
entitled people

‘I was really taken aback…': Lady tries to take another shopper's coupon, shopper refuses to hand it over

‘I was really taken aback…': Lady tries to take another shopper's coupon, shopper refuses to hand it over

I like a good coupon as much as the next person, but I won't go to drastic lengths to get one if you know what I am. This lady, on the other hand, was so entitled to other people's property, that she was more than happy to go to said lengths. What happened goes as follows… OP went shopping for some scent pods and was rudely interrupted by another shopper, who we'll call Karen (because it fits). OP's coupon was sticking out of her purse, and Karen had taken notice after keenly having scanned the…
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'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone-free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

We understand that phone-free zones are, in theory, a productive idea to help save chronically online folks like myself, but in practice, these policies never work. At a certain point, one has to wonder to what extent it's worth it to keep on enforcing silly rules like this given that people will always find a way to circumnavigate those rules or, if they do comply, they are not going to have a fun time doing it. On top of that, the reality is that in this day and age, you genuinely need access…
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'What is wrong with you?': Male Karen wakes up seatmate for playing loud music, causes commotion on flight

'What is wrong with you?': Male Karen wakes up seatmate for playing loud music, causes commotion on flight

People's perceptions of plane etiquette seem to changing, and this story clearly serves as evidence of the friction between passengers. If you were seated next to someone who was playing loud music, you probably would be slightly annoyed but the truth is in this day and age, everyone is playing music throughout the flight. The air pressure also makes it pretty hard to hear the music of your neighbor, especially if you're also listening to something. I'm just saying: slightly loud music surely i…
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customer service karens server waiter karen-customer customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service karens in the wild entitled tales from your server karen entitled people service industry - 23363845

'You were in no rush to help': Managers scapegoat server for entitled customer's kitchen complaints

It can be incredibly difficult and frustrating working in customer-facing roles where your managers refuse to face up and take accountability on behalf of the operation they are managing, instead throwing the lowest-level workers under the bus for things well out of their control. When you're an honest, well-intended person, it can take an unfortunate amount of time to realize that not everyone is wired to be honest and well-intended and that there are, in fact, people trying to take advantage…
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'We don't need you, why don't you just quit': Karen and Kevin diner owners challenge overworked server to quit, server maliciously complies

'We don't need you, why don't you just quit': Karen and Kevin diner owners challenge overworked server to quit, server maliciously complies

Who doesn't love a classic “you don't know what you've got till it's gone” story? Here, we have a server fresh out of school who was constantly manipulated and treated poorly by her Karen and Kevin bosses. While I have never shared the particulars of a story, I do empathize with the situation as someone who has worked for ungrateful clients. In this case, I was working in a client-facing role and was already swamped that I did not need this particular person's business. When he started making u…
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karens mobility karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people disability - 23364357

'He actually needed it': Disabled dude confronted by stranger demanding his mobility scooter

A major problem with the social media-fueled “always right” attitude and justice-seeking is that we often are wrong in our own thoughts and perceptions, often because our perception is almost always formed off an incomplete picture. So, in seeking the justice we crave from the people we have incorrectly labeled as antisocial wrong-doers, we ourselves become the antisocial wrong-doers. Unfortunately, this is something that people with many permanent disabilities that aren't immediately visible t…
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reddit, r-AITA, AITA, NTA, YTA, grinch, office-grinch, employee-grinch, co-worker-grinch, holiday-workplace, IT-holiday-work

'Am I the [office Grinch] who stole Xmas?': New hire of only 4 months wants senior IT employee to cover his holiday shift since he doesn't celebrate Christmas, gets a big ‘NO’

Who hasn't had to work a holiday shift? It just comes with the territory . If you're a new hire, you have to put your time in and work some of the hard shifts. That's just how the cookie crumbles. You think you will get the holidays off before the more senior employees who had to give their holidays up years before you? I don't think so, babes. So the audacity of this new hire in this Reddit story is palpable. A senior IT employee usually works the Christmas break and never minded it since he d…
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family drama marriage entitled parents kids askreddit entitled family reddit thread Reddit toxic relationship children entitled people - 23374341

