

An entitled friend rages after losing their free Netflix privileges. | AITA telling my friend she has no right getting mad her" Netflix account got "canceled So my friend is heavy Netflix user. She middle show her account got canceled. However, she uses her friend's Netflix account, and believe this friend OK with them using However, today told she tried login she received an "incorrect password" notification, and Netflix account gets canceled error says something along lines would like renew?"

Entitled Friend Rages After Losing Free Netflix Privileges

The entitlement will never end.
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An entitled grandmother gives away grandkid's clothes, so grandkid gives away grandma's steel utensils. | My entitled grandmother stole my new clothes and exchanged them steel utensils. So gave away her utensils can read more about my grandmother my post history better understand kind person she Indian and my country, till few years ago could get steel utensils door door vendors exchange clothes. This barter system still exists villages and some small towns.

Coldhearted Grandma Steals Granddaughter's Clothes, Pro Revenge Ensues

Grandma crossed the line.
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An entitled dude demands a textbook and doesn't ever realize that he's the problem. | Hey, just quick question, do have book out library?

Entitled Man Demands Textbook, Has No Idea He's The Problem

The cluelessness is astounding.
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Entitled family member drops in out of the blue and expects earrings back from years ago. | Hi have two gold earrings gave long time ago actually feel guilty giving them because they are inky memory have my uncle who gave them If dont wear do still them anymore, can have them back, as would like keep them and not sure why even gave them or did lend them

Family Member Expects Earrings Back From Years Ago, Reality Check Ensues

It was over 10 years ago.
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A beyond entitled Karen expects complimentary boat privileges. | Hey, my sister told buying boat tomorrow. Can take my husband with go? 7:08 AM Why?

Beyond Entitled Karen Expects Complimentary Boat Privileges

Love that they stood their ground.
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Entitled kids expect to inherit all of dad's hard earned money. | AITA telling my children if they don't grow up and get real jobs, they aren't getting penny die, and then giving them reality check? Not hole ThrowRA not dying TL/DR: My kids thought they'd get my savings die told them no, then lectured them 57M) have two kids, N(30M) and (27F N works part-time flipping burgers, but insists his real job is as gaming streamer claims she's professional' influencer, her livelihood supported by her

Entitled Children Expect To Inherit Dad's Savings, Dad Sets Kids Straight

Some people need the reality check more than others.
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An entitled and incompetent coworker gets what's coming to them. | r/ProRevenge u/JCCR90 12h Join 2 S 2 8 2 Years making, satisfying end entitled co-worker Background m, 30) have been working at private equity fund 7 years now first started member team had been long time accountant (F, 54 no one really questioned why they were there doing junior work. As started doing more and more realized this person never trained or went school accounting (not need basics) but became glaringly clear whenever

Entitled And Incompetent Coworker Gets Rightful Comeuppance

She clearly had to go.
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Aunt offers exposure as payment, gets called out, and her scam ends up falling apart | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/KindredCocaCola 2y My Aunt tried use don't need money giving experience and exposure some art did business She got called out, now her entire scam (and life) is unravelling and while don't like gloat can't help but snicker originally posted my question on O r/relationships on Monday so whole backstory please click on my profile but;

Auntie Karen Offers Exposure As Payment, Gets Called Out, Scam Falls Apart

Exposure is not financial compensation.
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An influencer expects an artist to sacrifice their integrity in the name of exposure. | Hey manager messaging earlier telling were looking hand drawn portrait? yeah can start cos need this ASAP

Influencer Expects Artist To Sacrifice Integrity For Exposure

Yeah, nope.
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A choosing beggar threatens to go and snitch on a desk seller. | Hi there wondering turn around time custom desk is need height be 700mm. Width enough fit triple 24" monitors side by side like keyboard sized area at front slanted forward ease typing/gaming 17:25 Hiya have template exact design. Around 2 weeks before can start currently 17:30

Belligerent Choosing Beggar Threatens To Snitch On Desk Seller

Oh come on with all that nonsense.
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Karen pitches a fit about how long her egg is hard boiled, so a fellow guest provides a reality check. | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/bel_esprit_ Psycho request at hotel breakfast buffet Medium don't even work at hotel but need share this with guys. Currently, l'm staying at nice hotel Sweden added breakfast buffet onto our stay bc had rave reviews online been enjoying each morning our stay. So breakfast buffet here is indeed glorious. They put lot thought and consideration into Multiple

Karen Demands 8-Minute Hard Boiled Egg, Gets Reality Check Instead

You'll be alright, Karen.
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An entitled influencer expects free stuff in exchange for exposure, and hilarity ensues. | hello would like do collaboration some sort? id love share work on my account if interested?

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Goods In Exchange For Exposure

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An entitled Karen demands that another lady sell her her service dog | saw service dog on page. He's soooo cute. Hi, thank very much! O much him think might be confusing someone else, my dog is not sale

Entitled Karen Wants Lady's Service Dog, Reality Check Ensues

The dog is not for sale, Karen.
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A delusional "good friend" expects a pair of free custom sneakers. | iMessage Today 13:17 Hey girl miss wanted ask if could paint some air forces with butterflies on them really like work and wanted know if could do them Lmk hey, been while!

"Good Friend" Expects Free Custom Sneakers

Yeah, great friend by the sound of it.
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An entitled boomer learns they can't keep up with a service job. | lot them probably wouldn't last at job Last year had an internship at fancy office during day, and food service job at night. One ladies at office told she needed part-time job some extra cash, and let her know about an opening my food service job, described would be expected, all

Entitled Boomer Learns They Can't Handle Service Job

They got humbled real quick.
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A collection of the year's most entitled bridezillas | KAREN Big wedding announcement noticed lot who have RSVP'd have not sent gift or signed up my registry s pathetic and sad after all l've given others at their weddings. Don't even show up without gift spent my life savings on this wedding and 's disrespectful AF not give gift have one week send gift or l'm taking off Guest list. If need my address PM

Most Entitled Bridezillas Of 2020

Hopefully next year is better.
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