
entitled people

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

There is something about those extremely sophisticated petty revenge stories, that are just so satisfying to read. Because really, all you need in order to get back at someone is just a bit of creativity and courage, and you can get away with the funniest little tricks. Here is the perfect example of one. This employee told Reddit about how they got back at an unreasonable boss who kept giving employees bad reviews for no reason. Instead of causing a scene, or threatening to quit, OP came up wi…
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'She wanted me gone but got fired instead': IT employee refuses to fix demanding coworker's computer so she turns to upper management to get him fired

'She wanted me gone but got fired instead': IT employee refuses to fix demanding coworker's computer so she turns to upper management to get him fired

IT people really have it hard out there. It is a genuine surprise how they manage to keep a civil conversation with people while having to fix their constant silly tech problems they could have fixed themselves in less them two minutes. Honestly, the term ‘Technophobic' has lost all meaning when you hear what people need help with. No ma'am, you are not technophobic, you are simply too lazy to learn. And why would you learn if all you have to do to fix your tiny problem is to call the IT person…
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'Please pick up after your dog': Neighbor feud escalates from petty signs to sabotage

'Please pick up after your dog': Neighbor feud escalates from petty signs to lawn sabotage

Who doesn’t love to sit back and watch drama unfold when you personally are unaffected by all of it? Well, at least for now. Who knows how these two neighbors plan to escalate their feud after all these shenanigans? Maybe the Redditor will have to get out of their front-row seat and actually pick a side? This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/coralcoast21 , who watched their neighbors start from a petty place of putting up passive-aggressive signs on their lawns to lea…
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‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

There are many new routines you have to get used to when you have a new baby in your life. Your sleeping schedule, eating, traveling, working, and, well, everything. A baby is completely helpless and you have to basically do everything for it. So of course that is going to change your life completely. New parents are made aware of this these days and know that they are making a life-altering decision by having a kid. And mothers who were never warned about this and had to figure it out as they…
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‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

It’s remarkable how immature fully grown adults can be when they are forced to share space. What’s even more remarkable is that none of the three adults in this scenario can afford their own places. Our condolences to the poor parents who have to hear all this squabbling from these literal children who refuse to grow up. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/KingQuenchie , who never seemed to get along with their future sister-in-law. Matters were made worse wh…
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salary engineers satisfying belittle malicious compliance revenge bad jokes friends wages petty entitled people - 24312325

'He doesn't make as much as us real engineers': Entitled friends mock guy's career, so he picks up their hefty dinner tab

At the end of the day, you can't accurately gauge someone's income solely based on their job title. Salaries can fluctuate significantly across different industries. So, never think you're better than anyone because you assume you make more money than them. This lesson hit home when a group of entitled friends decided to mock their acquaintance for being an agricultural engineer, dismissing it as not a "real" engineering profession. Throughout their group dinner with their families, they belitt…
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family drama adult daughter entitled parents university college applying kids father daughter fatherhood entitled father bad parenting grown daughter parenting entitled r-entitled Reddit college parents entitled people - 24312837

'In retrospect, I might HAVE been too harsh': Father takes making-a-point too far and gets a dose of reality when grown daughter goes no-contact

When you become a father, you are now a father 24-7 for the rest of your life. Even if you choose to ignore those duties, that is still you affecting your child as a father, a bad father, but still a father. One of the biggest struggles parents tend to have is letting their child be free to do what they want. Parents want their kids to not make the mistakes they did growing up, so they forbid them from it. But the thing is, that isn't going to stop them, especially once they are grown…
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therapist boss employee job malicious compliance revenge petty quitting work rage quit Horrible Bosses contractor blue collar entitled people - 24275205

"[My therapist] told me to quit, which I immediately did': Entitled contractor tells employee to get a therapist, employee maliciously complies

Talk about instant karma. In this story, an employee had been diligently contributing to his team's project, all while putting up with the constant yelling and overwork from his new contractor. Eventually, feeling completely burnt out, the employee decided to take a much-needed break. When he approached his boss about it, the reaction was far from supportive. The boss threw a tantrum , yelling obscenities and insisting the employee didn't need a break, but he actually needed therapist instead.…
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‘You are not university material’: Student gets back at guidance counselor who told her she wasn’t smart enough to get into college

‘You are not university material’: Student gets back at guidance counselor who told her she wasn’t smart enough to get into college

It should come as no surprise that the comments teachers make can haunt you forever. Sure, there are the words of encouragement that can empower you to pursue a particular path, but there are also the subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle insults that can damage someone’s self-esteem. The only positive outcome that can arise from dealing with these unfortunate comments is if they become a motivator for you as you continue to do what you want and be who you are despite what a silly authority figure…
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'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

If the airline industry needed a poster child for what “bad airplane edict” looked like, they found one. Sometimes it is simply mindblowing how impolite and utterly repulsive someone can be. Like, can you not see what you are doing? You are very obviously acting like a child, but you are a grown adult. Do you not know that you are a grown adult and are expected to act as thus? What a world…
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'I piled all the trash at their door': Lumber workers put an end to neighbor using their dumpsters by using forklift to unload piles of trash in front of their house

'I piled all the trash at their door': Lumber workers put an end to neighbor using their dumpsters by using forklift to unload piles of trash in front of their house

Anyone with neighbors knows how delicate the relationship between the people in the neighborhood is. Not only between those who live next to each other but also between all the different service providers that come to the neighborhood once in a while, like mailmen and delivery workers, street cleaners, etc. To maintain that relationship, you don't have to Love Thy Neighbor, but you do have to have respect for one another, and don't get into each other's business. This Reddit story, was shared b…
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'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

There are a lot of stressful moments in one's life, but buying a house has to make it close to the top of the list—especially nowadays! Buying a house is not cheap, you're investing more than just a portion of your paycheck, you're investing a lifetime agreement. So to put that ink to paper to make it official can be nerve-racking. It's only natural that you want everything to be perfect before you officially commit.
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'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

Every employer has a particular way of doing things, but sometimes their rationale is so illogical that complying becomes nearly impossible. This can be especially true if their methods are only beneficial to them and no one else. To make matters worse, when bosses tend to do this, they also tend to mask their selfish needs as something beneficial to everyone, but little do they know, we all can see right through that nonsense. This teacher was pressured by the head of their department to deliv…
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'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

One of the most important qualities of a good boss is their ability to give informational answers to their employee's questions. If they can't, or won't, help the people who work for them so they can become better at what they do, what is even the point in hiring employees? They can go ahead and just do all the work themselves. I hope the boss in this Malicious Compliance Reddit story would learn that she needs her employees just as much as they need her. An employee shared that after she quest…
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‘He made an idiot of himself’: Boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

‘He made an idiot of himself’: Mooching boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

It's 100% normal to date the wrong person many times in your life. That's how dating works. You start to see someone you like, until you realize you actually don't click at all. Eventually, you find someone you click with and all the ups and downs of the relationship are worth it. That's when you are able to look back at past heartbreaks and wonder, “What in tarnation was I thinking??” Hindsight is 20/20, after all.
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'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

If you work in a customer-facing role, you have probably collected a treasure trove of experiences with Karens. Perhaps you have had far more upsetting encounters with these infuriating individuals than you would have liked. Or perhaps you find the whole thing entertaining and are able to handle these kinds of entitled humans without very much emotional damage along the way. If that's the case, then you are a far more well-adjusted adult than I could ever be. That's because when I encounter Kar…
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