

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

If you're going to do some shady work, then you should at the very least do some research on your victims. Like, that's villainy 101. You can't scam a scam artist, ya know? You're already getting chased by karma, you shouldn't give it any reason to catch up. But, oh boy, when karma does catch up is it satisfying! This kind of justice got epically served recently by a guest who almost got scammed by the host of a condo he booked for a long weekend. According to this reddit post , he and his frie…
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funny redditors reddit advice failblog neighborhood drama female homeowners funny reddit comments annoying neighbor funny revenge new homeowners neighbor drama homeowner advice funny comments Reddit nosey neighbor - 22674181

'I don't trust Big Skittle...': 16+ Redditors come up with hilarious off-the-wall remarks to repel unwanted company after woman asks advice on how to avoid creepy neighbor

When you create yourself a home, you're not just creating a roof over your head, you're making yourself a refuge, a place where you can unwind and find peace. However, sometimes you get a house that comes with something you didn't bank on, like an annoying neighbor. Sometimes annoying neighbors can turn to Karens or worse, and in those cases, it might be best to get professional help. But when it's just an overly friendly neighbor who you're just trying not to chat with, other techniques can be…
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tech job failblog junior admin satisfying quits side hustle IT job sysadmin computer tech raise workplace senior admin Reddit working it internal raise workplace story - 22676229

‘I [said] $200 per hour… minimum 4 hours’: Senior admin quits after denied a raise, company can't function without him and has to agree to 5x his initial salary

It's not always easy to take the high road, but when it comes to your career, it's important to choose that path. Like I said, it's not easy, but if you don't you could ruin your whole career. Sure, it would be way more satisfying to burn some bridges and tell all those incompetent coworkers and upper management off, but you just have to walk away and hope for better thing. Sometimes, however, your high road still leads to a satisfying ending. For example, the reddit post this senior admin comm…
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'I canNOT believe these texts': Landlord shuts off power to entire complex for 2 hours because he believes the emergency alert will make everyone 'spontaneously combust'

'I canNOT believe these texts': Landlord shuts off power to entire complex for 2 hours because he believes the emergency alert will make everyone 'spontaneously combust'

We all get a little delulu at times and act according to what we truly think is the right way. Only from stepping away, gathering empathy, and really taking a good look at the entire picture do you have your epiphany that maybe, just maybe, you were getting a little out of hand there. Unfortunately, there are many people out there who, for some reason or another, cannot take those steps towards self realization and they make it everyone around them's problem. That is exactly what happened with…
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‘I had been sleeping in the office’: Software administrator rescues company's data from hackers, only gets $625 and is offered a below-market raise, so he quits

‘I had been sleeping in the office working nonstop’: Software administrator rescues company's data, only gets $625 and a below-market raise, so he quits

Too often do employees give company's their 100%, only to get the company's 1% in return. It really sours your view on job searching. You want to find the job of your dreams and make a fulfilling career out of it, but if they people running it are just using and abusing you, then it might be time to move on to big and better things. That's exactly what this software administrator did, as explained in their two-parter Reddit post. Their initial post was from several years ago, when they were fir…
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'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

You never know what you have until you lose it. This saying is usually used when talking about heartbreak, but in this case, it's about a useful employee. A reddit post shared an epic return on a computer programmer who got fired. This person was fired because the nefarious manager that nobody liked said he could find someone who could do his job for cheaper and he needed to cut costs. The programmer was upset, mostly because he loved the job and had put a lot of his sweat and time into it, but…
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'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

If you have ever worked somewhere that included a sales department, then you are familiar with the clashing of heads. Salespersons tends to have a little bit of a more inflated ego than the other employees. Why is that? Who knows? Maybe because they think they're the money makers since they're the ones making the deals. But the deals wouldn't even be able to happen if the product didn't exist, so maybe they should be taken down a peg. Well, that thankfully happened in this story we found on Red…
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‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

If you don't understand how extremely draining and annoying it is to be a customer service phone representative, then maybe it's time you take a good look in the mirror. Perhaps you're the Karen? This job requires you to sit on the phone all day long and listen to people complain, mostly entitled people demanding things they don't even pay for, and you're expected to keep your cool the entire time and be “helpful.” You think the service industry attracts super Karens, these call centers are bur…
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'Adventures as a cart-pusher': Employee becomes vigilante during work hours, serves justice to the evil forces of Karen parkers and neglectful parents

