
"I'm a freelance artist and get some weirdos sometimes..." | Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate

Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate For Art Commission, Freaks Out When Told 'No'

karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 18082821

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

FAIL insane karen entitled entitlement idiots Reddit text messages texting choosing beggar entitled people - 17848069

10 Top Entitled Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

neighbors insane terrible entitlement entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people neighbor legal - 17754117

Absolute Nightmare Neighbor Makes Terrible Smells and Plays Loud Music Late at Night, Thinks Their Neighbor is the Crazy One

entitled choosing beggar insane entitlement FAIL text messages idiots texting Reddit karen entitled people - 17781765

10 Infuriatingly Entitled 'Choosing Beggars' Who Demanded Everything For Nothing

choosing beggar karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people - 17644293

The Choosing-est Beggars of the Week and Their Stupid Demands (Aug 11, 2022)

entitlement tinder facepalm entitled idiots Reddit karen entitled people - 17607685

The Most Entitled People of the Week (August 8, 2022)

Friend has temper tantrum over her ride being a Lyft and not an Uber.

Friend Has Temper Tantrum Over Ride Being a Lyft Not an Uber

A spicy customer demands that a restaurant cut their burrito in half, and the restaurant does just that.

Customer Asks Restaurant To Cut Burrito In Half, Restaurant Maliciously Complies

An entitled mom wants a goldfish snack and ends up getting turned down.

Entitled Mom Wants Goldfish Snack, Gets Turned Down, Pitches Fit

customer service entitlement retail retail worker customers entitled karen - 16421893

Untamed Karen Tries to Bring Fake Service Animal Into Store, Gets Told Off, Loses Her Mind

A choosing beggar expects a family to move out of their house for the week.

Choosy Beggar Expects Family To Move Out Of House For The Week

Entitled people and their demands

Entitled Folks and Their Absurd Boldness

A collection of giveaways that people are clearly pretending to be rich people.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

A server ends up defeating an aggressive Karen with some theatrical kindness.

Server Takes Down Aggressive Karen With Theatrical Kindness

insane christmas entitlement teenagers parenting - 16039429

Psychotic Daughter Gifts Breast Cancer Survivor Step-Mother Horribly Cruel Christmas Present