
entitled people

'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

Working in customer service already puts a beacon on you to attract all kinds of Karen and Kyle customers ready to through a tantrum. If you think working in hotels and restaurants provides the most Karen encounters, then you don't know about people who work in customer service for government programs…
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'Chili dog [but] sub chicken noodle soup for chili': 20+ servers share the strangest things customers have ordered

'Chili dog [but] sub chicken noodle soup for chili': 20+ servers share the strangest orders from difficult customers

Some customers are so particular with their orders one has to wonder why they went to a restaurant in the first place. If you're going to be that difficult, it will be a much better use of everyone's time if you stay home and make your own food. Part of going to a restaurant means choosing from the options that have been presented to you (they call it a menu). It's one thing if you have an allergy or would like to make an easy adjustment to an order. However, it's quite another thing to request…
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'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

There are plenty of conflicts that can cause a rift in adult friendships, but perhaps the most common one is money. Obviously, there are other worthy candidates such as difficulty with communication, differences in ideologies, and disagreements about significant others. However, how people deal with money can bring about cringeworthy interactions, upsetting revelations, and disturbing differences in opinion. For instance, here we have an adult male and his wife who were invited to their friend'…
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karen karens karen-customer customer gas-station homeless homeless-guy reddit petty petty-revenge revenge entitled entitled-people payback deserve

'Best dollar I've ever wasted': Entitled Karen demands 'handouts' after a generous gas station patron gives money to a beggar, hilarious pettiness ensues

For some reason, the Karens of the world feel a sense of self-fulfillment when they bully everyone around them, stomping on the necks of every minimum wage worker that they can get their claws into. The unlucky few that get caught in the destructive path of a rampaging Karen often find themselves finding every desire to knock them down a few pegs, which is exactly what the gas station patron in our next story managed to pull off.
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Entitled Costco Kevin cuts the line, gets booted to the back: 'When your enemy is making a mistake, let them'

Entitled Costco Kevin cuts the line, gets booted to the back: 'When your enemy is making a mistake, let them'

There is nothing like watching a line-cutter get some much-deserved karma. As much as we'd like this kind of circumstance to be a regular occurrence, the reality is that these moments of justified comeuppance are few and far between. So when these rare but special moments do arise, we have to embrace them wholeheartedly and remember the feeling of warmth that we feel when entitled people feel the wrath of karma rearing its head. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit…
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Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar'? The best example of what this statement signifies is found in the story that follows. OP establishes the scenario at the beginning of the story. OP is employed by the customs department. As such, a great deal of the day's events hinge on whether those who cross the border assist border patrol agents in carrying out their duties or make their life more difficult by disobeying them. The story begins wi…
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'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

As a working adult, there is one lesson about work you usually learn the hard way, which is to never let anyone push you into doing work that is not part of your job description. If you agree to even a small job that is something you are not getting paid to do, you will probably end up doing a lot more, without being rewarded for it. This is why the OP in this Reddit story was probably not in a rush to do what a customer asked for. That and the fact that the customer was incredibly entitled and…
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‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

It should go without saying that job interviewers should pay the same amount of respect to the interviewees as they expect to be getting themselves. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. For some reason, the people who are there to hire tend to think they are more important than those who are looking for a job, and so they disregard them, even to their faces. Like the person who shared this story on Reddit. The OP was interviewing for a job, and the interviewer couldn't have been more disr…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 24475909

'Not my problem, now leave': Retail manager puts Karen in her place when she blames him for her cancelled and unpaid cell service

At certain times in your life—particularly when things have gone sideways—it's important to take ownership of the fact that your own actions and decisions are the things that got you there. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with this and, as a matter of self-preservation, will seek to displace blame towards anyone or anything that we can point a finger at. Sometimes, this displacement is plausible, reasonable even, but at other times, it can get unreasonably ridiculous… Tell me again, Carl, ab…
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‘DO NOT use this company!!!!’: Karen inputs wrong address for flower delivery, blames company for the mistake, owner claps back

‘DO NOT use this company!!!!’: Karen inputs wrong address for flower delivery, blames company for the mistake, owner claps back

Who hasn’t come across an entitled Karen who seems to blame everyone else for their mistakes? Sure, this flower company should have delivered Karen’s order much sooner, but perhaps all of that could have been prevented if Karen had inputted the correct address on the order in the first place. No matter how hard she tries, and you will see that she did try, Karen has no one to blame for that egregious error but herself. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/F***YouKaren subreddit and includes the…
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'Entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am': Library assistant loudly eats nachos during meeting with trustees because 'it's policy'

'Entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am': Library assistant loudly eats nachos during meeting with trustees because 'it's policy'

This worker shared a day in the life of their job as a library assistant . Though it seems like a whimsical job, there's apparently much more to working in a library than meets the eye. This person writes that they had jobs at two different library branches. One of these jobs was a piece of cake, while the other was home to some rather haughty trustees. As u/localanimenerd shared in their malicious compliance story , they've realized that one trustee in particular seems to dislike them. The sto…
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents job malicious compliance retail work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 24248069

Entitled dude wants to cut a 150 person line, gets shut down: 'A middle-aged man [had] a screaming, crying tantrum'

Some people weren't ever taught that they can't always have things their way—and it shows… These days, being a preferred platinum, premium, premier, or bumbercrum-level customer really doesn't mean much of anything. Companies don't even really go through much to disguise this, either. Back in the day, if you did enough business with a company to achieve bundersnoot-level status, they'd give you actual upgrades and treatment that meant something. These days, you'll be lucky to get a pen, but it'…
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'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

Did you ever break something in a store and the employees demanded that you pay for it? There used to be a time when every store had those big 'You break it, you buy it' signs, and it was terrifying trying to walk through the aisles without touching anything in fear it would break. I never broke something in a store and then had to pay for it, which makes me wonder if those stores actually enforce this rule or if they simply pity whoever broke an item and just let it go. This post office worker…
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Picky Karen does not want to listen to my explanation.

'If you can't understand this, then go the the manager': Picky Karen asks for quesadillas with no cheese or toppings

You can't be picky and complain about prices. That's too much Karen energy for one body.
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Karen has grave misunderstanding, tries to get out of paying for a tombstone: ‘She wants to keep the grave and not pay for it!’

Karen has grave misunderstanding, tries to get out of paying for a tombstone: ‘She wants to keep the grave and not pay for it!’

We all want to keep things and not pay for them, but you can’t have it both ways. Here, we have a lady who literally tried to argue her way out of having to pay for a recently deceased family member’s grave. Her excuse was that she didn’t receive an official bill despite signing a collection letter over a month ago declaring when she would send payment. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/According-Sugar-520 , who we’re sure has had to deal with delicate emotional…
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