
entitled people

'Imagine my shock!': Airbnb Hosts Share Stories of Their Most Entitled Guests That Will Make You Never Want to Host

'Imagine my shock!': Airbnb Hosts Share Stories of Their Most Entitled Guests That Will Make You Never Want to Host

Do you prefer an Airbnb or a hotel?
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management boss frustrating antiwork employee entitlement job work coworkers demanding Horrible Bosses entitled busy Reddit company business entitled people employment - 35287045

Boss denies employee's request for resigned worker's accounts, assigns to coworker, then begs original employee for help when coworker struggles: 'Every part of me wants to tell them to pound sand'

There's nothing worse than trying to voice your opinion and stand up for yourself at work, only for the conversation to be one-sided and your boss to ignore your concerns completely. That's exactly what happened to this employee. After one of his coworkers resigned, he went to his boss to say that he was capable of taking on his coworker's accounts. He had been working at the company for a while and was ready to prove himself. Only for his boss to pass him over and give all the accounts to anot…
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Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Dealing with rebellious teenagers at your job is not for the faint of heart. As someone who used to work with folks within this age range regularly, I can attest to that fact. However, I was working in the education space; whether I liked it or not, I signed up to work with entitled kids. This, of course, does not apply to everyone and certainly not to this gas station attendant . Dealing with kids who refuse to follow simple rules was not within his job description, yet it seemed to become a p…
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Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

One HOA member apparently had nothing better to do with her time than police her neighbors constantly. Having a bad neighbor can be a giant pain. Some of them play loud music 24/7. Others love to leave for long weekend trips while their dogs bark and howl for hours. Some people are just inconsiderate of the others around them, and will park on the sidewalk or put up bright floodlights that keep the neighbors awake. But this person wasn't doing anything wrong when their HOA neighbor confronted t…
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entitled entitled parents choosing beggars choosing beggar entitled people entitled customers - 35261701

Professional pet sitter asks for someone to watch their own pets for free, community criticizes their request: 'People are just delusional'

Running a business is challenging, especially once you expand to the point that you need to hire people to help you manage the workload. Turns out you have to pay people to have them do work for you… Can you believe that??? The irony of wanting someone to do something for you for free that you yourself do as a profession is palpable, requiring leaps and bounds in logic that bottle the mind. These types of “choosing beggar” posts seem to almost always consist of some kind of child-care or pet-si…
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‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, clearly turns them down

‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, turns them down

Why pay nothing to do whatever you want with your property when you can pay $70 a month to be told what you can and cannot do with your property?
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'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

It's not easy to forget the people who yell at you for no reason. Those moments become embedded in our memories forever and often inform how we respond or react in future confrontations. No one has to endure more of these confrontations than our servers, so be sure to give them tips and a break if something goes wrong. Here, we have a server who worked the opening night of a brand new restaurant when a Karen customer memorably screamed at her in front of the entire restaurant because orders wer…
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'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

What was this sewing circle of Karens up to? That's what this wine store clerk was asking when three Karens in a row started incessantly calling the store demanding empty crates of wine without having to make an actual purchase. As one might expect, the best way to get a wine crate is by purchasing the wine that comes with it. It turns out that these Karens wanted a bunch of empty crates so they could use them to build a bookcase. However, as we know all too well on FAIL Blog, beggars cannot be…
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Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Conducting business can be costly. Since there are no guarantees in business, only the daring among us take the chance and embark on the journey into the corporate world. The story below describes a disappointed sibling. The original poster (OP) had recently lost his father. After the father's passing, the children received equal ownership of the assets and money. As a result, upon inheriting the father's run-down home, OP spotted his chance to become wealthy and realized that real estate was h…
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'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

Nicole Kidman may come to the movie theater for magic, but sometimes all you get is cranky Karen customers. As someone who still frequents the movie theater and loves doing so, I still cannot deny that filmgoers have become borderline barbaric over the last several years. From bringing in pungent food into the theater to fully answering cell phones during climactic moments, one has to wonder why some of these customers even got off their couches in the first place, especially if they were plann…
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New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

Imagine being the kind of personality who genuinely wants to live in a strict HOA neighborhood. We come across a ton of HOA stories on the internet, and rarely do we hear about one that current residents of the neighborhood actually like. The Redditor who shared this story even referred to it a “non-HOA HOA" in the sense that they only really enforced rules that applied to common areas. Other than that, people could do whatever they wanted with their homes (and it sounds like they really did).…
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'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by customer

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by angry customer

This nurse tried to do a good deed , only to get scolded. What would society ever do without doctors and nurses? They have one of the hardest professions. Shifts are long, like u/BookwyrmsRN's 14-hour day. The work can be thankless at times, and all those long shifts can impact a medical professional's daily life. This nurse had just gotten done a 14-hour shift and was understandably exhausted, and they had yet another shift in just 9 hours. Even with all of that exhaustion weighing on them, th…
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‘Stop overreacting’: Employee publicly calls out coworker for stealing his belongings off his desk, gets silent treatment from the rest of the office in return

‘Stop overreacting’: Employee publicly calls out coworker for stealing his belongings off his desk, gets silent treatment from the rest of the office in return

Sharing a working space with your coworker can be fun at times, but it can also be extremely challenging. On one hand, being together through the work week can help the employees feel more connected to one another, and improve the general work environment. On the other hand, not having your own personal space can become difficult, and other coworkers can step over boundaries without even realizing it. The coworker in this Reddit story definitely crossed some work boundaries, and she probably kn…
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‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

A neighbor can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on the situation. Then, what would you do if your neighbor ‘demanded’ that you remove or replace your fence? Which would you do—give in or stand your ground? The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) has been living at his house for a while. Soon after moving in, OP and his next-door neighbor erected a fence between their two homes without consulting a surveyor. Living in a peaceful area bro…
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'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

Getting frustrated at a coworker's promotion is not unusual in the workplace. We're only human, and if we feel ever so slightly envious, that's understandable. However, allowing those jealous feelings to take over and cause a major interruption to everyone else's workflow is nothing more than an act of supreme selfishness, even if you were qualified for said promotion. This Karen took it too far when she didn't like the fact that her coworker, who managed the volunteer department at a small mun…
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‘Feel my wrath': Guy hard-resets hotel TV after they try to use parental lock to get him to pay more, sparks thread of other tips and tricks that get around hotel upcharges

‘Feel my wrath': Guy hard-resets hotel TV after they try to use parental lock to get him to pay more, sparks thread of other tips and tricks that get around hotel upcharges

“Cruise ships do this a lot too, especially to block HDMI ports. The great thing is that usually, someone posts online how to get around it….”
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