entitled parents

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

'You should fire her!': Karen screams at cashier, attacks manager, gets arrested

'You should fire her!': Karen screams at cashier, attacks manager, gets arrested

'It needs to be cleaned up': Hotel guest's kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk guy to clean it up and slams the door in his face

'It needs to be cleaned up': Hotel guest's kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

karens Music entitled parents choosing beggars mother teenagers airpods karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20980741

'We have a HUGE PROBLEM': Dramatic Karen demands her teenage daughter's AirPods be replaced with a newer model

'I’m going to complain to your manager about how long you took': Karen demands to watch cleaning lady clean the toilet, lady takes her sweet time

'I’m going to complain to your manager about how long you took': Karen demands to watch cleaning lady clean the toilet, lady takes her sweet time

'Ma'am, do not curse at me again:' Customer service representative hangs up on Karen after flight booking debacle

'Ma'am, do not curse at me again:' Customer service representative hangs up on Karen after flight booking debacle

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 12, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 12, 2023)

'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

family drama amitheahole aita entitled parents drama parenting Reddit Parenting Fail parents dogs pets - 20850693

'[Am I the jerk] for getting a dog': Family orders adult woman to get rid of her pet dog because her brother is allergic

customer service karens entitled parents barista karen-customer customers customer Karen-in-the-wild entitled people - 20748805

'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

Babies entitled parents revenge petty revenge family reddit thread Reddit parents - 20636421

'My son would have a similar name': Sister not permitted to see her nephew, gets revenge on brother when naming her son

'The look on her face was priceless': Mom faces off with teenager over metro seat

'The look on her face was priceless': Entitled mom faces off with teenager in dispute over metro seat

karens entitled parents karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20605189

Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

children karen kids entitled things kids say revenge entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild karen-stories - 20525829

'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old