entitled people

Incompetent employee gets what he deserves when he's booted from his company for slacking off, coworkers get back at him by simply doing their jobs

‘Enough was enough’: Long-time ‘deadweight employee’ is finally exposed after he takes a vacation and his team's efficiency skyrockets, is booted from the company as a result

Karen gets put in her place when she picks the wrong battle with a beloved homeless man integrated in the community, authorities decide she's the problem and take his side

‘Justice served’: Park Karen berates homeless man loved by many in the community, calls the authorities on him but they decide Karen's entitlement is the real problem

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'They get nothing': Family of Karens demand free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

'They get nothing': Entitled family demands free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

'Read your bylaws, people!': Guy finds a way to get out of the neighborhood HOA based on a loophole with the community well

'Read your bylaws, people!': Guy finds a way to get out of the neighborhood HOA based on a loophole with the community well

Arrogant boss gets ultimate karma when he picks on fresh new grad through sipping on a strong, piping-hot cup of joe he demanded the new grad to make for him

‘No BS degree in coffee making’: New grad is berated by boss for having a college degree and is demanded to be on office coffee duty, so he retaliates ‘strong[ly] but bitter[ly]’

'I had to revoke your status to just this room ONLY': Entitled Karen throws tantrum over keycard, facility manager maliciously complies with her demands and changes her permissions

'I had to revoke your status to just this room ONLY': Entitled Karen throws tantrum over keycard, facility manager maliciously complies with her demands and changes her permissions

Burnt-out employee requests PTO and management threatens to fire him, so he finds a better job and quits the old one, demanding all of his unused PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

‘As you wish’: Overworked employee requests PTO for vacation and messy management threatens to fire him, so he quits and demands all PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

family drama decorum aita entitlement sibling rivalry sisters siblings entitled family family feud family sister entitled people - 37287941

30-year old woman wonders if she's wrong for kicking entitled 26-year-old sister's family out of her home after they lost theirs in Hurricane Helene: 'She's trying to play the guilt game'

Boss gets owned by hardworking employee when he is told to find a better job after pushing for an adequate raise and actually does, employee ends up on top

Boss gives hardworking employee a ‘lackluster raise’ and tells him to find a better job after he complains, so employee lands unicorn job offer and leaves company high and dry

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

Messy roommate gets what she deserves when she constantly leaves her fellow roomie's bathroom a mess, so the fellow roomie teaches her a well-deserved lesson with bleach

‘Very satisfying’: Woman is fed up when roommate leaves a recurring mess in her bathroom, so she cleans the space with bleach and indirectly ruins her roommate's clothes

‘I saw red’: Reckless truck driver nearly collides with a family's car, pushing them off the highway, bystander follows driver home and reports him

‘I saw red’: Reckless truck driver nearly collides with a family's car, pushing them off the highway, bystander follows driver home and reports him

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight