entitled parents

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out-of-touch comments made by rich people

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out of touch comments made by rich people

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (August 9, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (August 8, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

Top 20+ Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

'The mom is starting to realize she may have overreacted': Family requests immediate help for bee sting, dorm employee embarrasses them

'The mom is starting to realize she may have overreacted': Family insists on immediate help for bee sting, dorm employee embarrasses them

customer service karen restaurant entitled parents entitled customer karens entitled people - 21598725

'It was tense when she walked in': Rude Karen pretends to be friends with the District Manager, gets put in her place when he shows up

entitled parents funny stories funny-internet-stories tales-from-the-workplace workplace tifu funny Parenting Fail parents - 21597957

'An anonymous individual began stealing my sandwiches': Dude accidentally feeds sandwich stealing child a really spicy sandwich

'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

'Take that, Karen!': Top Karens of the Week (July 18, 2023)

'Take that, Karen!': Top Karens of the Week (July 18, 2023)

'That is so selfish of you!': Karen neighbor gets mad at farmer for harvesting their crop that she wanted to steal

'That is so selfish of you!': Karen neighbor gets mad at farmer for harvesting their crop that she wanted to steal

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

entitled parents entitlement petty-revenge-reddit revenge petty revenge petty entitled entitled people - 21279749

'I proceed to lay my arm perfectly on top of his': Dude takes over woman's entire armrest, becomes the armrest