
entitled people

neighbors employee entitlement drama job neighborhood blue collar workers construction blue collar worker story entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people employment construction workers - 35729157

Neighbor gets ultimate revenge on entitled construction workers who constantly break noise rules and steal electricity from his outdoor outlets: 'Cue the whining and complaining'

No one likes the sound of construction in their neighborhood. Sure, it's necessary, but after a long day of work, the last thing you want to come home to is constant hammering and beeping from loud construction equipment. Even worse, when all that noise wakes you up in the morning before you have the chance to snooze your alarm. This guy lives in an area where there are rules for noise. Noise is allowed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and there is no construction or industrial noise on Sundays. Seven in…
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Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Every employee wants to feel like they can trust their coworkers no matter what. You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers, but knowing you have someone you can turn to when you need to talk, when you need help, or even when you need someone to cover for you, is one of the most important things in a workplace. I initially understood the coworker's request in this Reddit story, for these exact reasons – Her manager didn't approve her time off, and she needed someone to cover her shif…
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FAIL failbook entitled social media Music stories entitled parents quit your bullshit entitled people facebook fails trending internet stories - 35742981

Guitarist gets kicked from band after pretending to be a permanent member with bizarre story on social media: 'This was a decision based solely on internal issues and intellectual differences'

You think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie? Yeah—well, actually, It turns out that's exactly what people do on the internet… Probably more than anything else. The anonymity of the internet has offered us the chance to be who we want from the outset of it's existence, a great outlet for all of us early adopters who still wouldn't dream of exposing our true identities and are horrified by younger people's eagerness to bare all online. And, well, it turns out anonymous…
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Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

When someone lives away from their parents, the possibility of seeing them split into two options - Either they travel to see their parents or their parents travel to see them. Traveling to your parents is usually not a problem. You can stay in your childhood bedroom and feel comfortable in the space in which you grew up. But when your parents come to visit you, it can get quite… tricky, to say the least. The biggest problem of all, is the sleeping situation – Where will your parents stay? Will…
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Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

Even when you try to do right by your chosen family, they might drop you when things get complicated.
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Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

People who tend to procrastinate know how hard it is to complete even the smallest of tasks. That is why many procrastinators will testify that they find different methods to get themselves to complete their tasks. One of the most popular methods that people follow is the 2-minute rule – If the task is going to take you less than two minutes to do, don't let yourself ignore it or add it to your to-do list, do it immediately. That is what the neighbor in this Reddit story should have done, becau…
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 'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

Finding a job is never an enjoyable or simple task. Some would even go so far as to suggest that it's physically demanding and brutal. But just like anything else in life, there are moments when you have to carry out tasks you may not particularly enjoy in order to further your career. A frustrated job seeker is described in the account below. The original poster (OP) had been struggling to find a job for a while. He is searching for that one person who will have faith in him, in his skills, in…
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Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

When you are a kid, you constantly get told by your parents that ‘patience is a virtue’. And even though you have no idea what that phrase means, you slowly learn what patience really is and how to use it. The problem is, that more often than not, the adults who constantly preach patience, have none of their own to show for. Like the hotel guest in this Reddit story, who could not patiently wait even 3 minutes for the clerk to return to their desk after assisting another guest. Why would you wa…
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Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. You ought to go above and beyond to ensure the happiness of your loved ones. But what would you do if your family openly disregarded your field of employment and treated you like an unnecessary burden? Would you still treat them with the highest regard? The story below is an account of a frustrated cousin. The original poster (OP) volunteered to be the photographer for his cousin's wedding. He felt obligated to help the couple in any…
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customer service employee job blue collar worker story customer baby boomers boomers bartender workers entitled 1970s karma karen entitled people 1980s - 35700229

Customer contacts entitled Karen's boss after she drunkenly accused bartender of stealing her credit card, causing a scene: 'He already told you 3 times you gave him your business card'

There's nothing worse than going to a bar and encountering a group of intoxicated people being disruptive and picking fights with anyone who crosses their path. This was exactly the scene one customer found himself in, sitting next to an entitled and drunken Boomer, whom he quickly dubbed a "Karen." The customer, a regular at the bar and friends with the bartender, shared his story of that chaotic night and the Karen's satisfying karma. The Karen in question was causing a scene, screaming and a…
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After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

When young adults first move out of their parents' homes, many are faced with the question of whether or not they should move in with roommates. Although most people don't really have a choice, because very few can actually manage financially to live alone when they are that young, even if you were given the choice, it can be a difficult decision. On one hand, living with roommates means you are never lonely, you can make great friends and create such fun experiences simply by sharing a living…
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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

“You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides.”
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‘Enough was enough’: Tired team fired by boss after complaining about unreasonable expectations regarding workload

‘Enough was enough’: Company employees confront management about overwhelming workload, boss fires entire team as a result

Entitled bosses can lose out on great talent as a result of their massive egos. “He is now down to 2 employees from the 9 he started with.”
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‘They want some poor stooge to risk arrest for trespassing’: Couple offers $50 for a quick 'errand' they need run, is just a sneaky way to get a cheap home inspection of a remote property they want to buy

‘They want some poor stooge to risk arrest for trespassing’: Couple offers $50 for a quick 'errand' they need run, is just a sneaky way to get a cheap home inspection of a remote property they want to buy

Surprise, surprise—nobody wants to do professional work for nickels and pennies.
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customer service ask reddit karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 35670533

30+ People share the biggest public tantrums they've witnessed from adults: 'She actually stamped her foot and said we had ruined her Christmas'

Working retail gives you a fantastic seat center stage to bear witness to some of the most incredible performances, teeth-gritting rage complete with bulging temples and flying saliva—unfortunately, this show requires audience participation, and the rage is almost always directed at you… Never mind the fact that you're just a lowly cashier, literally the lowest ranking member in the organization… you're going to be the one to suffer the full wrath of their immature and impotent frenzy. The biza…
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employee entitlement satisfying job malicious compliance petty revenge couples baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit business funny entitled people - 35636997

'Boomer went into a full-on rage, probably partially from being put in his place by a woman': Entitled customer ignores signs and claims couple cut in line, worker backs up couple

Imagine getting yelled at for simply following directions. This couple walked into a restaurant and headed over to the bar to get some drinks before finding a place to sit. When they walked up, five boomers were standing in a line, waiting for their turn, when there were clearly five open registers. The couple noticed the sign placed directly in the middle of the bar that said, 'Do NOT line up. Just come to a register, and we will help you.' So, the couple followed directions and did just that.…
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