entitled parents

'i am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'I am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat on flight, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'My daughter wants your bracelet': Mother demands to have shopper's bracelet, shopper refuses, cashier calls security

'My daughter wants your bracelet': Mother demands to have shopper's bracelet, shopper refuses, cashier calls security

'After those remarks I couldn't take it': Airbnb Karens demand water tank repairman clear entire schedule for them, he refuses, forcing them to leave the house

'After those remarks I couldn't take it': Airbnb Karens demand water tank repairman clear entire schedule for them, he refuses, forcing them to leave the house

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

'I don't even have kids': Guy blamed for unruly behavior of the kids seated next to him while their irresponsible parents were sitting behind them

'I don't even have kids': Guy blamed for unruly behavior of the kids seated next to him while their irresponsible parents were sitting behind them

'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family wants landscapers to charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family demands landscapers charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work