
entitled people

Karen neighbour made plans for her guests to use my driveway over Christmas | I came home to find a note of Karen neighbour, hand posted into my letter box. It wasn’t in an envelope.

'She tried to tow my car out of my own driveway': Karen arranges for her guests to park in dude's driveway, tells him to park on the street

No, this is not your neighbor, Totoro — this is your neighbor, Karen, and she thinks she has a greater right than you to use YOUR driveway.
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choosing beggar FAILS karens FAIL entitled Reddit karen entitled people image - 18361349

'Looking for a free horse': 20+ Entitled trending 'Choosing Beggars' who had unreasonable expectations from others

There are some people in this world who consider themselves to be above it, despite that sentiment being entirely unearned. Their unwavering unabated demands and unreasonable expectations put undue weight upon the rest of society's shoulders. They insist on this course of raging against the world when someone dares to stand in the way of their obstinate importunity. These persons are our “Choosing Beggars”; they want everything for nothing and won't stand for any less for any more. Read on for…
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Entitled Woman tried to steal my tip jar because I’m “Satan’s Wh***.”

Entitled Karen doesn't like her Tarot card reading, so she steals the tip jar and runs away

Karen clearly forgot what the Bible says about stealing...
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Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Sometimes, I wish I could have the audacity of an entitled Karen.
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Lady Screamed at Me For Not Cutting Her Fabric.. I Don’t Work at Jo Ann’s

Old lady accosts woman at fabric store and demands she cut her fabric... She doesn't work there

Accidentally approaching a stranger in a store, assuming that they work there — we've all done it — but it's how you handle those next embarrassing seconds that define your true character. Sure, most of us are most likely to blush and mumble some apology under our breath as we carefully back away and retreat to die in a hole somewhere; the bolder among us are going to be more like to laugh at ourselves for our mistakenness. But, there's a third group of people out there: Those who are so stubbo…
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My teacher cut the tube for my insulin pump because we couldn’t have headphones in class

Deranged teacher takes 'No Headphones' too far, cuts diabetic kid's insulin pump tube

Wherever there is something that someone could possibly do in this world, there is someone out there taking it way too far. This is a phrase that I have uttered in the intro of these threads more times than I could possibly begin to count — but it remains as accurate and as relevant as ever. Some people just take something and run with it, we humans consistently fall prey to this due to the logical fallacy of feeling ‘moreish’: if one of something was good, then one more will be even better. Bu…
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trashy cringey cringey memes cringe trashy people cringe pics entitled cringeworthy entitled people FAILS FAIL cringe-fails - 18342405

30+ Trashy People and Cringe-Inducing Fails That Make Us Want To Leave This Dang Planet Forever

Sometimes being a human is embarrassing. There are just too many people on this dang planet getting up to too much tomfoolery. Don't get me wrong: We all have our quirks and strange habits that make us the ‘individuals’ that we are —but did these people really need to choose these quirks? Really? A lot of these trashy moments could be solved if people had a little more understanding of one another, but even more of them are beyond help. Keep browsing for this collection of trashy people and cri…
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15 Egregious 'out of touch' comments people witnessed from the obscenely wealthy

15 Egregious 'out of touch' comments people witnessed from the obscenely wealthy

Some people are born without common sense but an obscene amount of wealth. At the end of the day, we are only human and, as such, are direct products of the environments in which we were raised. Whether or not you have common sense, if you've never had to pay for, say —a sandwich — in your entire life; then you're not going to have any life experiences, or even a frame of reference, for what a sandwich costs when you finally do need to pay for one. This seems absurd to the rest of us, but it's…
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Entitled Influencer Karen Expects Discounted Meal, Writes Ridiculous 1-Star Review

You can't expect a discount just because you have a ton of followers.
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'We already switched seats" After a while the couple said "Oh you have the middle seat", i was confused because the wife was sitting at the aisle. And i said that was not the agreement and i want my seat back.

Entitled Couple Tricks Guy Into Trading for Worse Plane Seat, He Ends up With a Better Seat

If you needed proof that karma can act in instantaneous ways— this is it. There's nothing worse on this earth than someone who is willing to nefariously take advantage of other people's inclination toward goodwill in order to further themselves. These grifters have no conscience, stop at nothing, and are a parasite to society. Luckily, they also sometimes also are served the just desserts that their actions have wrought. When this traveler happened across a couple on his flight, they kindly req…
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Cut in front of me in the dinner queue? I hope you like ants…

Man Cuts the Line at Silent Retreat, Vengeful Person Attracts Swarm of Ants to Make Him Break Vow of Silence

With this act of petty revenge, true balance was restored.
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no one's forcing you to eat ice cream, Karen

Insane Karen Accuses Ice Cream Company of Being Anti-Catholic for Tweeting on Ash Wednesday

PSA: always run away from a very hangry Karen!
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tole my seat eh? Well now we are gonna' get real cozy. I (43m) flew Southwest recently and spaced on checking in early so I ended up way in the back of the plane. It was only an hour flight so I wasn't too distraught about it

Entitled Dude Steals Guy's Plane Seat, Guy Sits on Top of Him

Problems require creative solutions —sometimes, that creativity need only go as far as parking your rear end on top of said problem. This is as it was for Redditor u/BigTex380, who weighs in at a respectable 6'1" and 230 lbs. He shared his story on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit this week. (Although let's be honest, this would have fit better on r/pettyrevenge.) When u/BigTex380 was boarding his flight, he quickly identified his seat and went to chuck his bag up in the overhead bins.…
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Entitled choosing beggars

15 Staggeringly Choosy Beggars Who Demanded All For Naught

There are people on this earth who possess a complete inability to conduct themselves rationally. If they're getting a service performed for a bargain out of goodwill, they're going to want to negotiate a better rate. Even when they're getting handed something for free, they're going to feel as if they're entitled to more. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're raised to expect more out of our lives than the world can reasonably deliver—but these choosing beggars sure do take tha…
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Pay me to be my live in nanny | Furnished, Clean, Safe Basement Apartment in Family Home | Sharing rooms & shares $500 Family looking for kind human to live in basement apartment and part time nanny for $500/month + 16 hours of nanny care per week + two date nights per month. Hoping to find the perfect housemate who enjoys kids and kindness.

Weird Choosing Beggar Wants Roommate Who Pays to Be a Live-In Nanny

There are a lot of similarities between a roommate and a domestic worker. For one, both live in your house—which is probably the most obvious. Both are also responsible (partly or wholly) for doing chores and keeping the place neat and tidy. (They probably also spend more time than they want to cleaning up after your lazy buns.) They restock common items, may help care for your pets and may provide you with a source of companionship. But, for as many similarities as they might share there are s…
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"It was then that a woman water walked over to us with a little girl in tow, demanding to know where the boy's mother was and why he was using me like a jungle gym.  Before I could reply the little guy rolled his eyes at the woman and said the following, at max volume. 'Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr. OP to watch me...'"

'Are you really going to ruin that for her too?': Kid humiliates entitled pool Karen with uncomfortable truth "bombs"

Kids say the darnedest things, don't they? That complete lack of filter can simultaneously be the most hilarious, embarrassing, and cutting thing on this planet. There's nothing worse than being on the receiving end of an incredibly perspective comment from a child. There's something about the truth that a child perceives that leaves you utterly defenseless and without any recourse or response. After all, it's not as if you can respond with an insult back… Then you'd just be the adult that was…
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