hoa hoa scandal HOA board member community drama hoa drama Reddit official hoa hoa members - 22791685

‘Is this even legal?'… ‘Yep': Tenant's HOA fees jump from $700 to an outrages $1,600 per month, so do you blame insurance companies or the HOA?

The housing market is insane right now, that's pretty common knowledge at this point. But have you dived into the property insurance crisis? (Feels like everything is in crisis mode these days…) Turns out it's not just the price to purchase a house that has been disgustingly inflated, but also the price to keep and maintain your home. I mean, with the price of gas and eggs these days, are you even surprised that something as money hungry as insurance companies have raised their prices? One tena…
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failblog shopping cart game funny parking lot situation parking lot karen shopping cart karen entitled parking lot customer Reddit entitled karen r-EntitledPeople shopping cart shenanigans entitled people - 22759173

'Tit-for-Tat shopping cart game': Quick-witted dude starts parking lot shenanigans after he ends up crashing into entitled customer's disregarded shopping cart

There are little things everyone can do to make society a better place. Things that cost nothing and hardly take any effort. One of these things is putting the shopping cart back into the shopping cart carrel after you are finished using it. Unfortunately, there are too many lazy and/or entitled people who think after they are finished using the shopping cart, it's not their job nor their duty to put it back. So where does the shopping cart end up after these kinds of people use them? Usually r…
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failblog work stories sales advisor employee upper management employee stories happy employee showroom sales advisor bathroom showroom employee Reddit sales advisor job - 22752517

Update: 'All in all, a pretty satisfying conclusion on my end:' Showroom employee earns apology from upper management after they 86'd his idea and nothing worked

When you are an employee that is considered to be lower on the power dynamic totem poll, you tend to have to work harder to earn the respect of your upper management. It's a flawed and archaic dynamic, yet it persists. It's not often that anyone from upper management comes in and actually swallows their pride towards their lowly employees . But that is exactly what happened to this sales advisor for a bathroom showroom and we are here for it. The satisfying conclusion, according to the employee…
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customer service failblog customer service employee r-retailhell retail retail employee working customer service karen customers customer service jobs Reddit working retail retail jobs retailer entitled people - 22724101

'No, sir... It's 11AM': Retailers swap stories of how customers ruined their days first thing in the morning

The duties that are require to work in retail might seem minuscule, but we assure you, they're not. Karens might say it's all just standing around and doing anything and everything the customer says, but that's just simply incorrect. There is so much in the backend and behind the scenes that needs done that customer's don't see. For example, opening the store. It isn't just unlocking the doors, it's setting up the system, doing inventory, restocking the store, online duties, etc. Unfortunately,…
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salesforce admin boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment tech employee working tech i quit quit on the spot it sysadmin satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story tech jobs quitting workplace story - 22708741

‘They paid me $50,000… So, I [quit] and found more’: Company who denied a raise has to contract ex-salesforce admin back for 3x his old salary because they can't retain a new employee for more than 3 weeks

Ever heard the saying, “spending dollars to save pennies”? It means you're putting more effort in than you're actually getting out. So if you spend $5 to save .50¢, it's not really a savings, is it? For some reason, this doesn't compute to some companies when it comes to power play. They'd rather seem like the one that holds all the power than give you a raise. One post on the subreddit r/sysadmin has the comment section of a lifetime. They asked if anybody had quit a tech job where the company…
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karens karen tantrum failblog reddit karen parking lot karen karens in the wild karen karma Reddit karen story karen entitled people - 22721541

‘I've been employed here 17 years… Ok Karen': Blue collar and white collar employees share a laugh at a tantrum-throwing Karen who's demanding they pay her $150-$250 parking ticket

Parking lots can drive up a lot of tension. Most people try to be polite and park with the thought in mind that other people are parking around them. There are rules to follow in a parking lot and if you don't you can get ticketed just like as if you were parking on the street. It's really not that perplexing. And yet, there is always a parking lot Karen ready to throw down on whatever ridiculous charges she's spewing about. This happened to a Reddit poster who was able to just laugh in her fac…
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karens suburbs failblog neighbors karen thief suburban life suburbs life new homeowners reddit karen karen neighbor suburban neighbors karens in the wild karen karma Reddit karen story karen stealing karen - 22712069

'A "great" welcome to the neighborhood...': New homeowner finds out the hard way that she has a Karen neighbor after catching her stealing from her driveway, stands ground during tantrum

It's an exciting time when you buy your first home. It's a rare thing for people these days, so anyone who is able to be a homeowner all on there own should be applauded. When looking for a new home you have to check the usual things: finance, the house's condition, the politics of the neighborhood, etc. One thing people tend to forget that is also an important bullet point to keep on your house shopping list is checking out the neighbors. Unfortunately, it would appear this newest homeowner di…
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r/workadvice boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story quitting workplace story - 22681861

'I picked up my bags and left': Shy 21-year-old salesgirl keeps getting unfairly reprimanded by her older manager, so she quits on the spot

If you are riddled with anxiety and think of yourself as a shy person (like many people in the world), then sometimes it's hard to do things that you know will benefit you. Sometimes you just want to drop everything and walk away like it never even happened. For example, putting in your two weeks. In this case on Reddit, this salesgirl was only 21 years old and very very shy. Apparently, the optical store she works out asks for a two-month notice, which is insane. Luckily, that is just the cour…
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