
entitled people

‘This is public property’: Residents attempt to close the communal pool to throw a private party with their friends, neighbors report them to management

‘This is public property’: Residents attempt to close the communal pool to throw a private party with their friends, neighbors report them to management

So many problems in the world could be so easily solved if people simply talked to each other and voiced their wants and needs. Instead, we constantly hear of grown adults behaving like toddlers because they don't know how to handle other adults out in the real world. This story is the perfect example of people trying to get their way in the most twisted way possible, instead of just talking and solving their problems like regular people. OP (original poster) is a resident in an apartment compl…
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‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

The consumer is always right in today's modern environment. But what happens if the client is fundamentally incorrect? Do you firmly stand your ground or do you quietly comply with all of their demands? The story that follows is from a disgruntled employee. The original poster (OP) is employed by Seven-Eleven as a cashier. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to working in customer service, nothing could have prepared OP for the entitled client who refused to pay her bill. For background,…
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18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

These parents took family dysfunction to a whole new level. Not only did they open multiple credit cards in their 18-year-old son's name without telling him, but also the mother tried to brush it off by saying her mom did the same thing to her, as if this were some rite of passage when you become an adult. The Redditor discovered that he owed over $15,000 and, of course, his credit score completely plummeted. When he confronted his parents about the whole scheme, they had the audacity to give h…
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'I was asked for a tip at a SELF CHECKOUT': People Share the Most Ridiculous Times They Were Asked to Tip

'I was asked for a tip at a SELF CHECKOUT': People Share the Most Ridiculous Times They Were Asked to Tip

“I was asked for a tip at the SELF CHECKOUT at a self service frozen yogurt place. Who gets the tip? Me???”
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customer service employee drama job malicious compliance retail work customers tales from the front desk petty revenge baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 35367941

'Nothing slowed this man down but other customers putting him in his place': Entitled Boomer claims he has a medical condition and can't wait in line, waiting customers stand up for employees

Hopefully, this story will restore your faith in humanity a bit. We can all agree that waiting in line is the worst. But what are you going to do about it? You can choose not to wait and maybe try again another time. But you can't force the employees to work faster. It's usually not their fault either, but unfortunately, they get the blame most of the time as customers need somewhere to vent their angered feelings. It's not fair, but that's what happens. In the story below, an entitled man coul…
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customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

We have this tendancy as a society to assume that just because someone is notably successful in one area that they must be a paragon of humanity in all other ways when—well, this often couldn't be farther from the actual truth. See, there's this thing that happens to those who have early success—or have success thrust upon them thanks to nepotistic opportunity—where they also think they're better than everyone else. If they found their success through a singular focus on their chosen path, it's…
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'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

Construction work shouldn't have to be quite this complicated. Too bad that one city inspector kept bothering the workers over typical excavation complaints, like making too much noise or “killing their grass.”
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'What's the different between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

'What's the difference between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

Servers should get an additional 20% tip every time a customer asks a self-explanatory question. It turns out people are just as ignorant in restaurants as you would think. This collection of questions real servers were asked by entitled customers just goes to show that thinking before speaking is a lost art. Instead, people are asking questions like why the menu did not properly state that the risotto had rice in it. People are asking what the difference is between a 6-ounce steak and a 12-oun…
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‘Sorry, I have no desire to help’: Unjustly fired employee takes 18 coworkers with him and 6 months severance, gets revenge a couple of years later by inadvertently shutting down their website

‘Sorry, I have no desire to help’: Unjustly fired employee takes 18 coworkers with him and 6 months severance, gets revenge a couple of years later by inadvertently shutting down their website

Sometimes justice can come years later and it's just as satisfying.
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Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

What kind of mother books a first-class seat for herself, leaving her 9-year-old in coach, and then proceeds to make it seem like this is all someone else's fault? That someone else, in this instance, would be this unfortunate passenger in business class. The Karen approached him and asked if he would be willing to switch seats with her son, and he was willing at first… that is, until he learned that her son was all the way back in coach. Now, most of us cannot relate to the business class pass…
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'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

Anyone working in a customer-facing position should get the medal of freedom for keeping their cool despite having to confront numerous Karen customers per day. However, as you'll see with some of these stories , sometimes keeping your cool is impossible to help these customers out, calm them down, or even just get them off the phone. One of these call center stories sparked a core embarrassing story from back in my intern days. My job that summer involved answering and returning phone calls co…
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‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

Is there a stage in our lives when we should stop throwing birthday parties to ourselves? Probably. Birthday parties are overrated, pointless, and most importantly, a cause for drama. It does not mean one should not enjoy their birthday and celebrate the day they were born, but when you are 30 and still get excited about balloons and birthday cakes, drama is surely on the way. This Reddit story is a good example of that drama, and although I do not think the drama was the fault of the birthday…
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'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

The audacity these companies have!
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10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

It's remarkable how eerily similar some of these delivery tales are! Whether it's entitled customers getting frustrated about the silliest things (like not enough extra sauce) or teenagers trying to pull pranks or people getting a little too flirty with their delivery drivers, the ways in which customers can end up on a “No Delivery” list seem to fall into the same range of uncalled-for behavior. What's more surprising is how many people try to pull the same stunts over and over again and how c…
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FAILS entitlement drama malicious compliance backtracks online shopping mildly infuriating scam entitled reddit thread headphones Reddit auction entitled people ebay - 35329797

Man wins online auction for headphones, seller claims he dropped them and won't provide proof: [I'll] likely keep them for myself'

Apparently, this can be a common scam among second-hand sellers. When this man won a bidding war for a brand-new pair of headphones, he was ecstatic. That is, until the seller promptly messaged him to tell him that he had dropped the headphones, so he could no longer sell them. Then he urged the man to cancel the order. The man, of course, wanted to see the damage to assess if he really wanted to cancel the order or not. The seller filled him in that he'd be getting the headphones repaired and…
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'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

Watch out, folks! The Park Karens have reemerged for the summer season. This park employee worked for a small HOA management company and was tasked with cleaning up the local park so that it meets community standards. During his latest shift, he was collecting trash and leaving it for morning trash pickup, a process he was accustomed to as it followed said community guidelines. Well, this Karen was on her morning walk when she noticed the pile of trash and immediately accused the park worker of…
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