
entitled people

customer support customer service entitled parents malicious compliance revenge customers petty revenge entitled family entitled people - 19104773

Entitled Family Demands Medical Assistance, Embarrassed by Over-the-Top Emergency Medical Response

Be careful what you wish for! If what you desire is urgent medical assistance (for a non-urgent injury) from someone who isn't qualified or even capable of providing that assistance. The real truth of the matter is that this family felt entitled to receive attention from this customer service representative simply because they were a customer service representative — and that's what they're there for, right? To justify your need to feel important. I don't know if I can really stand by this coll…
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pro revenge revenge nuclear revenge family drama drama classic-story aunt arrested entitled family greatest hits reddit thread entitled people - 19060485

Feud over alarm clock costs insane aunt her entire career, she gets arrested following nuclear revenge

A small spark of discourse can grow into a wildfire when both sides are fanning the flames; ego, pride, and prejudice can drive us to go great lengths and take us down surprising paths, all over something that totally wasn't worth worrying about in the first place. It's no small wonder that something as simple as a dispute over an alarm clock can drive two family members to a point where they're clawing at each other and marching down toward mutually assured destruction. The original poster of…
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You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair.

'You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair': Neighbor demands half of bake sale earnings despite paying for none of the costs

Conflict emerged when this neighbor's kid demanded that he receive "half the money" from a bake sale when he decided he was bored and wanted to go home early. He wasn't even willing to stay the full duration and put in the work in order to earn his part of the cash. The other kid responded that this wasn't fair and that they should split the money earned for the duration that the neighbor's kid had worked. This prompted the neighbor to march over to this family's house, complaining that it wasn…
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Entitled neighbor helps herself to my garden

Update! 'I was LIVID': Entitled woman caught stealing from neighbor's garden, neighbor loses it

Friendly reminder to never steal your neighbor's greens!
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Insane Choosing Beggar Makes Unreasonable Demands After Insulting Stranger's Generous Offer to Let Them Stay For Recovery From Voluntary Cosmetic Surgery

Insane Choosing Beggar Makes Unreasonable Demands After Insulting Stranger's Generous Offer to Let Them Stay For Recovery From Voluntary Cosmetic Surgery

When you're a guest in someone else's home, you're on your best behavior; the last thing you'd ever want to do is upset the delicate balance of their lives and impose yourself further upon them. That's how I feel when I'm in someone else's home, and I had always assumed that others shared in my anxiety-riddled tiptoeing. This turns out to not always be the case — in fact, there are those who would not only invite themselves into your home but expect you to finance and facilitate every facet of…
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Entitled Parent Ruins Christmas By Stealing My Son's Nintendo Switch

'She stormed off screaming': Disastrous sister-in-law steals child's new Nintendo Switch that they just received for Christmas

We usually spend our childhood years with a certain expectation that all adults will have good critical thinking and rationality; it becomes unfortunately clear to us as we age that a lot of adults are as incompetent as an overgrown version of the child that we once were. Maturity doesn't just come with age; it's something that has to be consciously worked towards, but a lot of people just… don't. It takes a certain special kind of person to try and steal another child's present to give to thei…
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AITA for calling my sister for treating her child better then me

Update! 'I got the harsh and cold side of her': Ungrateful sister unleashes wrath on her sibling over spilled milk

There's nothing quite like seeing someone out of line get completely roasted.
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'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

Dealing with Karens while waiting tables has to be one of the worst parts of the job. That's what this server had to endure when a group of Karens came into their restaurant at closing and demanded eggs Benedict without the hollandaise sauce.
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Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

This world is deeply in need of a little bit of compassion and understanding. This Karen saw fit to accost a wheelchair-bound patron at the cinema they were attending after she was triggered by them turning on their electric wheelchair to adjust their position. Now, I hate theaters; I haven't been to one movie in recent years without having the movie rudely interrupted by people talking or pulling out their phones. The theater experience just doesn't compare to watching a movie at home because…
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Dumb teacher refuses to reset password for my school account after it stopped working, gives me an f because i did not log in to the said account

'I will never do that for you': Teacher refuses to help student log into school account, gives him failing grade

Every so often, you come across an authority figure who just wants to see you fail.
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'Give me a pizza!': Karen demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

'Give me a pizza!': Karen rudely demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

“You don't always get what you want,” the singer Mick Jagger once famously sang; it's a statement that reminds us that there really is more to life than coveted goods and materialistic desires — and is especially pertinent if what you want is a pizza from a place that doesn't even make pizza.
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Update: Entitled 'Crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering small fortune

Update: Entitled 'crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering a small fortune of inheritance

Some people have more money than common sense, and some people have so little common sense that they lose all of their money. Imagine being born on third base and getting caught out trying to steal second; that's the level of competency we're talking about in this thread. This Reddit user describes the situation at hand: Their entitled brother has decided that he wants to get married after squandering his inheritance on bad crypto investments. Because he's never had to work for anything himself…
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AITA for taking a ‘nepotism baby’ joke too personally?

'He's a Nepo Baby': Son of successful entrepreneur gets defensive over awkward family dinner

This Holiday season, it seems that families were arguing about nepotism!
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Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

'You're crazy': Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

Back in his day, kids used to walk to school uphill both ways — backward, with their legs tied together and while balancing a razor-sharp scimitar atop their head. Apparently, these entrepreneurial youths also used to knock on people's doors during blizzards and sub-zero temperatures in order to offer their shoveling services for a fiver… Next, they'll be telling us that Minecraft is evidence that the children yearn for the mines . It might be frightfully cold out, but that didn't stop this ent…
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20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Interacting with strangers is a curious thing: Two people with a lifetime of experiences… thoughts, ideals, goals, and passions; colliding together for a single moment (or mere moments), resulting in each person forming the static two-dimensional projection that is their impression of the other person. How was that person in that moment? There are so many ways to define or categorize this: Were they amiable or antagonistic? If antagonistic, was that born from a lack of understanding — or a conf…
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Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

If everyone's difficult, you're probably the difficult one!
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