
entitled people

Entitled ex husband gets what he deserves

'I reported the phone as stolen and it is now flagged and shut off': Woman punishes ex-husband for refusing to pay phone bill

He had it coming!
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Mrs. Spike, the entitled teacher who thought she would never get caught abusing her students.

'She ended her reign of terror': Evil Karen PE teacher finally gets what she deserves after years of bullying

Mrs. Spike sounds like a real-life Roald Dahl villain...
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AITA for reporting my professor

Entitled Student Reports Professor for Drawing Boundaries at Work

I swear teachers are the most disrespected people...
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Karens accost a child referee and two kids running a lemonade stand.

20 Entitled 'Karens' Imposing Their Stupid Wrath Upon the World

There's no shortage of ‘Karens’ out there in the world today. It seems like everywhere you turn, anywhere you go, or every time you boot up a social app, there's some older woman with cropped hair giving some poor random person or employee the “What-for.” Why? Has it always been like this? Have they always been there and smartphones have finally just exposed them? Or, are there really just an increasing number of entitled a-holes out there?
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bartender puts entitled customers in place just realize she was in the wrong

Comedian recounts story of when she was a bartender and epically shutdown some entitled customers, just to shamefully realize they were in the right

As a bartender, it is your right—nah, your duty!—to put entitled customers back in their place and not play their frustrating immature game. However, you should always be SURE that they are truly just being privileged spoiled folk and haven't actually been the victim of a real mistake you've made…
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My entitled dad throws coffee at waiter and demands he gets fired

Male Karen Throws Coffee in Waiter's Face and Demands That They Fire This 'Ignorant Useless Server'

This entitled dad is lucky the waiter didn't press charges!
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karens entitled parents mother karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 18092037

Entitled Mother Brings Her Kids to a "No Children Allowed" Live Audio Recording, Thinks She's the Exception

“I am the exception.” the core thinking of any good entitled person's philosophy
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karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 18082821

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

These entitled idiots and “choosing beggars” either wanted something for nothing or were determined to inflict their stupid arrogance upon others.
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AITA for leaving my best friend and his friends stranded in an unfamiliar city?|I have a habit of leaving my keys on a hook next to the door to my bedroom in my camper. Remember this. Come nightfall, I went to take a phone call outside and ended up wandering around the grounds for over an hour. When I got back to the camper, the door was locked, and I was told by my best friend's older friend through the window that there wasn't enough room for me in MY trailer.

'Why would you do this?': Guy strands entitled friends after they lock him out of his own camper

After kindly offering to drive his best friend and co to a “Spartan race” in another state, this guy's services were kindly repaid when they locked him out of his own camper for the night. The reasoning given was somewhere along the lines of there not being enough room (which was told to him through a locked door that they refused to open.) The insanity of this knows no bounds. He was being denied access and the ability to stay in his own camper that he had towed there with his own truck. In wh…
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gay couple get revenge on homophobic neighbor by becoming their landlord and evicting them

'So I bought their home and I evicted them': Homophobic neighbor who constantly shouts slurs gets served serious karma from their gay neighbor

The gay couple waved a poetic goodbye on their new front porch as the homophobic now-ex-neighbors all of a sudden realized what had just happened to them: Karma.
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Karen reviewing a skatepark in London | housing and residential area. Enjoy the park. Pick up that board. Yes children playing here, less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts.

'Less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts': Karen bizarrely reviews a skatepark in London

Don't feel bad if you get confused while you're reading this, we're confused too, and we're pretty sure that Angela was also confused while she was writing this. Nevertheless, Angela was determined to have her voice heard when she posted this review for a London skatepark. The review then made its way to Reddit's aggressively named r/ F**YouKaren subreddit when a screenshot of the review was posted by Reddit user u/PEDR069. As you muddle your way through the piece a couple of times you kind of…
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Lady says I look like a sl*t and my supervisor said... | "She just stops and gives me this once-over look and stares at me very intently. She stares at my face and says to me "Seriously? You work in a museum and you come here looking like a sl*t?" |

'Her face went completely white': Supervisor intervenes when Karen uses slur on employee, has her removed

Ahh, the joys of customer service and retail. A wondrous world where strangers will use you as a punching bag for their emotions at the slightest inconvenience and where going above and beyond will seldom earn you a word of thanks.
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amazon reviews reviews karens funny reviews 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 1695751

Karen Can't Spell, Writes Wild 1-Star Amazon Review For Birthday Balloons

The internet is a wonderful creation that has opened all kinds of doors and avenues for the advancement of the human race. It allows us to collaborate, push new ideas, and make our voices heard in a way that was never before possible.
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this karen got owned by my boss | Pleasant environment, terrible staff.

'Please don't come back': Karen destroyed by business owner after leaving 1-star review

There's a certain net of safety that the (rapidly evaporating) anonymity of the internet provides to us. After all, there is a reason that the term 'Keyboard Warrior' exists. It's easy to let the darker and more aggressive parts of your personality emerge when you stand to face no consequence for whatever you may do or say.
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pettyrevenge | "The owner shows up to see how we’re doing while we have the dog on the porch. We make some small talk, and he mentions that we didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog."

'We didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog': Entitled Airbnb guest brings dog without telling host, is surprised when host leaves them a negative review

Almost universally, we have a tendency to trust the narrative of the narrator when it comes to stories we see online. We seldom stop to pause and take a look at the other perspectives that the context offers us: When you're reading a story your favorite influencer or personality is telling about some aggressive Karen they met at a festival, do you ever stop to think, "Why did that complete stranger take offense to them?" Sure there are some wildly unhinged persons in this world who have the ten…
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They left me three wings. Three. 3.

Girlfriend Cooks 100 Wings for Significant Other's Friend Group. They Leave Only 3 for Her.

This woman cooked a feast of wings for her boyfriend's friend group, left the room for just 15 minutes to hop on a call, and returned to find only 3 wings left for her.
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