
entitled people

Karen claims resident's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

Karen claims neighbor's backyard is her property, neighbor proves otherwise: 'She tried to tell me I parked illegally on my own property'

In every neighborhood, there is one resident who somehow thinks they are entitled to more property than they actually own. Oftentimes, this person has been living in the area longer than anyone else and therefore thinks they can get away with stretching the truth. No one wants to start a feud, so no one argues with them. However, all this does is give that resident a false sense of authority, and who knows where that can lead them? The next thing you know, they are claiming rights to your entir…
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'I'm going to sue you all and get all of you people fired': Entitled Karen blames movie theater employees after disruptive kids get thrown out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all of you people fired': Entitled Karen blames movie theater employees after disruptive kids get thrown out

Who doesn't love it when a Karen tries to blame others for her own bad parenting? This lady left her demon children at the movie theater late at night, where they broke the rules and caused a scene by hopping from one theater to the next and disrupting each screening. Of course, they were warned on several occasions and of course, because they are entitled kids, they did not adhere to said warnings. They ended up getting thrown out of the establishment and forced to wait outside for their Karen…
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'Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms': 4 Tales of petty revenge that one retail worker got on customers

'Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms': 4 Tales of petty revenge that one retail worker got on customers

This retail worker has a few satisfying stories about getting petty revenge on their worst customers. Retail work can be an endless stream of irritating customer encounters . One customer after another comes in with silly requests or demands for items that aren't even in the store. At times like these, the only thing you can do is laugh. Or is it?… For u/DeliciousRevenge, getting back at customers in petty ways became a habit. They also ended up targetting the most annoying customers, like the…
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‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

Karens can be moms too…
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customer service customer support customers employment customer job jobs retail work workplace malicious compliance entitled people workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace karen customer workplace malicious compliance - 35513093

Customer insists flooring installer does it their way, gets exactly what they asked for: 'I got paid to remove the work that I just got paid to install so I can get paid to install it again'

With so much information accessible at the tips of our fingers, it's easy for anyone to think that they're an expert. Without realizing it, they're missing the context, experience, and knowledge of the framework that's used to properly define the information they think they're an authority in—all things that an actual expert would know and possess. Of course, when you're delivering a service to clients, they're going to want to do things their way. But, as the customer, it's important to know w…
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Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Knowing your rights as an employee is essential. Your management has a duty to provide for some essential needs; other needs are voluntary, but depending on the manager-you relationship, they may have an impact on your future in the organization. The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) goes to Reddit to ask for guidance on whether his employer is infringing on his fundamental rights as an employee. For background, OP clarifies that some employees work indo…
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customer service employee entitlement drama job malicious compliance server work coworkers customers restaurant entitled reddit thread waitress Reddit company entitled people in the workplace - 35484165

'I completely ignored the fact that most of their table is now taken over with little dishes of ranch': Impatient customer asks 4 workers for more ranch, petty server maliciously compiles

Servers have to deal with it all. Mainly irritated customers. Whether it's dinner rush, the kitchen is backed up, or you are dealing with a Karen customer, you have to know how to maintain your composure, even in the most ridiculous of situations. In this story, a server is dealing with an impatient customer who wants more ranch (why is it always ranch?). The server heard his request the first time but still had multiple other tables to check on. She had a system going, and she'd get the impa...
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'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

This Karen has never heard the word “no,” and apparently, neither has her son. it turns out that the most dangerous part about the Karens of the world is that there is a high likelihood that they will pass their toxic traits to their children. What this essentially means is that where there is a Karen parent, there is likely a Karen child ready to keep that entitled behavior going until they themselves have kids. So on and so forth. The dynasty of Karens will seemingly never end. Here, we have…
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‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

Sorry boss, the damage is done.
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neighbors employee entitlement landscaping drama job driveway blue collar workers neighborhood-drama entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 35483909

'I have had to get out of my car, go find the guy and have him move his truck': Entitled landscaper blocks driveway every week, neighbor gets revenge and makes him park blocks away

Seriously, every week? This guy is having the annoying issue of his neighbor's landscaper blocking his driveway every single week. His neighbor across the street has his lawn serviced every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m., and without fail, the landscaper's truck is right in the way, blocking anyone from exiting the driveway. It is even more infuriating because this man leaves about that time every day to take his children to daycare. So he begrudgingly has to track down the owner of the truck,…
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15 passive-aggressive notes from neighbors who have had enough: 'Quit blocking our driveway'

15 passive-aggressive notes from neighbors who have had enough: 'Quit blocking our driveway'

Calling one's inconsiderate neighbor out on their nonsense takes a lot of courage. After all, you don't necessarily want to burn any bridges or provoke them to enact some kind of petty revenge on you. On the other hand, letting your neighbors walk all over you is not going to earn anyone's respect, including the people in your own home. At a certain point, standing up for yourself is inevitable, even if it comes with the risk of losing a cordial relationship with an infuriating neighbor. More o…
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17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

All this teenager wanted for her high school graduation was a family trip to Disneyland, but her older sister had other plans for her. Over the past several years, this Redditor found herself having to babysit her sister's kids every time she visited. The family trip to Disneyland was supposed to be her time with her parents doing one final semi-childish activity before going off to college in the fall. Well, her sister decided to crash her event with the kids. It immediately became clear that…
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Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

There are certain people you never want to mess with: your barber, the lady at the Department of Motor Vehicles, whoever is cooking your food, and your tattoo artist. Obviously, the lattermost example does not apply to folks who don't want to get tattoos. However, for those who do, throwing a temper tantrum at the person who is about to imprint a permanent design on your body is not the wisest idea. Thankfully, this guy didn't get that kind of petty revenge. Instead, he simply threw this male K…
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‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

Greedy companies are gonna greedy, but karma still gonna karma.
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'He shorted himself': Electronics specialist inadvertently gets petty revenge on new entitled boss when he corrects him in front of a big wig, boss gets transferred

'He shorted himself': Electronics specialist inadvertently gets petty revenge on new entitled boss when he corrects him in front of a big wig, boss gets transferred

“[New boss] was transferred to the warehouse and [big wig] became our interim manager. I finished the project ahead of time and received a pay bonus.”
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Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

When you are a kid, everything feels like much more of a big deal than what it actually is. For example, accidentally leaving a store without paying for something, and then setting off the alarm can make kids feel like their lives are over. Most of the time, everything turns out fine, but it can still be a rather traumatizing experience for a little kid. That is why I really felt for the 10-year-old kid in this Reddit story, especially because all that went down was not even her fault. After tr…
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