

Entitled in-laws demand couple to pay back a $1k cash gift despite the couple housing them for 6 months expense-free, sparks family feud

Couple houses wife's parents expense-free for 6 months, but the parents then demand to be paid back $1k they gifted the couple months before: ‘I was a bit blindsided’

"When asked for it, we asked how we could pay it back, and they said just show us a fun time when we come to visit."
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'My house isn't company property': Employee excludes competitive coworker from their private game night, coworker files a complaint about it to HR, leading to an office dispute

'My house isn't company property': Employee excludes competitive coworker from their private game night, coworker files a complaint about it to HR, leading to an office dispute

Some people play games to have fun, and some people play games to win, and neither group actually enjoys playing with the other. If you have ever played any sort of game with your friends, then you can probably pinpoint which of your friends belongs to which group, which might make you want to tweak your invitation list for the next gaming night you have planned. This was basically what happened in this Reddit story when OP (original poster) decided to uninvite their coworker from their private…
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'HOA fined me $1500': Guy gets back at HOA by planting sound emitters in communal elevator, costing them a fortune to fix

'HOA fined me $1500': Guy gets back at HOA by planting sound emitters in communal elevator, costing them a fortune to fix

It’s rare to see someone successfully get back at their HOA these days, but as it turns out, miracles can happen and this dude really worked wonders. After he was fined a nonsensical $1500 for taking a plank of wood down the communal elevator despite there being no other mode of transport, he decided that the best way to get even with these guys was to mess up their elevator without any trace of evidence that could get back to him. He did this by planting mini sound emitters that would erupt in…
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‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 24-7 for 4 months and only making $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 7-days a week for 4 months and only makes $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

"They fired me over email, while I was on vacation. I just can’t understand how people can treat someone like that."
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'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

These days, it feels like there are more red flags than green ones when you're on a first date. Perhaps you have a mental checklist in your mind. Are they human? Are they single? Do they have a 401k? Each singleton has their own personalized criteria. However, one thing that feels pretty universally unacceptable in this day and age is a non-stop texter. After all, you have both presumably gone through the trouble of incessant swiping on dating apps, putting up with surface-level initial message…
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'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

Living in a co-op certainly has its advantages, but it also means that you may or may not be at the mercy of a building Karen. Here , we have a new tenant who just moved into her co-op in noisy midtown Manhattan two weeks prior. She threw a small housewarming get-together with ten people on a Friday night. These are all folks in their late twenties or early thirties who knew that this was a quiet, low-key event rather than some kind of rager. Unfortunately for the Redditor who hosted the event,…
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‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

Some people truly believe that the world revolves around them. They think no rules apply to them, and that everyone else should do everything just to make sure they are happy. Surely we can all agree that these types of people are some of the worst, and watching them get what they deserve is wholeheartedly satisfying. When this entitled neighbor got what she deserved, I had to physically stop myself from cheering out loud, which I am sure would have made the original poster (OP) pretty happy wi…
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Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

Working with people who live in a completely different time zone than you do can become extremely challenging. You might be fine with it at first, thinking you would be able to find hours during the workday that works for both sides. But then before you know it, you are answering emails and setting up calls late at night because that is the only time you can get any work done with the other side. When an employee does find themselves in a situation like this, it is important to set up boundarie…
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18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

The funny thing about surprise inheritance money is it has the potential to cause more drama than joy. Here, we have a younger sibling who was cut off by his older sister when he was 18 years old right after the loss of their parents. He ended up having to fend for himself and wound up working multiple jobs to put himself through college. Now, ten years have passed, and the younger sibling learned that he was going to receive a substantial amount of money from their maternal grandfather. This w…
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Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

Some people fail to understand that their behavior towards others affects how others eventually behave towards them. In other words, they don't understand that what goes around comes around – You can't expect people to be nice to you, or to help you out, when you refuse to do the same for them. This rule is a key element when it comes to a neighborly relationship. Neighbors often seek each other's help, but if one refuses to help others, there is no reason for others to help them in return, whi…
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entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

What is the etiquette these days when it comes to public transport? Not to sound like an "old man shouting at clouds," but it really does seem like etiquette—along with mutual unspoken respect and other social decorum—has gone completely out the window. Still, along with that, and theoretically causal of the previous issue is that people just seem generally more entitled and individualistic, it's all about “me me me” and “what can be done that benefits me” rather than partaking in the upholding…
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'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

Karens seem to go out of their way to make themselves known on public transportation. Whether it's starting an argument over an invasion of their personal space (they're usually in the wrong here) or talking loudly on the phone, these are people who feel compelled to make a scene wherever they go. Here , we have a parent who has clearly raised her perfectly healthy but endlessly annoying 8-year-old son to be just as entitled as she is. A passenger, the person who shared this Reddit thread, saw…
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CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call mid-6AM flight, refuses to use headphones and passenger wonders if this is tolerable behavior

Fortune 25 CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call on a 6 AM flight, passenger claims he refused to use headphones and spoke with an ‘I'm the eldest boy’ level of volume: ‘Is this okay?’

"He wasn't using headphones btw, even though the FA offered - I think he thought the wires would make him look stupid."
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feud neighbors lawn entitlement drama neighborhood yard neighborhood-drama petty entitled Reddit karen entitled people - 37377285

Karen attempts to cut down neighbor's large oak tree because it blocks her view of the sunset: 'She got annoyed and said it's a reasonable request'

You never know what kind of neighbors you're going to get. You might get the ones who feed all the stray cats, turning your street into a constant feline frenzy . Or you might get the Boomers who yell at the neighborhood kids for daring to ride their bikes near their precious sidewalks. But worst of all, you might get the Karens —like this one—who think they're entitled to chop down your tree because it blocks their view of the sunset. This Karen is a new neighbor who just moved across the stre…
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haha neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama petty revenge baby boomers entitled Reddit karma entitled people - 37361157

They were trying to take tens of feet of our land': Entitled couple harasses new neighbors over property line, threatens legal action only to discover they're the ones invading

When a young couple moved into their grandparents' home after it had been vacant for a year, they were immediately greeted with drama from their entitled Boomer neighbors. Apparently, the neighbors had gotten a little too comfortable using the vacant yard and weren't happy to lose that extra space. The moment the new owners moved in, the neighbors started harassing them, claiming they were invading their property and even threatening legal action. But the best part of the story is, after gettin…
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entitled girlfriend girlfriends boyfriend boyfriends relationship birthday pay rich money check bill splitting friends friendship reddit dinner restaurant birthday-fail fails

Entitled girlfriend rides the gravy train, expecting her boyfriend to pay $550 for the whole table at her birthday dinner, he refuses: ‘[She] treats you like a wallet’

Just because he makes a 6-figure salary, doesn't mean your FRIENDS get a free dinner...
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