entitled parents

customer service karens entitled parents barista karen-customer customers customer Karen-in-the-wild entitled people - 20748805

'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

Babies entitled parents revenge petty revenge family reddit thread Reddit parents - 20636421

'My son would have a similar name': Sister not permitted to see her nephew, gets revenge on brother when naming her son

'The look on her face was priceless': Mom faces off with teenager over metro seat

'The look on her face was priceless': Entitled mom faces off with teenager in dispute over metro seat

karens entitled parents karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20605189

Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

children karen kids entitled things kids say revenge entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild karen-stories - 20525829

'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

toxic relationships family drama relationship entitled parents toxic toxic-family relationship-drama relationships entitled parents entitled people - 20417285

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

'He knows how to play': Mom asks random plane passenger to 'share' their video games

'He knows how to play': Entitled parent begs random plane passenger to 'share' their video games

entitled parents mother airport flight entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20414469

'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst

karens entitled parents funny texts drama choosing beggars pokemon go entertaining-stories text messages karen-stories pokemon cards karens in the wild karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20401669

'Quite sad. I spend more time with your son than you do': Karen demands free $20k Pokemon card for her son, guy mercilessly claps back

'Come back, I'm speaking to you': Resident tries to tell tourist she's about to get a ticket

'Come back, I'm speaking to you': Resident tries to tell entitled tourist she's about to get a ticket

One Decade Later

'Thank God My Son Dodged a Bullet With You': Entitled Karen sends nasty message to son's ex-girlfriend

pro revenge karens entitled parents revenge karen-customer customers chef chefs service entitled karen entitled people service industry karen-stories entitled-people-stories - 20278021

'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

aita karen-stories entitled-people-stories karens amitheahole entitled customer super market entitled parents drama customers customer entitled entitled people - 20304645

'I'm a big fan of Gatorade': Entitled dude buys every bottle of red Gatorade from a shop and refuses to relinquish a single ounce

karens entitled parents family stories contractors drama entitlement-stories shocking stories entitled karen entitled people - 20292101

'They sure love your house!': Entitled contractors unexpectedly bring their kids to couple's home, who then proceed to trash it

Karen demands I don a costume and hand out candy to her kid, three days after Halloween

Karen takes her kid Trick-or-Treating 3 days after Halloween, demands neighbor to don costume and give candy