
entitled people

‘Who’s laughing now?': New hire throws boss's keys away after being ridiculed for quitting on their first day

‘Who’s laughing now?': New hire throws boss's keys away after being ridiculed for quitting on their first day

Where is the logic in hiring someone for a job and then immediately ridiculing them and making them quit? Even if the manager can magically tell by the first couple of hours on the job that the new hire isn't a good fit, that still is not an excuse to treat them like they are worthless. That is why the manager in this Reddit story completely deserved what was coming for him. A new hire arrived at his job as a salesperson at a car lot, and while on training both the new hire and the manager felt…
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'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

It takes a certain kind of parent to let their kids run amok in a store. We understand that kids can get rowdy; that's inevitable. We also understand that this mother may have tried to calm them down in the past to no avail. That being said, once they start tampering with the store products and once they start actively disrupting other customers, it's time to take control and at least attempt to restore order. Not only did this woman refuse to try, but she ended up offloading her kids onto anot…
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‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 co-worker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid nightshift

‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 coworker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid night shift

Sometimes a promotion can actually be your downfall.
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customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 24881157

'He's lying! Arrest him!': Crazed cookie Karen tries to steal dude's cookies right outside of the store

Now, it's fair to say that Oreos TM are a fantastic snack. I really think that Oreos TM are one of the most essential pillars of Americana. Without Oreos TM where would we be? It's hard to say. Oreos TM are great, but, as satisfying as licking the middle out of each Oreo TM before putting the cookie part back in the Oreo TM packaging for your significant other to discover later, I can't go as far as saying that I'd accost a random stranger outside a grocery store in order to claim their Oreos T…
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'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

If you have a Karen neighbor with a knack for making constant noise complaints, consider moving out of your place as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if you try to reason with her; she won't be reasonable. It doesn't matter if you try to use furniture cups or to get a carpet; she will not budge. People like that simply cannot be appeased. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Laserskrivare , a graduate student who is rarely at home anyway. However, when she is at h…
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‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

It might be safe to say that we are slowly approaching a time when people no longer use cash. Not to say that cash will ever disappear, that is not going to happen, but with the ability to pay with debit cards, credit cards, smartphones, and even smart watches, people simply don't carry cash with them anymore. The slow disappearance of cash from our lives shouldn't and probably wouldn't affect our everyday life that much, but it can cause some inconveniences to some people, or more specifically…
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‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

More often than not, customers tend to completely forget that the servers who are standing in front of them are human beings too. While it is understandable to want to get a proper service for something that you are paying for, treating servers how you would want to be treated yourself is the least you can do. So for example, if you see that a server is taking their much-deserved break, maybe just leave them be. Which is exactly what the customers in this Reddit story should have done, at least…
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'She's up to no good...': Outcast daughter convinces father to remove all pics of half-sister from social media, leading to a family dispute

'She's up to no good...': Outcast daughter convinces father to remove all pics of half-sister from social media, leading to a family dispute

A family is a place where you can always be yourself, imperfections and all. It's a secure haven. Nevertheless, every family has a unique set of issues that they would have rather kept private, especially in this day and age of social media, where one click may have a profound impact on someone's entire life. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated sister. The twenty-one-year-old Original Poster (OP) has made the decision to reconnect with her long-lost half-sister. To put things i…
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‘He wouldn't take no for an answer': Employee refuses to attend training that was scheduled on his time off, boss fires him in response

‘He wouldn't take no for an answer': Employee refuses to attend training that was scheduled on his time off, boss fires him in response

One of the biggest red flags an employer could have is being disrespectful of their employees' time off. When an employee takes time off, it usually signifies that they could not work at that time, and have other matters to attend to. If an employer disregards that time and insists their employees would accommodate the work schedule needs no matter what, then something is extremely off. The employee in this Reddit story was dealing with the same problem with his boss. The employee was constantl…
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workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace i quit toxic-boss Horrible Bosses reddit thread quitting story company entitled people - 24810245

'Boss said if I quit now... it's going to ruin my future': Employee fights back after entitled boss won't let him put in 2-week notice

It's always hard to quit a job, but it feels worse to drop a job that you've been looking forward to starting because you have to give up one. No one prepares you for the whole process of putting in your two weeks with your current employer. After the awkward conversation, you then have to work 14 uncomfortable days with your coworkers who already know you're leaving to work somewhere else. But it's really not that personal.
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'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

Of all the reasons to get kicked out of a country , this might be the most embarrassing. No vacation goes 100% perfectly—there are always a few hiccups. There are the tiny things, like planning to visit a popular spot, only to find out when you arrive that it's closed for the day. Then there are bigger issues, like that one family member who forgets their passport at home, and remembers once they're at the airport. It's not every day you encounter problems like this, though. A traveler got depo…
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15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

Every so often, you find yourself in a situation where you call a specific outcome from a mile away. This can be a friend's future divorce, a coworker getting fired, or an infuriating neighbor getting their overdue comeuppance. When these outcomes finally come to fruition, it can be oh so tempting to blurt out, “I told you so.” Of course, this kind of sassy remark is almost never constructive, but sometimes, you just can't help yourself. As I always say, if everyone in the world listened to me,…
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'Karen doing as Karen does': Customer demands extra extra caramel at drive thru, worker maliciously complies

'Karen doing as Karen does': Customer demands extra extra caramel at drive thru, worker maliciously complies

Be careful what you wish for, Karen! If you're the type of person who sends a drink back at a drive thru, let's clarify a few things first, starting with what are you asking for. If it's a major modification to the menu or an innocent mistake, perhaps reconsider, especially if the line behind you lasts an eternity. This is not a Michelin star restaurant; it's a drive thru. Second of all, remember the old “you get what you get and you don't get upset” saying? That doesn't just apply to your kid,…
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'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

For once, the ruthless folks of the internet sided with a potentially entitled rich kid. What backward universe are we living in? Well, it turns out the only thing worse than clueless, entitled kids are their clueless, entitled parents. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Odd_Emotion662 , a young man whose sister got to have an extravagant party for her 18th birthday. Clearly, the original poster got it in his head that when he turned 18, he would get similar treat…
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Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: ''[They] immediately cuff her'

Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: '[They] immediately cuff her'

This Karen literally did all of this to herself. First, she marched into a popular Mexican restaurant with approximately 15 teenagers behind her, threw down her credit card, and let all these kids order whatever they wanted. Her abrasive behavior had already ticked off the manager and the other employees at the restaurant, so they were happy to see these teens order more than their fair share. By the time the manager gave the Karen a $250 bill, things started to get way more heated. For one, sh…
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‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

Serving customers is not always an easy task. Having said that, most people who decide to work in the hospitality sector are people who like engaging with customers and have excellent interpersonal skills. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is no justification for rudeness or improper behavior on the part of clients. The story that follows is an account of an irritated server. For some time now, the Original Poster (OP) has been employed by his brother-in-law, who runs a Mexican restau…
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