
entitled people

My new coworker hates that I'm good at my job, so he's trying to harass me into quitting.

'He's a major legal liability': Bigoted coworker lashes out at fast food restaurant

It's shocking that this guy hasn't been fired yet!
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(Update) to my nephews stealing cans from my shed. My eldest nephew went mental on my house

Update! 'There was broken glass everywhere': Can-stealing delinquent nephew gets arrested after trashing uncle's home

What do you do when you've been caught and punished for your delinquent actions? Apologize and learn from the experience, improving your life and outlook? No! Double down on your mistakes — of course! That was the illogical reasoning that led us to this update in a post that was shared on Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit. This one escalates and gets pretty wild. I was kind of on the fence about sharing this one because it takes a sharp left turn out of the “fun zone.” after the nephew is arr…
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My entitled neighbor was mad that I took my shirt off of in my own house

'I came over [...] to tell your daughter to cover up': Entitled Karen tells neighbor to put a shirt on in her own house

There's nothing like a bossy, nosy neighbor Karen who can't help but march across the street to be bossy and nosy in someone else's home.
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Couple decided to steal a deeded parking space | I work in a place with a deeded parking garage - each spaced is owned by a resident. But we only have 75 spots, and 300 units. If you don't have a spot, ya gotta permit park your car on the street or find a parking garage in the neighborhood.

'Granny told them it would be $150 bucks': Entitled couple steals deeded parking space, has their car trapped... and faces the wrath of "Granny"

Once in a while, you come across someone who you decided to mess with and who you absolutely should not have messed with. Notable entries to this list who come to mind would be John Wick (seriously, leave the guy's dog alone), Master Chief (Grunts don't call him “The Demon” for nothing), Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino (who inspired the intro quote), and Granny (park in her space at your own peril). These individuals all have the common trait of displaying a laid-back outward demeanor that doesn'…
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Karen complaining about the TV station interrupting her programs to cover news about… the station's own news helicopter crashing, k*lling two colleagues. I feel sorry for the social media manager having to deal with stuff like this while mourning two friends

'IT'S AT THE APEX OF A STORYLINE': Insensitive Karen enraged when soap operas are paused for a breaking news event

She was watching her programs!
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Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

Why are so many things infuriating?
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aita entitled parents mother parenting entitled entitled people celeb - 18502917

'Your entitlement is clouding your judgment': Mother calls celebrity rude for refusing to take a photo with her daughter, gets put in her place by the internet

It seems bizarre to think that you're entitled to a stranger's time — and that's exactly what's happening when you try to take a selfie with a celebrity. Whatever relationship you have with them is completely one-sided, they might be your “favorite,” but they — meanwhile — have no idea that you even exist. So when you rock up to them at their daughter's birthday party, demanding their attention, it's pretty safe to say that's going to go about as well — and be as well received — as it would wit…
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Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

'How many DAYS did you cook it for?': Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

One of those moments when you have no one to blame but yourself... but decide to blame someone else anyways… Most people have the ability to admit that they made a mistake and own up to their own failings. Mind you, it's not something that's easy to do; the ol' ego has a particular aversion to acknowledging any wrongdoing or fault. Most of us can push past the ego gremlin and own our mistakes, but there are certain entitled and narcissistic people on this planet who, if you asked them, would te…
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He complains there's bones in his daughters calzone, manager looks at me and I say "I confirmed twice she wanted chicken wings", and the dad says "you know what she meant, like chicken meat".

'The kitchen guys are actually chuckling while they put this thing together': Obstinate customer demands whole chicken wings in their calzone, worker complies, gets fired

There are times in life when temptation is just too great and leads us toward doing something that we probably shouldn't be doing… Take, for example, serving a customer a calzone containing entire chicken wings (bones and all) after they obstinately and repeatedly request it as a special order. When you've been working in the service industry, retail, or customer service for long enough, you get a growing itch to pull off something like this. With every entitled customer interaction, you can fe…
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karens students teachers teacher entitled Terrible Teacher karen entitled people - 18447877

'Yes, her car was being towed!': Bad school administrator is rude to retail-working students and parks in handicapped spots, gets towed

This 'badministrator' is as bad as they come — imposing her entitled wrath on former students who she has deemed of being unworthy.
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No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

Nothing like getting petty revenge on a Karen!
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A fresh collection of trending choosing beggars and entitled people

'You are charging way too much': 20+ Choosing beggars whose entitled ends know no bounds

There are persons in this world who want far more than they would ever have to give — and they still want more than that. These entitled “choosing beggars” want everything for nothing and won't settle for anything less. They can be encountered in the marketplace of the face-books and lurking in the corners of Craig's list. It's highly likely, if you're an artist or freelance worker, they'll barge their way into your DMs and demand a free commissioned piece.
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Entitled Child destroys property and threatens to evict my family

Update: Entitled Children Threaten to Kick Neighbors Out of Their Apartment

Ah, the entitlement never ends!
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Imagine getting mad at an EUROPEAN product for being “anti American” — a product that is only being sold in America to address a critical formula shortage

'The description and instructions are anti-American': Insane Karen leaves stupid 1-star review for 'Anti-American' imported baby formula that uses metric measurements, gets blasted in viral thread

There's always going to be that thing that we are so fiercely protective and vocal about that we're willing to take a stand; die on that hill; and draw a big, bold line in the sand. For some people, that thing is — apparently — standing up to the communistic and anti-American existence of the metric system.
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ask reddit karens neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 18412037

'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

The existence of other people can be — well — kind of a downer. Nothing spoils the enjoyment of the pleasant dawning sun, with a hot cup of coffee in hand and pleasant birdsong in the air, like being reminded that other people exist. Barking dogs, honking cars, or yelling neighbors puncture tranquil morning thoughts and pull you right back into a bleak and bitter reality of continuance. But a barking dog, honking car, or occasional dispute is far from the worst thing one can experience when liv…
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Young Karen got me fired!

Young Karen in the Making Gets Her Boss Fired Because She’s Friends With the Hotel Owner’s Daughter

I smell nepotism!
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