'Adventures as a cart-pusher': Employee becomes vigilante during work hours, serves justice to the evil forces of Karen parkers and neglectful parents

Vigilantes in the movies and comic books are usually decked out in their own DIY suits that are cool and edgy. They train themselves and can do all kinds of martial arts and parkour moves. They rid their community of evil citizens who use their laser eye vision to rob banks or something. In real life, however, it's not as flashy and theatrical. Vigilantes in real life are just like this Reddit poster. His uniform was a blue vest and his cover up job was “cart-pusher.” His main enemies were enti…
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'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

Do not question the skilled craftsman. That's just common sense, right? Apparently not, according to this Reddit thread . A skilled tool and die maker was doing his job when he got reprimanded. He knows, from years of experience and knowing how to do his job and do it well, that he had to wait 30 minutes before doing anything else. The machine is testy and he knows it's ups and downs. So he waited patiently so that the machine would work properly. However, the annoying manager who thinks he kno…
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‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

Sometimes you gotta get just the right amount of petty to teach someone a lesson. Sometimes that's the only language people speak. Nothing crazy, just something you learn from and can maybe laugh about later. That is exactly the move this guy pulled when he was forced to move out. This guy was voted out of the house by all of his roommates for various petty reason. All things that could have easily been remedy if they just had tried talking to him. But nope, they went straight for asking this g…
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'My bill was a third of what it would have been': Diner gets cheaper bill after sticking it to the 'Mean Girl' waitresses who were picking on the new guy

'My bill was a third of what it would have been': Diner gets cheaper bill after sticking it to the 'Mean Girl' waitresses who were picking on the new guy

Usually, it's the customers Reddit loves to complain about when it comes to sharing service industry stories. That, or to vent about a manager or coworker. Rarely do we see everyone agreeing with a customer who had a poor experience, and rightfully so because these servers are usually having a rough time. However, this story gets into the nitty gritty of working with “lifer” waiters who do nothing buy judge and be unhelpful. If you've ever worked in the service industry you have probably come a…
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The Best Rootin' Tootin' Yee Haw-est Memes of the Week (October 6, 2023)

The Best Rootin' Tootin' Yee Haw-est Memes of the Week (October 6, 2023)

Yee haw and party on!
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'Give out my phone number and I’ll give out yours': Guy getting continuous spam calls for another person takes hilarious action and gets the last laugh

'Give out my phone number and I’ll give out yours': Guy getting continuous spam calls for another person takes hilarious action and gets the last laugh

It's 2023 and spam calls are the new “ding dong ditch.” It's a constant barrage of callers trying to “getcha” for x,y, or, z. It's gotten to the point that most people don't even answer unknown callers, especially if they're not expecting a call from anyone. The “Do Not Call” (DNC) list only prevents people from requesting your number, but if people already have it, then the calls are going to keep coming whether you're on the DNC or not. One guy tried everything to stop getting the constant ha…
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'[He] was clearly not the smartest cookie': Dude finds employer of guy who scammed his family member out $73, gets him fired

'[He] was clearly not the smartest cookie': Dude finds employer of guy who scammed his family member out $73 with fake concert tickets, gets him fired

Usually it's the person getting scammed that tends to be left feeling pretty unintelligent afterwards. Of course that full-blown piano wasn't $40, but you didn't want to miss the chance at a stellar deal, so you bought it online anyways. Now you have to report suspicious activity on your account and still no piano. It happens every now and then to the best of us. However, sometimes, when the stars align, or the scammer is sloppy, satisfying justice gets served. That is the happy story we found…
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'So [I guess] I work in this story now?': Lady confuses customer as employee, he tries to show her the light but instead she assures him he 100% works there

'So [I guess] I work in this story now?': Lady confuses customer as employee, he tries to show her the light but instead she assures him he 100% works there

when you go out to do your usual grocery shopping, you expect to be able to do it in peace. It's not the most fun activity, but is has to get done. You go about your list, get what you need, and get out. There's nothing usually exciting in between. Well, that's unless you become the victim of a Karen. Yup, it's another Karen story for you guys! This one we found on Reddit was short and sweet and just too funny not to share. OP was simply grocery shopping when a lady approached him and very aggr…
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