entitled people

terrible coworkers antiwork hr entitlement drama job work coworkers Office borrow social media workplace entitled clothes creativity in the workplace Reddit company karma entitled people - 36807173

Entitled coworker DMs employee asking to borrow clothes for financial reasons, takes over a year to return them: 'She acted like she forgot'

'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

Best friend paints woman's entire apartment pink, woman gets payback by enlarging her friend's head in all her photos: 'She looks like a bobble head in every one'

entitled neighbor neighbors neighborhood property property-owner homeowner home house karma towed tow truck car cars garage cost reddit aita

Property owner gets 3 of the entitled neighbor's cars towed after they presumptuously park in his garage without permission: 'It cost [him] $1,000'

 karens malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit demanding karens in the wild entitled trains karen story malicious compliance reddit train karen entitled people

'She instantly went into entitled Karen mode': Train passenger refuses to give up seat, gets stuck with rowdy teen boys

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

'Oh, were you behind me that whole time?': Grocery store shopper gets revenge on entitled Karen for taking wrong parking spot

‘Hope you like the fine you get’: Entitled neighbors demand resident put their trash back in yard after he clears it out as a favor, resident complies, then reports them to the HOA

‘Hope you like the fine you get’: Entitled neighbors demand resident put their trash back in yard after he clears it out as a favor, resident complies, then reports them to the HOA

HOA board member gets karmic justice for micromanaging homeowner's basketball hoop placement: ‘I want it in writing’

HOA board threatens to fine homeowner $20/day for a standing basketball hoop, so he ‘digs around in the HOA covenants’ and uses their written rules against them

karens ipads school child entitlement ipad mothers karen put in her place mother reddit karen motherhood sad but true entitled people karma karens in the wild School of FAIL entitled r-entitled karen story karma karen children entitled people - 36804613

Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

Entitled Karen can't do math and demands extra money on top of the rounded-up sum of $5 the server gives her, threatens to report the server

‘I was genuinely dumbfounded’: Server rounds up customer's change to $5 because they had no coins, entitled Karen demands her 15¢ even after being given extra money back

‘Kiss getting a full-time offer goodbye’: CEO of small company sends mass email talking down to the intern, gets private follow up email saying the intern was actually in the right

‘Kiss getting a full-time offer goodbye’: CEO of small company sends mass email talking down to the intern, gets private follow up email saying the intern was actually in the right

 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit call phone calls call center Gas customers customer service karens karen karens in the wild entitled entitled people demanding karen story

'Do not interrupt me! I am the customer and the customer is always right': Customer service rep lets enraged customer waste her own time while she berates them

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud