
entitled people

‘Be careful what you wish for…’: New manager cuts employee's deal with old boss, rearranging their work hours, only to find out former deal benefited company

‘Be careful what you wish for…’: New manager cuts employee's deal with old boss, rearranging their work hours, only to find out former deal benefited company

Hierarchy is the cornerstone of corporate business. Because of this, it is very likely that when the time comes and a new management enters the picture, she or he will want to completely revamp the scene in an attempt to assert their authority. The story that follows recounts the story of a clever employee. The Original Poster (OP) and his former manager had an unspoken understanding that allowed OP to arrive early and depart early. Basically, as long as he completes his work and puts in the ne…
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Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Family get-togethers always bring an unnecessary amount of shade and entitlement. As you get older, you only notice it more and more and ti just becomes less and less bearable. That's what food and drink are for. However, this Redditor wasn't even allowed to partake in that because his petty Aunt Karen refused to let him sit at the “adult's table” despite him being a fully-grown man at this point. Instead, he had to six at a table of six years olds once again.
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'She said, "Family doesn’t make each other pay"': Daughter selling car for $5k so she can move gets called ‘selfish’ by her family for not just giving it to her mother

'She said, "Family doesn’t make each other pay"': Daughter selling car for $5k so she can move, gets called ‘selfish’ by her family for not just giving it to her mother

When it comes to family, sure, you let a lot of things slide for free—in fact, you're usually battling it out to see who will pick up the bill. But when dot he financial situations become more serious between family members?
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bus reddit reddit-thread karma travel traveler cheapskate passenger passengers taking-the-bus story uk british entitled entitled-people

'No, I'm sitting here currently, mate': Steadfast bus-goer foils the plan of cheapskate passengers who failed to plan ahead

A lot of hype influencers and motivational speakers are always babbling about ‘taking what’s yours' and ‘seizing opportunities’, but rarely do those book-hocking insecurity-mongerers actually know how to behave in the real world. Perhaps if your pockets are lined with daddy's millions and you've never known real consequences, ‘taking what’s yours' can pay off, but for us regular folks with blue-collar jobs riding the bus to the next city over, we know that the world doesn't work like that.
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'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

One of the perks of living in a quaint neighborhood are the kind neighbors. It gives you a feeling of secuirty and safety, being surrounded by all these people who you usually at least know on a first name basis. So what happens when someone moves in and lives in their own little entitled world?
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'That's... ballsy': Tattoo artist leaves client high and dry, but still says they're entitled to keep the $54 security deposit

'That's... ballsy': Tattoo artist leaves client high and dry, but still says they're entitled to keep the $54 security deposit

Being organized with your schedule is key to running your own business. You can't double-book yourself and, if you want to be successful, you shouldn't under-book yourself. You must find that scheduling balance… Which is easier said than done.
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'You're so lucky you don't care what people think about you': 20+ backhanded compliments that left people shook

'You're so lucky you don't care what people think about you': 20+ backhanded compliments that left people shook

In life, you're bound to get compliments and critiques, but every so often you receive a comment that is a frustrating mix of both. Usually, when this kind of thing happens to me, I am too shocked to do anything productive about it. My brain is still processing what was just said, so no part of me has the mental capacity to fabricate a witty comeback. By the time I have come up with something to say in return, the conversation has been over for a long time. At that point, I am probably in the s…
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'Enjoy your ticket': Irresponsible driver yells at cautious driver for slowing down to let an ambulance pass, then gets a hefty speeding ticket as payback

'Enjoy your ticket': Irresponsible driver yells at cautious driver for slowing down to let an ambulance pass, then gets a hefty speeding ticket as payback

People with road rage should not be allowed to be behind the wheel. There is no reason that a person who cannot control their anger should be in a position where they could endanger so many people's lives. Unfortunately, unless they are caught violating some kind of rule, they get to continue in their rageful ways. One thing we do get out of road rage is funny petty revenge stories. This story was shared by a guy on Reddit who had to deal with a very irresponsible driver. The poster (OP) was mi…
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'I want to sit there, so can you move?': Karen and Kevin demand for bus passenger to move for the extra leg room

'I want to sit there, so can you move?': Karen and Kevin demand for bus passenger to move for the extra leg room

We all know that bus people are way worse than plane and train people. Sure, there are always exceptions, and sometimes you end up on a plane next to someone who is acting like this is a bus. However, for the most part, bus people refuse to make room for other passengers even if the vehicle is clearly full. Bus people also love to talk on the phone for long stretches of time, as if there is no one else around. They love snacking on smelly food and not cleaning up after themselves. And they love…
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karens gardening stealing garden demanding karens in the wild entitled karen story theft karen entitled people petty revenge petty - 24611077

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Sneaky neighbors bring bags to 'grab and run' with their stolen veggies

This person already didn't love gardening, but then their neighbors started stealing from them … That just made the situation even worse. A lot of folks find gardening to be a peaceful way to connect with nature. The pros are that you get to watch living things grow, and if you're lucky, you'll get to eat the literal fruits of your labor. Even if all you grow is a handful of string beans or a few teensy tiny tomatoes, they taste better because you're the veggies' parent. You raised it from seed…
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'Why don't you just live off of your savings?': 20 out-of-touch comments from bosses, parents, and Karens

'Why don't you just live off of your savings?': 20 out-of-touch comments from bosses, parents, and Karens

One of the common threads that unite the horrible bosses, entitled parents, and over-the-top Karens of the world is the wildly out-of-touch remark they are wont to make on a daily basis. Nine times out of ten, these comments have something to do with privilege and/or money because of course they do. It's remarkable how people with all the opportunities at their fingertips can forget what it's like to not have those opportunities. Surely, not all of these individuals have had that level of wealt…
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‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

Being an artist is not an easy profession, and even less so these days. Every day artists fight what seems like a never-ending fight for their rights and their art so that it will not be used in a way that hurts them or their livelihood. They always have to be extremely cautious with how, when, and where they expose their art to other people. Like this artist on Reddit, who shared their experience with volunteering their art at a college club. The artist told Reddit about the entitled club pres…
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‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

Occasionally, it's that one tiny, unimportant incident that drives you over the edge and beyond the point of no return. The story that follows recounts the moment a front desk receptionist witnesses a complete and total meltdown of a person caused by a blocked door. The Original Poster's (OP) account details his meeting with the most horrible man-child. OP was working the front desk when a man, his mother, and their two kids pulled into the hotel parking lot. The two ports of entry that are acc…
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‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

Living in an area with little to no parking spaces can get extremely frustrating very fast. Having to wander around the street for 15 minutes after work just to find a parking space, which is usually at least another five-minute walk back to your home, is a routine none of us want to go through. That obviously leads to people sometimes parking in front of other people's houses, simply because that is the only free space they managed to find. Now, I get that this could be annoying for the people…
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'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

We all know the story of Cinderella and her wicked stepmother (and step-sisters). It was heart-wrenching to see such a wholesome girl be cast aside by someone who was, at least supposed to be her mother figure. But, that was just a fairytale and, of course, it has a happy ending. That being said, fairytales have some aspects of real life in them…
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures, but no one anticipated this level of desperation. It's funny to see where the choosing beggars of the world decide to reveal themselves online. It's often on online marketplaces, social media direct messages, and job site postings. However, regardless of what they want and regardless of where they post, these individuals have no self-awareness, too much confidence, or all of the above. The following collection of this week's top choosing beggar…
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