'All my money is mine': 20+ people share their 'I'm so glad I don't have kids' moments

Everyone says there is never a perfect time to have children and that you can never be fully prepared for such a monumental life change, and that may very well be true. However, that's not to say that we shouldn't at least be sure we understand the details of what that life shift might look like beforehand. Societal pressure to have kids is real, and there is no denying that having kids can be a beautiful thing. But like most things in life, it's not for everyone. In an online world where so mu…
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karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

“I immediately wanted to call in sick,” this video game store employee wrote. What made them feel so ill? An advertisement! For those who have spent time in the trenches of retail work around the holidays, you know exactly how this person feels. No matter how much you enjoy your retail job during the year, when the holiday season comes around, customers begin to act feral.
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'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift':Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift': Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

As much as it is the season of giving, apparently, it is also the season of complaining. Now, I have never been one of those lucky employees to receive a sizable bonus for the Holidays. One has to assume it is the price for not going full corporate. That being said, if I were to receive such a gift, I would try not to take it for granted and remember the days when I would never have gotten this kind of special treatment (meaning, these days). So if this choosing beggar has no interest in using…
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'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

You can never exactly predict when and how karma is going to strike. Sometimes, the people who deserve it the most get off easy (for now). But when karma does come into play, the results can be glorious. I'll never forget the time I had a friend who was so insistent that their wedding would happen the way they wanted it to that despite the forecast of good weather, it started to downpour during their outdoor wedding ceremony. It was the kind of climactic situation no one could have predicted (a…
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'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

Shouldn't animal control have been able to shut down this Karen duo? The fact that they were able to intimidate animal control into enforcing a fine that would have otherwise just been a warning says a lot more about the fragile authority of animal control than anything else. Now, personally speaking, I could not live right next to someone who keeps a dozen chickens and who always is having problems with those chickens because of raccoons and other animal attacks. That is not exactly my neighbo…
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'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

Most Karen neighbors are sticklers around noise and privacy, but you would think if they would accuse you of crossing the property line, they would at least double check first. Here, we have a Karen who threw a tantrum at her neighbor's friend, who was doing a favor and assisting with replacing his buddy's fence. Karen insisted that the fence was over the property line, prompting her neighbor and his friend to do some research. When they uncovered that her property was actually nearly 10 feet o…
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'[HOA] want[s] to sue us': Residents purchase home before HOA was reinstated, then HOA threatened to take them to court

'[HOA] want[s] to sue us': Residents purchase home before HOA was reinstated, then HOA threatened to take them to court

We know all too well at this point that HOAs are full of obnoxious type-A individuals who will stop at nothing to make your neighborhood experience a living nightmare. No HOA is immune to these extremes, so it is up to homeowners to find some level of healthy distance from them so that life in the neighborhood is at least slightly bearable. Now, as someone who lives in a city, my personal encounters with HOAs are nonexistent, but I also know full well what it's like to be taken advantage of by…
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reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-boomer-couple, privleged-boomer-hippies, bookstore-probs, bookstore-problems, seasonal-bookstore-employees

'Dude, you just loiter': Older couple waltz around bookstore like they own the place never spending a dime, owner pulls a fast one on them by removing all chairs

Sometimes big problems require simple solutions. This seemed to be the case in the entitled couple vs small bookstore story we came across on Reddit. The bookstore employee recalls an older couple who oozed entitlement so much in the establishment that it ruined the comfort of big comfy chairs for everyone. This couple would come in, never by anything, but would sit in the only two big comfy chairs all day long, cut the line to demand free hot water, and even kick their feet up on the table SHO…
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'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

We've all run into the frustration of trying to reserve a room at a good rate, only for the hotel to be completely booked on the dates you wanted. It's a bummer for sure, but it's not the end of the world. You booked too late, so you need to find other accommodations. But would you book a room that's too small to accommodate your party and expect an upgrade upon check-in? Free of charge? Well, that's precisely what this Karen thought would happen.
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